

Din sökning på "*" gav 529663 sökträffar

Topical glucocorticosteroids in rhinitis: mode of action

The introduction of nasal glucocorticosteroids, more than 30 years ago, represents the most important therapeutic progress in rhinitis management since the introduction of the first generation of antihistamines. Our knowledge of the mode of action of glucocorticosteroids in the nose has improved as the airway mucous membrane of the nose is easily accessible for investigation. However, the exact me

Vertical, monovocalic and other impossible vowel systems: a review of the articulation of the Kabardian vowels.

The North West Caucasian language Kabardian has a minimal vowel system, the analysis of which has engendered significant controversy. Phonetically, Kabardian is interesting for the extensive assimilation of its few vowel phonemes to the surrounding consonants. Two published descriptions of these assimilations by J. C. Catford ("The Kabardian Language," Maitre Phonetique, 3rd series, 1942, 77, 15-1

Modelling the vegetation of China using the process-based equilibrium terrestrial biosphere model BIOME3

1 We model the potential vegetation and annual net primary production (NPP) of China on a 10' grid under the present climate using the processed-based equilibrium terrestrial biosphere model BIOME3. The simulated distribution of the vegetation was in general in good agreement with the potential natural vegetation based on a numerical comparison between the two maps using the DeltaV statistic (Delt

An automated fluorescent single strand conformation polymorphism technique for high throughput mutation screening

OBJECTIVE: To develop a high throughput mutational detection method by multiple fluorescence-labeled polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products. METHODS: A total of 27 known mutations including 22 substitutions, 3 insertions (1, 2 and 7 bp) and 2 deletions (1 and 2 bp) in the hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-4 alpha, glucokinase and HNF-1 alpha genes were tested. During nested PCR, amplified fragment

Population and the Development Crisis in the South

This volume is the result of a conference on population and development held in Båstad, 17 - 18 April 1991. with the participation of social scientists, health specialists and development administrators from the Scandinavian countries. The contributions to the conference cover a wide range of issues. Starting with a critical assessment of conventional thinking on demographic prospects, the volume

Effects of high intensity focused ultrasound on the intervertebral disc

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ultraljud brukar oftast förknippas med diagnostiska metoder såsom fosterdiagnostik men kan även användas för terapeutisk behandling. Terapeutiskt ultraljud bygger på att ljudet absorberas i vävnaden och därigenom ger upphov till en ökad temperatur. Temperaturökningen är beroende av ultraljudets intensitet samt ultraljudsabsorptionen i den aktuella vävnaden. Genom att foThe purpose of this study was to study and try to optimise high intensity focused ultrasound treatment of the intervertebral disc. We demonstrated that it was possible to heat intervertebral discs with HIFU delivered by 50 or 5 mm diameter ultrasound transducers. Finite element studies indicated that it would be possible to heat the disc to a temperature of 65ºC or above through an extradiscal m

Xafs Study of Co(Ii) at the Zno-Aqueous and Zns-Aqueous Interfaces

Co(II) adsorption at ZnO- and ZnS-aqueous interfaces was studied with the XAFS technique. The results show the presence of both 4- and 6-coordinated oxygen-ligated Co(II) on ZnO, corresponding to Co-O distances of 1.95 and 2.1 Angstrom, respectively. At ZnS two Co-O distances are also indicated and a Co-S correlation at 2.36 Angstrom is revealed. Higher shell analysis indicates a fraction of biden

Fri från narkotika. Om kvinnor och män som har varit narkotikamissbrukare

Popular Abstract in Swedish De personer som ingår i undersökningen har gemensamt att de har erfarenheter av flera års avancerat narkotikamissbruk, varit drogfria i minst två år samt att de idag är socialt integrerade. Det faktum att de lyckats sluta missbruka narkotika och idag lever "vanliga liv" innebär att de tillhör en grupp som hitintills fått mycket liten uppmärksamhet av missbruksforskningeAim of the study, background, theory and method The two aims of this study are to describe and analyse: i) how drug abusers have transformed their lives from the time when they did not use drugs, to becoming drug abusers, and finally leaving drugs behind them; and ii) what it means to be socially integrated with one's experience of having been a drug abuser. The women and men who participated in

Prophylactic efficacy of a quadrivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in women with virological evidence of HPV infection

Background. A quadrivalent (types 6, 11, 16, and 18) human papillomavirus (HPV) L1 virus-like-particle (VLP) vaccine has been shown to be 95%-100% effective in preventing cervical and genital disease related to HPV-6,-11,-16, and-18 in 16-26-year-old women naive for HPV vaccine types. Because most women in the general population are sexually active, some will have already been infected with >= 1 H

Gamma-ray Spectroscopy of Core-excited States in 51Mn

The level scheme of Mn-51 has been investigated using the Si-28(S-32 2alpha1p)Mn-51 fusion-evaporation reaction at 125 MeV beam energy. The gamma rays were detected in the Ge-detector array Gammasphere, which was coupled to the 4pi-charged-particle detector Microball and the Neutron Shell for the coincident detection of evaporated particles. Over 100 new gamma-ray transitions connecting some 50 ex