

Din sökning på "*" gav 527840 sökträffar

Iron Oxide Thin Film Growth On Ag(100)

This thesis presents a study of iron oxide thin films, grown on a silver metal substrate, with the goal of characterizing the structures that form during growth of the first atomic layers. Such ultra-thin iron oxides are interesting model materials for fundamental surface chemistry and catalysis studies. The films were grown by reactive deposition of iron under ultra-high vacuum conditions and cha

Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)-G and HLA-E gene polymorphisms and severe preeclampsia

In several years after its discovery in the placenta, the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class lb protein, HLA-G, was not given much attention, nor was it assigned great importance. As time has unraveled, HLA-G has proven to have distinctive functions and an unfore­ seen and possibly important role in reproduction. HLA-G is characterized mainly by its low polymorphism and restricted tissue distribu

A Chinese peace prize winner's view on freedom and democracy : An analysis of the problem representation in Liu Xiaobo's view on the Iraq war

This paper contains a study of the Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo’s texts on the Iraq war, and the implications of the problem representation encompassed in his view on the war. By use of the “What’s the problem represented to be?”- approach by Carol Bacchi, I have found that the problem representation in Liu Xiaobo’s texts on the Iraq war is “lack of democracy and freedom”. Because of the pr

Beijings olympiska arv : en undersökning av de fysiska effekterna av OS 2008 och hur de förändrade bilden av Beijing

Being the host of an Olympic Game can change the image of a city forever. The games last for only a month but the preparations begin many years before and the legacy lasts many years to come. In order to host the Olympic Games of 2008 Beijing underwent major changes and tore down old neighborhoods and replaced them with brand new buildings. Huge arenas, new landmarks, which will always be connecte

Svenska kyrkan som social aktör - kyrkoordning, kyrkolag och social verksamhet i ett historiskt perspektiv

This study is about the extent of how church law (of 1571, 1686 and 2000) in Sweden has affected and still affects the church's welfare administrations such as schools, hospitals and care institutions. Recent studies seem to indicate that the Church of Sweden is aiming to start expanding its organisation to include more social welfare activities to meet increasing demands from the general publ

Developing Android Mobile Map Application with standard navigation tools for pedestrians

Advanced features of modern mobile devices have made it possible to develop and use maps and map based applications for navigation purposes. Since most mobile map applications nowadays are developed for motor vehicles, there is a demand for portable pedestrian navigation applications. In this thesis the Android mobile map application with standard navigation tools for pedestrian navigation was dev

"Why do I have to be like this, why can't I just be normal?" En sociologisk analys av beskrivningar om att vara pedofi

Denna uppsats handlar om de utmaningar som 12 intervjuade pedofiler beskriver att de står inför. Syftet med studien är att analysera intervjupersonernas beskrivningar av denna sexualiserande makt. Intervjupersonerna kontaktades via en hemsida för pedofiler emot sexuell kontakt med barn, och samtliga intervjuer genomfördes via mail. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är hämtade från Beckers teorier om

Analys och effektivisering av lager på ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems i Karlskrona

Bakgrund: ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems AB (TKMS AB) är ett företag som står för marin högteknologi i världsklass. Företaget har verksamhet på tre orter i Sverige, Karlskrona, Malmö och på Muskö. I Karlskrona sysselsätter verksamheten cirka 750 anställda som arbetar med nybyggnation, underhållsarbete samt halvtidsmoderniseringar av både ubåtar och ytfartyg. På lagret, som är beläget på varvsområdet Background: ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems AB (TKMS AB) is a company that represents world class marine technology. The company operates in three locations in Sweden, Karlskrona, Malmö and Muskö. In Karlskrona, business employs approximately 750 employees working with construction, maintenance and modernization of both submarines and surface ships. At the warehouse, which is located in the shipyard i

An Empirical Evaluation of Pairs Trading in The Swedish Stock Market

This thesis offers a study on the performance of two different pairs trading approaches, the Distance Method and the Stochastic Spread Method implemented on the Swedish stock market for the period 2005-03-01 to 2014-03-06. The thesis also expands in the existing literature on the stochastic spread approach to pairs trading by proposing a pair selection method and an alternative way of generating t

Hållbarhetsredovisningens väg mot integration - Påverkningarna som skapat förändringen

Hållbarhetsaspekterna i företagens redovisningar blir mer detaljerade och omfattar nu hela företagets värdekedja. Redovisningarna blir mer transparenta och allt fler hållbarhetsaspekter har integrerats i årsredovisningen. Förändringarna beror främst på införande av ramverk samt intressenternas inflytande. Utvecklingen mellan företagen är dock inte homogen

Natural hazards and farmers' experience of climate change on highly populated Mt. Elgon, Uganda

