

Din sökning på "*" gav 534672 sökträffar

"Men heder är ju inte bara en sak" : En studie om samverkan kring hedersrelaterat våld

The purpose with this study was to investigate how professionals in social services, school, youth clinic and women shelter in a municipality describes and are experiencing collaboration on honor-related violence with qualitative interviews as methods with six professionals. New Institutionalism and especially decoupling together with institutional logics and accounts was used as theoretical fram

Kommunal Konkurrensrätt - När får kommunala aktörer konkurrera med privata aktörer?

Uppsatsen syftar till att kommentera när kommunal verksamhet kan konkurrera med privata aktörer. Bakgrunden till problemet är en av regeringen erkänd rättstvist där kommunen potentiellt snedvrider konkurrensen. Kommunen har genom skattemedel tillgång till ett näst intill obegränsat kapital och vid inträde på marknaden utnyttjas förmånen. Privata aktörer är därför i en utsatt situation eftersom konThe thesis aims at commenting on municipality and how governmental municipality may compete with private companies. The background of the problem is that the Swedish government acknowledges the litigation, in which there is a competition problem. The municipality has a competition advantage by a grant of taxes and access to unlimited capital and the entry into the marked is less risk adverse. Priv

Läsfrämjande på skolbibliotek : Vilka faktorer är viktiga för att läsfrämjande ska ge önskad effekt?

The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to find out which measures for reading promotion are used by school libraries and how these can have an effect in terms of increased reading. This is of interest since surveys have shown that Swedish pupils read less and that their reading abilities have decreased. In order to become good at reading one needs to read a lot and this is why promoting reading is

Valuing Credit Default Swaps with a Structural Approach

Valuing single-name Credit Default Swaps (CDS) is a dicult task since in order to make a fair valuation, one needs to assess the credit risk of the corresponding company. Many dierent models exist when it comes to modelling the credit risk, this report specically focuses on the branch of models named structural models. The aim of this thesis is to, for a number of companies, model the CDSspreads g

"Ingen kropp vill vara överviktig" : En kvalitativ textanalys om kvällstidningars framställning av övervikt och kroppsideal

This thesis provides a study in how media construct overweight and body image. The study is also considering if there is any difference between male and female body image and overweight. The study is based on two different newspapers health sides and a qualitative research was made. The main result showed that most of the articles pointed towards women and not towards men. It was also found that w

Lost in Gairaigo

The Japanese language consists of a large number of loanwords, which derived from both China and the West. It is believed by many that influence by the English language began with the American occupation just after the Second World War. The loanwords from especially English increased vastly in number ever since. Today, the foreign loanwords from the West, gairaigo, makes up to approximately 10% in

Entreprenörens motivation

Gasellföretagen skapar många nya arbetstillfällen i Sverige. Under åren 2004 till 2007 stod gasellföretagen för drygt 10 procent av ökningen av Sveriges BNP. För att framgångsrika företag ska skapas och växa krävs individer som tar initiativet att starta och driva dessa. Tidigare forskning har fokuserat på vad som driver entreprenörer i uppstartsskedet, men lika viktigt är det att förstå vad det ä

When Knowing More About a Crisis Decreases Charitable Aid: Victim Statistics Causes Lower Anticipated Warm Glow and Help Efforts for Specifically Single Identifiable Victims.

Prior research indicates that the increase in help towards 1 identified victim (identifiable victim effect) is partly driven by affective reasoning. When negative affective information is salient, help towards victims that can be helped decline, an effect known as pseudoinefficacy. However, the affective component has not been clearly defined, and help efforts has been used interchangeably with me

Mobiles and Museums

The recent nationalization of museum institutions, combined with the becoming highly customer-centric society has forced museums to review their strategies. Initially products (artifacts)-oriented; they nowadays have to consider visitors and their experiences with the offered product and services as a major element within their equation as it represents their main source of revenue. According to P

Kinetics of Swelling Applied on Gelatine

Svällningsstudier med gelatin Av: Victor Norgren, Lunds tekniska högskola, 2015-06-15 Introduktion Gelatin är en genomskinlig proteinbaserad biopolymer, som tillverkas av kollagen. Kollagen är bindningsvävnaden som fäster musklerna till benen i kroppen. Genom att t.ex. koka benknotorna kan man utvinna kollagenet som blir gelatin när det tillåts sätta sig igen. Gelatintrådarna behåller den spiralThis report is about the measurements of swelling gelatine films of different thickness and at different temperature. The research has been mainly focused on finding a suitable model. Results have shown that the new Pseudo-Sigmoidal Model (PSM) is superior to previous quasi-second order models such as the Robinson and Ofner model. It has also been shown that gelatine’s swelling can be divided into

Spegel, spegel på väggen där...säg vilket finaste fotot är!

