

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

A Predictive Real Time NOx Model for Conventional and Partially Premixed Diesel Combustion

A previously presented robust and fast diagnostic NOx model was modified into a predictive model. This was done by using simple yet physically based models for fuel injection, ignition delay, premixed heat release rate and diffusion combustion heat release rate. The model can be used both for traditional high-temperature combustion and for high-EGR, low-temperature combustion. It was possible

Increased mortality after fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus: a case-control study of 253 patients with a 12-year follow-up.

Background: Several studies have shown a higher mortality rate in patients with osteoporosis-related fractures of the hip and vertebrae. Method: In 1999, we did a long-term follow-up case-control mortality study of 253 patients, mean age 72 years, who had sustained a fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus in 1987. Results: We found a higher mortality in fracture patients giving at end point

Power Constrained Preemptive TAM Scheduling

We integrate scan-chain partitioning and preemptive test access mechanism (TAM) scheduling for core-based systems under power constraint. We also outline a flexible power conscious test wrapper to increase the flexibility in the scheduling process by (1) allowing several different bandwidths at cores and (2) controlling the cores test power consumption, which makes it possible to increase the test

Tingens och tankarnas landskap : försök i naturumgängets arkeologi med exempel ur Blekinges och Smålands förflutna

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen ”Tingens och tankarnas landskap” söker arkeologiska metoder och teorier för ett humanistiskt närmande av människans tidiga naturumgänge. Med arkeologiskt menas här fokuseringen på de materiella spåren i landskapet, stora som små, naturdanade som människotillverkade. Tidsperspektivet är i huvudsak långtida. I avhandlingen har jag valt ett ekologiskt perspektThe thesis "Tingens och tankarnas landskap" is about the material traces of man and his activities in the past. The study investigates the possibility and methods of describing man’s interaction with nature. Man’s relationship to the physical surroundings is viewed from cultural and social perspectives, using the materials of long-term archaeology. The study also includes a contemporary dimension.

Thin graphite overlayers: Graphene and alkali metal intercalation

Using LEED and angle resolved photoemission for characterisation we have prepared graphite overlayers with down to monolayer thickness by heating SiC crystals and monitored alkali metal intercalation for the multilayer films. The valence band structure of the monolayer is similar to that calculated for graphene though downshifted by around 0.8 eV and with a small gap at the zone corner. The shift

Prevalence of annoyance attributed to electrical equipment and smells in a Swedish population, and relationship with subjective health and daily functioning

BACKGROUND: Self-reported annoyance from electrical equipment has been in evidence since the mid-1980s, and the first reports of illness from everyday chemicals arose in the 1960s. However, the extent of the problem has not yet been fully established.AIMS: The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of annoyance related to electrical and chemical factors in a Swedish general population, a

New chromosomal rearrangement, t(12;22)(p13;q12), in acute nonlymphocytic leukemia

The karyotype 47,XX, + 8,t(12;22)(p13;q12) was found at diagnosis in two patients with acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL). The bone marrow morphology of both patients corresponded to the M4 subtype of the French-American-British (FAB) classification. The translocation t(12;22) has not previously been reported as the sole structural aberration in ANLL.

Performance of the Recoil Mass Spectrometer and its Detector Systems at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility

The recently commissioned Recoil Mass Spectrometer (RMS) at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (HRIBF) is described. Consisting of a momentum separator followed by an E-D-E Rochester-type mass spectrometer, the RMS is the centerpiece of the nuclear structure endstation at the HRIBF. Designed to transport ions with rigidities near K = 100, the RMS has acceptances of +/- 10% in energy and +

"Man är kanske mer kapabel än vad man trodde..." Utvärderingsrapport av projekt Mötesplats Social Ekonomi Malmö - arbetsträning för långtidsarbetslösa och långtidssjukskrivna

Rättssociologiska enheten vid Lunds Universitet har av projektägaren Föreningen Bryggeriet, Malmö, fått i uppdrag att utvärdera EU-projektet "Mötesplats Social Ekonomi Malmö". Projektet har erbjudit långtidsarbetslösa och långtidssjukskrivna arbetsträningsplatser i Malmös föreningsliv. Projektet är ett intressant samverkansprojekt mellan fyra föreningar och Malmö stad/Södra Innerstaden samt Försäk

Use of chemically extracted muscle grafts to repair extended nerve defects in rats

Nerve regeneration, measured as axonal outgrowth, Schwann cell migration, macrophage invasion, and neovascularisation, was compared after repair of a 15 mm gap in rats' sciatic nerves using autologous muscle grafts made acellular either by freezing and thawing or by chemical extraction. Both extracted and freeze-thawed acellular muscle grafts could be used to bridge the defect. However, axons and

Respiratory mechanics after 180 days space mission (EUROMIR'95)

The present study reports data on respiratory function of lung and chest wall following the 180 days long European - Russian EuroMir '95 space mission. Data reported refer to two subjects studied before the mission, on day 9 and 175 in flight and on days 1, 10, 12, 27 and 120 after return. In-flight vital capacity (VC) and expiratory reserve volume (ERV) were similar to those in supine posture, na

Ultrasound measurement of the ovarian volume

The ovaries of 377 women between the age of 40 and 70 years were measured by ultrasound. About one third of the patients were postmenopausal. Mean value, standard deviation and S.E.M. of the ovarian volume were calculated and related to age, parity and menstrual cycle. Ovarian size decreased with age in all women but bore no relation to parity and day of menstrual cycle in the menstruating group o

Realization of a resonant tunneling permeable base transistor with optimized overgrown GaAs interfaces

A resonant tunneling permeable base transistor has been realized experimentally by overgrowing a tungsten grating placed in direct vicinity to a double barrier heterostructure. In this way, we can directly modulate the tunneling current via an embedded gate. Since the quality of the overgrown interface is critical, special attention is paid to this issue, and the effect of different wet etchants p

Normbildningsprocess genom brukarsamverkan

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen visar två olika vägar för att skapa brukarinflytande, den kollektiv- och den individinriktade vägen. Den kollektiva inriktningen innebär att medborgarna endast kan utöva inflytande via folkvalda företrädare, medan den individinriktade vägen ger möjlighet att samverka direkt med politiker och tjänstemän i den kommunala organisationen. Två olika teorier har aThe dissertation shows two different means or directions for creating civic participation: the collective and the individual way. The collective way is characterized by the citizen's ability to participate only through elected representatives while the individual way makes it possible for inhabitants to participate face to face with politicians and local civil servants. Two different theories hav

Nature's choice of genes controlling chronic inflammation.

Inflammation is a physiological response that may go uncontrolled and thereby develop in a chronic way. This seems to happen in many common diseases of autoimmune, degenerative, or allergic character. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is by definition a chronic disease with an autoimmune inflammatory attack on diarthrodial cartilaginous joints. The development of new treatment neutralizing cytokines invol