Generellt faller det tillräckligt med nederbörd i Uganda för att naturligt bevattna grödor och djurhållning. Men med klimatförändringar har säsongsmönstren ändrat sig och blivit mer extrema. Detta påverkar hur marken kan användas och har dessutom stor inverkan på jordbrukarna som är i stor omfattning beroende av sin mark, både av ekonomiska skäl och för livsmedelssäkerhet. Denna studie har två syfIn general Uganda receives enough rainfall to rain-feed crops and pasture but as climate is changing the seasonal patterns are expected to become more extreme. This influences how the land can be used, and has a strong impact on the farmers who depend on their land for economic income and food security. This report has two aims. The first is to identify the farmer’s experiences of climate change a

Rational Unified Process

Uppsatsen har för avsikt att komma fram till i vilken omfattning utvecklingsmetoden RUP stödjer användarmedverkan. Genom att beskriva begreppen RUP, användarcentrerad systemdesign och användarmedverkan med hjälp av litteratur har jag kunnat sammanställa ett par frågor i avsikt att utföra en intervju med tre systemvetare. Resultatet från det empiriska materialet visade att systemvetarna upplever at

Ägarstrukturens betydelse vid förvärv - en studie om hur ägartyper och ägarkoncentration påverkar långsiktigt värdeskapande vid förvärv

Sammanfattning Titel: Ägarstrukturens betydelse vid förvärv – en studie om hur ägartyper och ägarkoncentration påverkar långsiktigt värdeskapande vid förvärv. Seminariedatum: 2014-05-22 Kurs: FEKN90, Examenarbete på Civilekonomprogrammet, 30 högskolepoäng Författare: Daniel Eskilsson & Sofia Nyrén Handledare: Rikard Larsson Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka huruvida svenska förvä

The cosmic-ray events around AD 775 and AD 993 : assessing their causes and possible effects on climate

Miyake et al. (2012,2013) upptäckte en snabb ökning av 14C i träringar daterade till 774-5 och 992-3 vilket tillskrevs exceptionalla kosmik strålnings händelser. Dessa extrema partikel händelser har inget motstycke i instrumentala eller hstoriska arkiv och blev följdaktigen mycket uppmärksammade. Många studier har försöt koppla samman dessa två händelser med sol protonstormar (SPE), supernovor, gaMiyake et al. (2012, 2013) discovered rapid increases of 14C content in tree rings dated to AD 774-5 and AD 992-3 which were attributed to unprecedented cosmic-ray events. These extreme particle events have no counterparts in the instrumental and historical record and consequently praised great interest. Indeed, many studies have tentatively associated the two events to solar proton events (SPE),

Svensk säkerhetspolitik i ett vägskäl?

The development during the Crimea crisis as well as Russia´s escalating numbers and extent of exercises has put Swedish security policy on the agenda after being almost invisible for over a decade. This work aims to investigate on which fundament Swedish security policy rests and why Sweden choose to stand outside an alliance. The answers then also answers the main question; how to understand Swed

How do workless tenants of social housing perceive the advantages and disadvantages of their available pathways into work, in Pennywell, Sunderland? Moving towards an understanding of worklessness.

Current research shows that the number of workless people living in social housing is disproportionately high in comparison to other housing tenures. The aim of the Thesis is to examine the pathways into work available to social housing tenants, to better understand the phenomena of worklessness. Our object of study is that of residents within a social housing neighbourhood in Pennywell. A case st

“Where There is Dialogue, There is Hope” Nation, Gender and Transversal Dialogue in Belfast, Northern Ireland

This thesis is a study of women in Belfast in two working-class ethno-national communities: Falls (Catholic/Nationalist/Republican) and Shankill (Protestant/Unionist/Loyalist). Theories of gendered nationalism and transversalism are used to analyze the material from a qualitative interview study. The study focuses on intersections of gender and nation: women’s identity as biological, cultural and

Svensk "Digital Diplomati" -En studie om den diplomatiska kommunikationen på de sociala medierna

As part of the 2013 foreign proposal Sweden’s foreign minister Carl Bildt announced that the Swedish embassies were to be obliged to be present on Facebook and Twitter. Today you can find all the Swedish embassies on social media and one of the aims is to engage directly with citizens by posting updates regarding Sweden. The Internet is enabling new approaches to diplomatic communication. This cas

Aktivering av arbetslösa - en socialkonstruktivistisk policyanalys av jobb- och utvecklingsgarantin

The aim of this master´s thesis is to identify the implied problem behind the activation policy jobb- och utvecklingsgarantin as well as uncover the discourses that make this problem thinkable. The thesis relies on an understanding that policies imply an understanding of a problem that needs to be solved. According to this thesis theoretical approach, the understanding of a problem doesn’t reflect

Money in Established Democracies: Explaining the Variation in Party Funding Regimes

This paper will deal with why party funding regimes in established democracies differ. It examines the variation of funding in two ways: the new trend towards more public funding and the growing tendency for state intervention in party finance regulations. By using new, comprehensive data, it is hoped to contribute to the field of political finance. The data set is used with a large-n research str