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Initial Investigation to study the Effect of Antenna Placement in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications
In this paper we present an analysis of the effects of antenna placement on the radio channel properties for Vehicle-to-Vehicle communications based on measurements performed in three different propagation scenarios; highway, urban and rural. Four omni-directional antennas were mounted at four different positions: roof, bumper, left-side mirror and inside windscreen of two standard station wagons
Subjektets översättning – den självframställande litteraturens politik
Fragmented Structure and Vertical Control Systems: Dilemmas in Human Service Organizations
Ett fall om kärlek och ett om pengar – om pactum turpe och alldeles för långa och krokiga vägar till beslut om att vägra rättskipning
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No abstract. Titel i svensk översättning: Senaste utvecklingen rörande hälsosystem.
The Quality of Visitor Experience: A Case Study of Peripheral Areas of Europe
Peripheral areas with declining traditional industries often see tourism as a solution for multiple macroeconomic problems. In these regions particularly small and medium-sized enterprises constitute the backbone of the tourism product, and thus are regarded as key players in economic restructuration and rejuvenation (Cooper and Buhalis 1992). At the same time, non-price factors have come into foc
Intresseorganisering och självhjälp. Vilken roll spelar anhörig- och handikapporganisationer idag?
The Victorian Governess Novel
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ämnet för min avhandling är den viktorianska guvernantromanen. I artonhundratalets England var arbetet som guvernant ett av de få yrken som stod öppna för medelklasskvinnor. Genom att arbetsförhållandena ofta var svåra, kom den samtida debatten om guvernanternas eländiga situation att bli livlig. Den stora mängd artiklar och böcker om deras låga löner, illa definierade This thesis investigates the Victorian governess novel as a specific genre. A comprehensive set of nineteenth-century governess novels has been examined in relation to contemporary non-fictional sources dealing with governess work and female education. It is argued that by sharing many characteristics regarding presentations of social situations, rhetoric, and argument with the contemporary debate
Island biogeography and population divergence in the Skyros wall lizard
Popular Abstract in Swedish Öbiogeografi och populationsdifferentiering hos Skyros murödla Hur den fantastiska variationen som finns i naturen bildas är en fråga som länge fascinerat biologer. För mer än 150 år sedan inledde två välkända biologer, Charles Darwin och Alfred Russel Wallace, en brevväxling som skulle komma att bli startskottet för ett paradigmskifte. De hade båda fått idén om naturlIslands are cradles for new biodiversity and provide natural laboratories for the study of population divergence. In my thesis, I investigated the role of different evolutionary processes in the population divergence in the Skyros wall lizard (Podarcis gaigeae), a species where islet populations have strongly diverged morphologies. I used replicate islet populations and their respective most proxi
What Do Eye Movements Reveal About Mental Imagery? Evidence From Visual And Verbal Elicitations.
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in a river ecosystem
Popular Abstract in Swedish Atmosfäriskt nedfall är den största källan till miljögiftet PCB i sötvatten. I flertalet vattendrag, exempelvis Emån, fungererar också sediment som en källa. Ett pappersbruk i anslutning till Emån hade använt returpapper som innehöll PCB som råvara. PCB följde med utsläppen till ån och lagrades in i sedimenten. Miljögiftet läckte sedan ut långsamt till vattnet. Största Atmospheric deposition is one source of persistent pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in aquatic environments. Other point sources can also contribute to the PCB loadings in the water. In the Emån River, in southeast Sweden, contaminated sediment was a source of PCB, the largest deposits of it being found in a small lake connected with the river, Lake Järnsjön, the sediment of it c
"Judarnas Wagner" : Moses Pergament och den kulturella identifikationens dilemma omkring 1920-1950
Popular Abstract in SwedishMed tonsättaren och musikkritikern Moses Pergament (1893-1977) som biografiskt lod har syftet med denna studie varit att blottlägga och analysera föreställningar om "juden", modernism, nationalism och "ras" i det svenska samhället. Pergament föddes i Helsingfors och växte upp i ett svenskspråkigt judiskt-ortodoxt hem. Han kom till Sverige 1916 och blev svensk medborgare With the composer and music critic Moses Pergament (1893-1977) as a biographical prism, the purpose of this study has been to uncover ideas in Swedish society about nationalism, "the Jew", modernism and "race". Pergament was born in Helsinki, Finland, and grew up in a Swedish-speaking, Jewish orthodox home. He came to Sweden in 1916 and became a Swedish citizen in 1919. Along with his composing, P
The Effect of Cooled EGR on Emissions and Performance of a Turbocharged HCCI Engine
This paper discusses the effects of cooled EGR on a turbocharged multi-cylinder HCCI engine. A six-cylinder, 12-liter, Scania D12 truck engine is modified for HCCI operation. It is fitted with port fuel injection of ethanol and n-heptane and cylinder pressure sensors for closed-loop combustion control. The effects of EGR are studied in different operating regimes of the engine. During idle, low sp
Är flexibel integration i EU en bärkraftig princip?
Abstract is not available
Calibration and analysis of soil carbon efflux estimates with closed chambers at Forsmark and Laxemar
Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy - Basic Aspects and Practical Applications, 4th edition
The Complex of the Unwanted Child: Meanings of Europe in Polish National Discourse
Optical Diagnostics of HCCI and UNIBUS Using 2-D PLIF of OH and Formaldehyde
Simultaneous OH- and formaldehyde planar-LIF measurements have been performed in an optical engine using two laser sources working on 283 and 355 nm, respectively. The measurements were performed in a light- duty diesel engine, using n-heptane as fuel, converted to single- cylinder operation and modified for optical access. It was also equipped with a direct-injection, common-rail system as well a
Videokonst: omtagningar
This chapter examines contemporary Swedish video art and its relation to television, media culture, and the phenomenon of industrial image reproduction, in the perspective of the writings of Kierkegaard and Baudelaire. Works by three Swedish video artists - Andreas Hagström, Conny Blom, and Jesper Norda - are analysed.