

Din sökning på "*" gav 533107 sökträffar

En tudelad värld – Hugo Chávez och demokratiidealet

Sedan Hugo Chávez tillträdde makten i februari 1999 har kritiken mot de medborgerliga och politiska rättigheterna i Venezuela ökat. Denna uppsats ämnar undersöka utvecklingen av denna kritik mellan åren 1999 och 2007. Underlaget baseras på årsrapporter från fyra icke-statliga organisationer; Amnesty International, Freedom House, Human Rights Watch samt Transparency International och deras kritik g

En svensk tiger i Afghanistan - Två teoretiska perspektiv på ett ifrågasatt svenskt engagemang

Sverige anslöt sig vid årsskiftet 2001/2002 till ISAF, en multinationell styrka i Afghanistan som går under NATO-flagg. Med hänsyn till den Svenska militära alliansfriheten, är deltagandet i den NATO-ledda operationen ett ifrågasatt svenskt engagemang. Uppsatsen avser att utifrån rational choice och konstruktivismen förklara den svenska militära närvaron i Afghanistan. Genom att använda två skilda

Lobbyist och tjänsteman? En studie i regionrepresentantens tolkning av sin roll som verksam i Bryssel

The globalization has moved the decision making process in the EU closer to the citizens. Our regional offices are supposed to act as the citizen’s extended arm to the EU-institutions in Brussels. But acting as the voice of the people in an international context has proved not to be entirely uncomplicated. A good democratic legitimacy relies on the client’s ability to maintain the agencies with co

The Woman Warrior. A Post-structural Gender Analysis of Guerrilleras in Colombia

The thesis is a study of female guerrilla soldiers, guerrilleras, in two Colombian guerrilla groups: the rural FARC-EP and the urban M-19. Firstly, the roles female guerrilleras play and the treatment of guerrilleras are described. Secondly, poststructural gender theory is used to understand the gender structures that underlie the division of labor within the groups. The study focuses on certain m

La mujer Nicaragüense

The aim of this essay was to illustrate how poor women with children in Nicaragua saw themselves and the role they played. For the realization of this study I used the qualitative method consisted in interviews of six women who live in a poor neighborhood in the city of León. To be able to reach this essay’s purpose, it was of the utmost importance to answer on what was their role, what conception

Vårdnadshavare till varje pris - Dödligt våld mellan föräldrar

Utåt råder konsensus om att barn ska behandlas väl, de beslut som fattas rörande dess angelägenheter i fråga om vårdnad, boende och umgänge ska ha barnets bästa i centrum. Ingenting annat får överskugga denna princip och inga andra intressen ska få tillmätas större betydelse. I svensk lagstiftning är det tydligt föreskrivet att så ska vara fallet, emellertid fattas alltjämt beslut som uppenbart ärThe principal rule in Swedish legislation is that biological parents have custody over their child according to the presupposition that ”parents are best”. The presupposition applies not only after the death of one of the legal custodians if they had joint custody, but also when the deceased parent had sole legal custody. The rule applies even when the surviving parent has willingly killed the oth

Förutsägbarhet i expertskattemål

Expertskattereglerna i 11kap 22-23 a §§ IL tillkom för att underlätta rekryteringen av utländska experter på sådan kompetensnivå att svårigheter föreligger för rekrytering inom landet. Syftet med införandet av lagstiftningen var att attrahera nyinvesteringar till Sverige efter att Sveriges konkurrenskraft stadigt minskat på grund av att liknande skattelättnader funnits hos de europeiska grannländeThe tax relief legislation for foreign key personnel in chapter 11 article 22-23a of the Income Tax Act was adopted to ease the recruitment of foreign key personnel to Sweden. The aim of the tax relief legislation was to provide additional advantage to companies who needed foreign expertise to their Swedish operations. This thesis will discuss the case law developed mainly by the County Administra

Structural Characteristics of the Hotel Industry and Their Effect on Adoption of Environmental Initiatives

This study attempts to ask one question: are there structural characteristics of the hotel industry that has caused it to historically be reluctant in embracing environmental responsibility? To do so, the study draws on a number of different research areas in different disciplines, including business, management, and environmental management. It also attempts to draw upon industry sources like tra

Etiska fonder - en presentation och granskning

Utbudet för etiska fonder har ökat markant under senare år. I stort sett alla banker, små som stora, erbjuder ett flertal etiska fonder. Fonderna marknadsförs som att man som investerare gör en god gärning samtidigt som möjligheten till en bra avkastning inte försvinner. I uppsatsen har vi använt oss av en induktiv metod, det vill säga vi har gått från verklighet till teori. I uppsatsen har vi und

The Quality of Government Peace - How Good Governance Reduces the Risk of Interstate Conflict

In this thesis the impact of quality of government on the risk of interstate conflict is analyzed. Data on Militarised Interstate Disputes (MIDs) from the Correlates of War is used as an indicator of conflict and scores from the International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) is applied as a measure of quality of government. The unit of analysis is pairs of states, dyads. By employing logistic regression

Grupprättigheter - skydd för vems kultur? En kvalitativ fallstudie om icke-renskötande samers rätt till land och vatten i Sverige

The aim of this thesis is to examine natural resource rights of the non-herding Saami population in Sweden. Throughout history Swedish governments have actively reinforced the notion of herding as the core of Saami culture. In reality, the Saamis involved in this traditional livelihood consists a small part of the overall Saami population. Swedish law still make a distinction between the herding a

(O)önskade entreprenörer? En normativ studie av brottsutredande säkerhetskonsulter

The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the overall normative question: How should the juridical system be organized? This is illustrated through private security consultants, who offer crime investigations for private companies and the public sector. They are part of a consistent change within the juridical system, which benefits private operators. The thesis examines private security consulta

Högsta prioritet - värdegrunder i EU:s handelspolitik

This essay intends to map how different values are expressed at different levels of the European trade policy. Prima facie, European trade policy may seem very liberal and as advocating of free trade. This, however, is not entirely true. Within some areas, e.g. agriculture and food policy, EU applies a stricter attitude towards free trade. I believe this to be a consequence of the different priori