

Din sökning på "*" gav 534776 sökträffar

A Study on L2 Acquisition & Output of the English Relative Clause with a Specific Focus on the Zero Relativizer

This study investigates how L2 learners of English in different stages of the learning process acquire, and more importantly, produce restrictive relative clauses of which special emphasis is put on the zero relativizer. The relevance of this narrow focus stems from previous research on SLA of relative clauses that has shown that it is a particularly troublesome area for L2 learners that is largel

The Roles of Bloggers in Web 2.0

This study examine the roles of bloggers in Web 2.0. Blogging is considered to be a fairly new phenomenon and blog authors are increasingly seen as producers of user-­generated content wielding influence on both their readers and respective industries. Thus, it is argued that recognizing the different roles assumed by bloggers will shed light on the importance of bloggers and how this may affect m

Politiker i en klass för sig - Om klass och kapital mediabevakningen av Sveriges ledande politiker

Författare: Mattis Karlsson Titel: Politiker i en klass för sig – Om klass och kapital i mediabevakningen av Sveriges ledande politiker. Masteruppsats: SOCM02 Sociologiska institutionen, vårterminen 2013 Problem/bakgrund: Rapporteringen som rör svenska politiker handlar om långt mycket mer än bara politik. Politiker är offentliga personer som berörs av en mediabevakning som behandlar bland annat

En studie över mediebilden av varumärket Malmö

In order to manage the image of a city in a highly medialized world it is important that the key features of the brand is correlating with the overall media image. This paper exams the impact of Malmö Stads vision-report in the media portrayal of the city between 1997-2012. The aim is to describe, explain and problematize the media image of Malmö in the biggest swedish publications and compare tha

Using Social CRM to influence Customer Service and Loyalty: A Perspective in the Airline Industry

The purpose of the study was to investigate how companies can harness the power of social media by utilizing Social CRM. It was investigated how integrating social media channels into existing Client Relationship Management platforms can influence customer service and customer loyalty. A mixture of both qualitative and quantitative research methods with an abductive approach was used. The researc

Svenska företags etablering i Japan: problematiken kring kulturella skillnader

Flera studier visar att valet av etableringsmetod är väsentligt vid etablering utomlands. Tidigare undersökningar ger dock varierande resultat. Japan har en väldigt annorlunda kultur och flera företag har tvingats ge upp sina etableringsförsök. Syftet är att beskriva fyra svenska dotterbolagsetableringar i Japan och analysera effekten av kulturskillnader och deras påverkan på etableringsprocessernSeveral studies have shown the importance of the market entry mode when entering foreign markets. However, previous studies give various results. Japan is said to have a unique culture and many companies have been forced to give up their attempts to enter the Japanese market. This thesis aims to describe the entry process of four Swedish subsidiaries in Japan and analyze the effects of cultural di

The Modern Package: Examining Reactions to the Consumer Society in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby and Don DeLillo's White Noise

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby and Don Delillo’s White Noise both portray the modern world even though they were written over 60 years apart. Despite the fact that these worlds represent very different states of modernity, they are defined by two central traits: technology and consumerism, which influence the characters of both novels in several comparable ways. The concept of packaging is

Undersökning av e-röstningens potentiella effekter på valdeltagande och demokrati i Sverige

Med utgångspunkt i debatten om e-röstning i svensk media under våren 2013 undersöker jag i denna uppsats, utifrån ett samhällsvetenskapligt perspektiv, huruvida e-röstning kan leda till ett ökat valdeltagande i svenska riksdags- och Europaparlamentsval och hur den svenska demokratin kan stärkas genom att erbjuda denna typ av röstning. För att undersöka detta har fokus främst lagts på att studera E

Parameter calibration in a model of the secondary settling tank in wastewater treatment

In a wastewater treatment plant, particles (activated sludge) are separated from the liquid in a process called continuous sedimentation. This process is of crucial importance when purifying water in a wastewater treatment plant. This report will focus on a special case of sedimentation, namely batch sedimentation, which means that no flux into or out from the sedimentation tank are present. The g

Social Media Communication during a Corporate Brand Crisis: The Case of Findus

The purpose of the research is to explore how social media can be used in order to handle a corporate brand crisis and to analyze how consumers respond to and reason regarding crisis communication in social media. The study is conducted with a qualitative case study approach. A combination of observations and semi-structured interviews were chosen to collect the empirical data. The theoretical fra

Föreställningars betydelse

Uppsatsens titel: Föreställningars betydelse - En uppsats om självständighet på kunskapsintensiva företag Seminariedatum: 27 maj, 2013 Ämne/Kurs: FEKN90, Examensarbete på Civilekonomprogrammet, 30 HP Författare: Emelie Persson, Melker Isell Handledare: Nadja Sörgärde Nyckelord: Självständighet. Föreställningar. Kunskapsintensiva företag. Kunskapsarbetare. Identitetsteori Syfte: Att skapa en

Factors Influencing Cloud ERP Adoption: A Comparison Between SMEs and Large Companies

Cloud computing has become one of the fastest growing segments of the IT industry. In the wake of this success, cloud based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have emerged as an alternative to the traditional ERPs for companies to plan and manage their resources. These systems require low upfront investments and can rapidly be deployed, as they and their underlying infrastructure are provi

Smarttelefonen som arbetsverktyg- balansen mellan arbete och fritid

Mobila teknologier har medfört en ökad flexibilitet i anställdas vardag. Detta har kommit att påverka de anställdas balans mellan arbete och fritid då de tilldelas arbetsuppgifter även på sin fritid. I denna studie undersökte vi hur dessa anställda upplever att smarttelefonen påverkar denna balans. Syftet var att belysa vilken inverkan den flexibilitet som smarttelefonen frambringar har på balanse

Macro-regions in the global cloud of trust. A study of competitive identity creation within the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

With a new regionalisation process in Europe a number of macro-regions are appearing. The same as countries or cities, macro-regions aim at developing or increasing the competitiveness in the global markets not only for products or funds, but also for ideas, influence and reputation, for trust and attention. The model of competitive identity – the brand management model for nations, cities and reg