

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

Improved prediction of site-rates from structure with averaging across homologs

Variation in mutation rates at sites in proteins can largely be understood by the constraint that proteins must fold into stable structures. Models that calculate site-specific rates based on protein structure and a thermodynamic stability model have shown a significant but modest ability to predict empirical site-specific rates calculated from sequence. Models that use detailed atomistic models o

Fisher information for smart sampling in time-domain spectroscopy

Time-domain spectroscopy encompasses a wide range of techniques, such as Fourier-transform infrared, pump-probe, Fourier-transform Raman, and two-dimensional electronic spectroscopies. These methods enable various applications, such as molecule characterization, excited state dynamics studies, or spectral classification. Typically, these techniques rarely use sampling schemes that exploit the prio

Combining CD40 agonist mitazalimab with mFOLFIRINOX in previously untreated metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (OPTIMIZE-1) : a single-arm, multicentre phase 1b/2 study

Background: Current systemic therapies for metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma are associated with poor outcomes with a 5-year overall survival rate under 5%. We aimed to assess the safety and antitumour activity of mitazalimab, a human CD40 agonistic IgG1 antibody, with modified FOLFIRINOX (mFOLFIRINOX; fluorouracil, leucovorin, oxaliplatin, and irinotecan), in chemotherapy-naive patients

Seasonal patterns and processes of migration in a long-distance migratory bird : Energy or time minimization?

Optimal migration theory prescribes adaptive strategies of energy, time or mortality minimization. To test alternative hypotheses of energy- and time-minimization migration we used multisensory data loggers that record time-resolved flight activity and light for positioning by geolocation in a long-distance migratory shorebird, the little ringed plover, Charadrius dubius. We could reject the hypot

Acral Melanoma Incidence and Survival Trends in 1990–2020: A Nationwide, Population-based Study

Acral melanoma is a clinical subtype of melanoma with high mortality, on which research is limited in scope. This study aimed to assess incidence trends and melanoma-specific survival rates for acral melanoma in the Swedish population from 1990 to 2020.This cross-sectional study included patients with an acral melanoma diagnosis from 1990 to 2020 from the nationwide, population-based Swedish Melan

The AGORA High-resolution Galaxy Simulations Comparison Project. IV. Halo and Galaxy Mass Assembly in a Cosmological Zoom-in Simulation at z ≤ 2

In this fourth paper from the AGORA Collaboration, we study the evolution down to redshift z = 2 and below of a set of cosmological zoom-in simulations of a Milky Way mass galaxy by eight of the leading hydrodynamic simulation codes. We also compare this CosmoRun suite of simulations with dark matter-only simulations by the same eight codes. We analyze general properties of the halo and galaxy at

Assessment of precision and accuracy of brain white matter microstructure using combined diffusion MRI and relaxometry

Joint modeling of diffusion and relaxation has seen growing interest due to its potential to provide complementary information about tissue microstructure. For brain white matter (WM), we designed an optimal diffusion-relaxometry MRI protocol that samples multiple b-values, B-tensor shapes, and echo times (TE). This variable-TE protocol (27 min) has as subsets a fixed-TE protocol (15 min) and a tw

Are demographics, physical function and psychological response associated with return to sport at one year following ACL-reconstruction?

Objective: To determine the relative contribution of each of the following aspects: demographics, physical function, and patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs), including both physical and psychological constructs, to return to sport (RTS) (any level) one-year post anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). Design: Cross-sectional cohort study. Methods: We included data for 143 participa

Consistent time allocation fraction to vegetation green-up versus senescence across northern ecosystems despite recent climate change

Extended growing season lengths under climatic warming suggest increased time for plant growth. However, research has focused on climatic impacts to the timing or duration of distinct phenological events. Comparatively little is known about impacts to the relative time allocation to distinct phenological events, for example, the proportion of time dedicated to leaf growth versus senescence. We use

Postgrowth welfare systems: a view from the Nordic context

As production and supply chains rely on exploitative extraction of nature and labour, consumption levels (resource use) remain one of the main indicators of inequality, across and within national contexts. In times of ongoing climate crisis and rising levels of inequalities, welfare systems face the dual challenge of transforming economies to reduce their reliance on unsustainable industries as we

