

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

En bloc vs transhiatal esophagectorny for stage T3 N1 adenocarcinorna of the distal esophagus

Hypothesis: En bloc esophagectomy (EBE) provides improved survival over transhiatal esophagectomy (THE) in patients with similarly sized transmural tumors (T3) and lymph node metastases (N1). Design: A retrospective case-control study of 2 methods of esophageal resection for cancer. Setting: University hospital (tertiary referral center for esophageal disease). Patients: There were 49 patients (27

Nonyrast States in the Odd-odd N = Z Nucleus 62Ga

Low-lying excited states in the odd-odd N = Z nucleus 62Ga have been investigated following the heavy-ion fusion-evaporation reaction 40Ca(24Mg,pn)62Ga near the Coulomb barrier. Special emphasis is devoted to the search for nonyrast states. The extended decay scheme of 62Ga is compared to spherical shell-model calculations employing the pf5/2g9/2 valence space.

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Popular Abstract in DanishLivsbaner gennem et felt viser hvorledes eliteidrætsudøvere klarer sig i samfundet efter livet i sporten. Spørgsmålet er om erhvervelse af fysisk sportskapital i sportsfeltet, medieret gennem berømmelse, medvirker til at opnå et arbejde eller en bestemt placering i samfundet. Sportskapital bidrager måske til social mobilitet. Dette er belyst gennem konkrete undersøgelser The thesis deals with a theoretical outline of the theory of reconversions in the light of the social space, with an analysis of top level athletes' mobility and strategies of reconversions in their trajectories through the relative autonomous field of sports. Some disciplines in this field have much autonomy, others less, and are positioned according to a state of distribution of the specific cap

Multienzyme electrochemical array sensor for determination of phenols and pesticides

The screen-printed four-electrode system was used as the amperometric transducer for determination of phenols and pesticides using immobilised tyrosinase. peroxidase. acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase. Acetylthiocholine chloride was chosen as substrate for cholinesterases to measure inhibition by pesticides, hydrogen peroxide served as co-substrate for peroxidase to measure phenols. T

Mellan frisk och sjuk : En studie av psykiatrisk öppenvård

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under de senaste decennierna har en omfattande omstrukturering ägt rum av den psykiatriska vården. Verksamheterna vid de gamla mentalsjukhusen har avvecklats genom en omfattande nerdragning av slutenvårdplatser. Psykiatrins långtidssjuka patienter skulle återföras till det sociala liv de under lång tid varit avskärmade ifrån. I samband med omorganiseringen till den s kIn the past few decades a comprehensive restructuring of psychiatric care has taken place in Sweden. The activities of the traditional closed institutions have been curtailed through a drastic reduction in the number of beds available in such institutions. "Day treatment," has arisen as a new form of intensive outpatient care in the new, geographically localized psychiatric care of patients with l

The diffractive interactions working group summary

Diffractive interactions represent a lively domain of investigations, as confirmed by the progresses reported during the conference. We summarize the diffractive interactions session and put the new experimental data (Section 1), developments in modeling diffraction (Section 2) and the theoretical relations with Quantum Chromodynamics (Section 3) in perspective.

Long-Term Outcome of Fractures of the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine

Popular Abstract in Swedish Skador på kotor i bröst- eller ländryggen efter en olycka kan omfatta allt ifrån en diskret skelettskada till en kotfraktur kombinerad med skador på diskar (mellankotskivor), leder, ligament, mjukdelar, nervrötter och (eller) ryggmärg. En kotfraktur kan därför leda till allt från lättare övergående besvär till kronisk smärta och invaliditet. Även patientens ålder, kön oFrom the radiographic archives at the Malmö University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden, we identified children below age 16 years (n=74) and adolescents between 16 to 18 years (n=40) with a clinically and radiographically diagnosed thoracic or lumbar vertebral fracture between 1950 to 1971 (with exception of two years of missing radiographs), and all adults above age 18 years (n=39) with a non-operatively

Posterolateral lumbar fusion. Outcome of 71 consecutive operations after 4 (2-7) years

We report the outcome of 71 consecutive posterolateral lumbar fusions without spinal instrumentation. The indication for the operation was spondylolysis-olisthesis, degenerative disc disease/facet joint arthrosis, or pain after prior laminectomy. Concerning pain relief, 29/43 patients with spondylolysis-olisthesis were classified as good. The corresponding figures in the group with degenerative di

Plastic wave propagation in ductile slabs subjected to dynamic buckling

Plastic wave propagation during dynamic buckling of ductile slabs is investigated numerically using a contour plot method (q-plot) showing contours of normalized effective plastic strain rate as a function of time and position. A non-linear finite element method is used to analyse the buckling problem of the elastic-viscoplastic slab. The contour plot method is quite sufficient to depict the overa

Dynamics of hip joint effusion after posterior soft tissue repair in total hip arthroplasty

Dislocation after total hip replacement is more common in the early, postoperative period. Postoperative intraarticular haematoma and remaining seroma fluid and/or weakened posterior soft tissue wall may be contributing factors. Our purpose was to compare and follow with sonography the resorption of the postoperative volume of intraarticular fluid/synovial oedema after total hip arthroplasty (THA)

Clinical improvement after 6 weeks of eccentric exercise in patients with mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy - a randomized trial with 1-year follow-up.

Achilles tendinopathy is common and treatment with eccentric exercises seems promising. We designed a prospective randomized clinical trial to test the hypothesis that eccentric calf muscle exercises reduce pain and improve function in patients with Achilles tendinopathy. Forty-four patients were recruited from primary care (mean age: 45 years; 23 women; 65% active in sports) and randomized to thr

Medier & fetma : En analys av vikt

Popular Abstract in Swedish Övervikt är ett av vår tids största hälsoproblem, kanske till och med det största. Det finns de som menar att redan idag utgör övervikt globalt sett en viktigare orsak till sjukdom än undernäring och infektionssjukdomar. Framtidsscenariot beskrivs som alarmerande. Folk kommer att i en tidigare aldrig skådad omfattning insjukna i överviktens följdsjukdomar. Medierna harThe prevalence of overweight and obesity is rising each year not only on a national but also on a global level. The future scenario is troublesome. The media are among the most important social institutions in influencing people’s knowledge, perceptions and actions. The media provide citizens with health messages and contribute thereby to their health development. This dissertation deals with two

Serotonin potentiates noradrenaline-induced vasoconstriction through 5-HT1-type receptors in guinea pig basilar artery

Based on the previous finding that 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) co-exists with norepinephrine (NE) in cerebrovascular sympathetic nerve fibers and can be released during electrical nerve stimulation, the postjunctional interaction between the two amines was studied in isolated basilar artery of guinea pig. A low concentration of 5-HT, which in itself has little or no constrictive effect, potentiated

Initial Fires. RHR, Smoke Production and CO Generation from Single Items and Room Fire Tests

This report is to be used as a guide in determining what an initial fire will look like. It is a summary of a large number of full scale tests on different items and under various conditions performed at different laboratories. The results shown are primarily the rate of heat release (RHR), as well as the production of smoke and generation of carbon monoxide. The results are shown as curves in thi

A model for stochastic drift in memory strength to account for judgments of learning

Previous research has shown that judgments of learning (JOLs) made immediately after encoding have a low correlation with actual cued-recall performance, whereas the correlation is high for delayed,judgments. In this article, the authors propose a formal theory describing the stochastic drift of memory strength over the retention interval to account for the delayed-JOL effect. This is done by firs