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur ungdomar i åldern 15-17 år mentaliserade kring sina kontakter på sociala medier och hur de rörde sig mellan den verkliga och den internetbaserade världen. Tolv ungdomar intervjuades med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer vilka analyserades med tematisk analys. Elva teman urskildes vilka fångade viktiga aspekter i deltagarnas liv. Resultatet visade att deThe objective of this study was to investigate how todays youth, i.e. youngsters between the ages of 15 - 17, mentalised about their contacts on social media and how they navigated between their physical and internet based societies, based on aspects they themselves considered important. Twelve youngsters were interviewed with the help of semi-structured interviews, which were then analysed with t

Foreign ownership and foreign directors – the effects on firm performance in Japan

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze whether internationalization affects firm performance in Japanese firms. Internationalization is examined through the degree of foreign ownership and the inclusion of one or more outsider foreign directors. The Methodology that was applied is based around two fixed effects panel data regressions where firm performance, measured in Tobin’s Q and ROA, is th

Bedragarens bakomliggande faktorer: sociala normers inverkan på försäkringsbedrägeri

Insurance fraud is estimated to cost the Swedish insurance agencies three to five billion Swedish kronor each year. The insurance idea is simple, share the risk, but if policyholders take advantage of the system, the concept fails. Previous research states that norms or attitudes towards insurance companies are the main reason behind insurance fraud. This study aims to measure and evaluate social

The Power of the Exchange Rate: A Study of the Role of Exchange Rates in Economic Growth and Crisis Recovery in Denmark, Sweden and Finland 1985-2013

Financial crises are recurring phenomena and studying how economic parameters affect outcome and recovery processes will most likely remain an area of intense research also in the years to come. The scope of this paper circulates around the causes and effects of two crises in the period 1985-2013 and their separate effects on the economies of Denmark, Sweden and Finland. Moreover, the main variabl

Om Kriminalvården och frihetsberövades rättssäkerhet

Den svenska Kriminalvården och kriminalpolitiken har genom åren genomgått övergripande förändringar som efterhand inneburit hårdare straff och större fokus på säkerheten. Samtidigt som Kriminalvården har ansvar för verkställande av straff genom frihetsberövande har man även ett ansvar för behandling under och återanpassning efter frihetsberövandet. Kriminalvårdens verksamhet regleras av en lång raThe Swedish Prison and criminal policy over the years has undergone comprehensive changes that eventually led to tougher penalties and greater focus on safety. While the correctional authority is responsible for the execution of punishment by deprivation of liberty, it has also a responsibility for treatment during and reintegration after custody. The activity of the correctional authority is gove

Föräldraskap i välfärdssamhället - Styrningsmentalitet, Försäkringskassan och funktionshinderspolitik

The aim of this study was to examine how parenthood are constructed in the Swedish insurance system’s (Försäkringskassan) guidelines of support to families with child with disability. Also, the purpose was to understand the welfare state’s governing of the family. In order to achieve this goal, a discourse theory was used both as a theory and a method to analyze four of Försäkringskassan’s guideli

Lösdrivaren och lagen – en diskursanalys av lösdriverilagstiftningen under 1800- och 1900-talet

Denna uppsats undersöker svensk lösdrivarlagstiftning ur ett diskursteoretiskt perspektiv, med tonvikt på tiden från det sena 1800-talet fram till 1960-talet. Syftet är att visa i vilken kontext lösdriverilagstiftningen har kommit till, hur lagstiftningen har motiverats, och hur diskursen kring lösdrivaren förändrats över tid. Resultatet visar att lösdriveridiskursen långt in på 1900-talet fortf

Kommunalt övertagande av huvudmannaskap för allmän plats

Den här rapporten behandlar hur övertagande av huvudmannaskap för allmän plats i detaljplaner går till. I rapporten har det bland annat undersökts hur vanligt förekommande det är bland landets kommuner att arbeta med övertaganden. De bakomliggande skälen till varför kommunerna genomför övertaganden har också varit föremål för granskning, liksom enskilda väghållares utgångspunkter i frågan. ArbetetThis thesis deals with how the takeover of the mandatorship for the public space in detailed development plans works. Among other things the thesis examines how common it is among the Swedish municipalities to deal with takeovers. The underlying reasons as to why municipalities carry out takeovers have also been examined, as well as the road associations’ premises in the process. The thesis has be