Spatiotemporal sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 3 expression within the cerebral vasculature after ischemic stroke

Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptors (S1PRs) are promising therapeutic targets in cardiovascular disease, including ischemic stroke. However, important spatiotemporal information for alterations of S1PR expression is lacking. Here, we investigated the role of S1PR3 in ischemic stroke in rodent models and patient samples. We show that S1PR3 is acutely upregulated in perilesional reactive astrocytes af

Introduction : Towards a History of Media Tactics

The introduction to this edited collection situates the volume in relation to previous research on strategies and tactics in the humanities and the social sciences. Taking a media historical point of departure, a key ambition with this volume is to foreground the dialectic relationship between strategies and tactics in what we call the long twentieth century. Drawing on examples from a range of di

Students’ conceptions of limits, high achievers versus low achievers

Learning an advanced mathematical concept, limits of functions in this case, is not a linear development equal for all learners. Intentions and abilities influence students’ learning paths and results. Students’ learning developments of limits were studied in terms of concept images (Tall & Vinner, 1981) in the sense that their actions, such as problem solving and reasoning, were considered tr

Canaries of Democracy : The Role of Public Libraries in Times of Political Turmoil

This article reports conclusions from a three-year research project on Swedish public libraries. The focus of the project is on librarians experience of libraries mission to promote democracy when democratic norms and values are challenged politically by radical right populism. Results of a longitudinal survey point to stability and lack of political interest over time, but increased societal polaThis article reports conclusions from a three-year research project on Swedish public libraries. The focus of the project is on librarians experience of libraries mission to promote democracy when democratic norms and values are challenged politically by radical right populism. Results of a longitudinal survey point to stability and lack of political interest over time, but increased societal pola

Limits of functions: Traces of students’ concept images

Students at a Swedish university were subjects in a study about learning limits of functions. The students' perceptions were investigated in terms of traces of concept images through interviews and problem solving. The results imply that most students' foundations were not sufficiently strong for them to understand the concept of limit well enough to be able to form coherent concept images. The tr

Looking the Part : Negotiating Work Clothes, Gender and Expertise in Retail

This article explores work clothes as a site for negotiations of gender in relation to expertise in retail. Pointing to the importance of studying dress for the understanding of contemporary labor processes, the purpose of the article is to understand cultural and gendered meanings of work clothes by analyzing how workers handle expectations of their appearances. Based on qualitative methods and i

Talk it out: Coping with climate change and biodiversity loss in private-sphere conversations

In times of escalating global environmental crises and subsequent troubling emotional experiences, it is imperative to understand the psychological mechanisms through which people cope. Although it is increasingly recommended to talk about global environmental change and the emotions it evokes as a way of coping with its overwhelming and existential nature, private-sphere conversations about clima

Längtan efter läkande: Omedveten terapeutisk allians i ISTDP

Scoping review användes för att granskas och analysera tio artiklar rörande fenomenet den omedvetna terapeutiska alliansen (UTA) inom den psykodynamiska behandlingsmetoden ISTDP (Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy). De frågeställningar som presenterades och undersöktes var: Hur mobiliseras den omedvetna alliansen i ISTDP? Vilka tecken finns i terapirummet på omedveten terapeutisk allians? Scoping review was used to review and analyze ten articles concerning the phenomenon of the unconscious therapeutic alliance (UTA) within the psychodynamic treatment method ISTDP (Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy). The questions presented and investigated were: How is the unconscious alliance mobilized in ISTDP? What are signs in the therapy room of unconscious therapeutic alliance? How

Like Parent, Like Child? Exploring the Longitudinal Effect Between Personality Similarity and the Quality of Parenting

Personality similarity-hypothesis has not been put to the test with longitudinal wave-data before. This study investigates the temporal aspects of personality similarity and its implications for parenting qualities. I aim to explore if an individual's personality similarity with their parents at an earlier time point can predict higher levels of child well-being, attachment style, and relation

Poly(β-cyclodextrin)-activated carbon gel composites for removal of pesticides from water

Pesticides are widely used in agriculture to increase and protect crop production. A substantial percentage of the active substances applied is retained in the soil or flows into water courses, constituting a very relevant environmental problem. There are several methods for the removal of pesticides from soils and water; however, their efficiency is still a challenge. An alternative to current me