

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

Breast cancer diagnosis using extended-wavelength diffuse reflectance spectroscopy : comparing tumor subgroups

Optical imaging utilize light to analyze biological tissues in detail, non-invasively and without harmful radiation. Examples include ultrasound optical tomography and photoacoustic imaging; both use a limited number of wavelengths. Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, another optical technique, covers a continuous wavelength range, but without generating an image. This study focuses on extended-wave

A randomised trial of selective intracoronary hypothermia during primary PCI

BACKGROUND: While experimental data suggest that selective intracoronary hypothermia decreases infarct size, studies in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) are lacking. AIMS: We investigated the efficacy of selective intracoronary hypothermia during primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) to decrease infarct size in patients with STEMI. METHODS: In this multicentre ra

Flame front visualization in turbulent premixed ethylene/air flames by laser-induced photofragmentation fluorescence

The elucidation of premixed ethylene/air combustion mechanisms holds theoretical significance for optimizing engines such as pulse detonation engines and rotating detonation engines. The flame front structure constitutes a vital factor of premixed ethylene/air combustion mechanisms, while the prevailing planar laser-induced fluorescence techniques currently in use fall short of directly visualizin

The ESG Performance and Business Operational Risk

Purpose: This paper aims to find a piece of empirical evidence explaining the relationship between the target firm’s ESG score and business operation risk. Methodology: This paper not only uses the benchmark regression method to explore the direct impact, mechanism, and boundary conditions of corporate ESG performance on operating risks, but also further explores the impact of ESG scores on opera

The Influence of ESG Ratings on Financial Performance of Listed Companies in Developing Countries: A Case Study of China's Market

In this study, we use the Chinese market over the period 2012–2022 as a case to investigate the impact of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) ratings on the financial performance of publicly traded companies in developing countries. After measuring Return on Assets and Tobin’s Q as explanatory variables, we found a significant positive correlation between financial performance and ESG rati

Navigating Downside Risk: The Impact of ESG Across Sectors

This study investigates the relationship between ESG scores and downside risk across various sectors in the Nordic markets from 2018 to 2022. ESG, a widely recognized concept in finance, evaluates companies’ performance based on their environmental, social, and governance practices. We examine how both the overall ESG scores and the individual pillars influence downside risk in 11 different sector

Cross-Market Analysis of Post-IPO and SEO Long-Term Performance: Unraveling the Impacts of Market Capitalization and Timing in Swedish and American Equity Markets

This study examines the long-term abnormal returns of stocks following Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) and Seasoned Equity Offerings (SEOs) on the Swedish and American markets from January 2000 to March 2021. Additionally, it examines the differences between Swedish and American companies and investigates factors influencing these disparities, focusing on the importance of market capitalization at

Corporate Cash Holdings: Determinants and the Impact of Corporate Ownership

This paper investigates two facets of corporate cash holdings in firms listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange over the period 2001−2020. Firstly, I examine the determinants of corporate cash holdings. I find that firms with more investment opportunities and smaller firms tend to hold more cash. Firms with controlling shareholders and firms with high institutional block holdings tend to hold less c

LidarCLIP or : How i Learned to Talk to Point Clouds

Research connecting text and images has recently seen several breakthroughs, with models like CLIP, DALL•E 2, and Stable Diffusion. However, the connection between text and other visual modalities, such as lidar data, has received less attention, prohibited by the lack of text-lidar datasets. In this work, we propose LidarCLIP, a mapping from automotive point clouds to a pre-existing CLIP embeddin

Understanding Patriarchal Sexual Scripts in an Anonymous Survey Using Network Analysis

This thesis explores patriarchal sexual scripts through network analysis of data collected in an anonymous survey with a final sample of N = 1.029 responses. The aim is both conceptual and methodological insofar as the project uses Gaussian Graphical Models to develop a radical feminist point about patriarchal sexuality. For this purpose, the concept patriarchal sexual scripts is developed from ra

Plasma-assisted NH3/air flame : Simultaneous LIF measurements of O and OH

In the emerging field of plasma-assisted ammonia (NH3) combustion, the evolution of key intermediate species has rarely been reported. This work establishes a simultaneous measurement system of laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) for hydroxyl (OH) and quantitative two-photon-absorption LIF for atomic oxygen (O), to explore the OH and O dynamics in an NH3/air flame affected by a nanosecond (ns) pulsed

Dynamics of atomic oxygen production in an NH3/air flame assisted by a nanosecond pulsed plasma discharge

Atomic oxygen (O) is vital in plasma-assisted combustion, but its quantitative measurement is challenging and therefore rarely reported. This work performs femtosecond two-photon-absorption laser-induced fluorescence (fs-TALIF) imaging to quantify the dynamics of atomic oxygen production by a single nanosecond (ns) pulsed plasma discharge in an ammonia/air flame for the first time. First of all, t

Holistic analysis of a gliding arc discharge using 3D tomography and single-shot fluorescence lifetime imaging

Gliding arc plasmas, a versatile form of non-thermal plasma discharges, hold great promise for sustainable chemical conversion in electrified industrial applications. Their relatively high temperatures compared to other non-thermal plasmas, reactive species generation, and efficient energy transfer make them ideal for an energy-efficient society. However, plasma discharges are transient and comple

Microwave Simulations of Superconducting Circuits using Coupled Scattering Parameter Calculation and Contour Integration

In this project we investigate and build upon a method for microwave simulations of superconducting circuits containing both linear components and nonlinear Josephson junctions. The main idea behind this method is to connect frequency responses of arbitrary linear microwave components in a closed network, and find solutions to the corresponding nonlinear eigenvalueproblem using an efficient method

Requirements for Organizational Resilience : Engineering Developer Happiness

Can the right requirements boost developer satisfaction and happiness? We believe they can. In keeping with this issue's theme, 'Well-Being for Resilience: Developers Thrive,' we discuss the connection between the three keywords, well-being, resilience, and thriving. How could requirements engineering foster these qualities? While there hasn't been much research on this topic, we see opportunities

Undulators for a seeded HGHG-FEL test bench at MAX-lab

Within the European FEL Design Study a seeded HGHG-FEL test bench will be set up at MAX-lab. In the modulator the 3rd harmonic of a Ti:Sapphire laser (267nm) interacts with the electron beam. In the following dispersive section the energy modulation is converted into a spatial modulation. The radiator emits at the third harmonic (89nm). The electron beam height at MAX-lab of 400mm requires a speci

Bland falukorvar, index och prisbasbelopp – en analys av förhållandet mellan konsumentprisindex och prisbasbeloppen i ljuset av ett antal normgivningsfrågor

Under de senaste åren har prisutvecklingen i ekonomin stått i centrum för såväl penning- som finanspolitiken, där ambitionen att motverka de spirande priserna resulterat i höjd styrränta och strama statsbudgetar. Samtidigt utgår de åtgärder som introducerats för att motverka prisstegringen i ekonomin på beslutsunderlag som många gånger vilar på skönsmässiga bedömningar, där inte minst expertmyndig

Developing ultrasound optical tomography for deep tissue imaging of the breast

Ultrasound Optical Tomography (UOT) combines the high-resolution imaging capability of ultrasound with measurements of light absorption and scattering properties of human tissue. This non-invasive technique could distinguish between cancerous and non-cancerous lesions inside the breast tissue, follow tumor shrinkage during preoperative treatment, or provide information on blood oxygenation levels.