

Din sökning på "*" gav 532100 sökträffar

Seeking evidence that cell kill guided thermotherapy gives results not inferior to those of transurethral prostate resection: Results of a pooled analysis of 3 studies of feedback transurethral microwave thermotherapy

Purpose: We compared ProstaLund Feedback Treatment(R) (PLFT(R)) to transurethral prostate resection (TURP) in terms of efficacy and safety in a pooled analysis of 3 clinical studies with 1-year followup. Materials and Methods: Overall raw data on 183 patients with PLFT(R) and 65 with TURP were pooled. All studies had identical inclusion criteria, and the efficacy and safety of the method were eval

Prenatal and postnatal maternal smoking as risk factors for preschool children's mental health

Aim: To identify maternal prenatal and postnatal smoking as risk factors for psychosocial behaviour problems in Swedish preschool children. Methods: This prospective, longitudinal population study compared mothers' self-reported smoking during pregnancy and when the child was 3 mo old with behaviour problems according to Achenbach's Child Behavior Checklist at 3 y ( 1428 children) and 5.5 y of age

Life satisfaction among older people (65+) with reduced self-care capacity: the relationship to social, health and financial aspects

Aims and objectives. This study aimed at investigating life satisfaction and its relation to living conditions, overall health, self-care capacity, feeling lonely, physical activities and financial resources among people (65+) with reduced self-care capacity. Background. Knowledge about factors related to low life satisfaction among older people with reduced self-care capacity is sparse, although

Combined use of NMR relaxation measurements and hydrodynamic calculations to study protein association. Evidence for tetramers of low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase in solution

We describe a novel method for determining weak association constants of oligomeric protein complexes formed transiently under equilibrium conditions. This type of equilibrium process is recognized as being biologically important, but generally hard to study. Heteronuclear spin relaxation rates measured at multiple protein concentrations are analyzed using relaxation rates predicted from hydrodyna

The Kruppel-like factor 11 (KLF11) Q62R polymorphism is not associated with type 2 diabetes in 8,676 people

Kruppel-like factor 11 is a pancreatic transcription factor whose activity induces the insulin gene. A common glutamine-to-arginine change at codon 62 (Q62R) in its gene KLF11 has been recently associated with type 2 diabetes in two independent samples. Q62R and two other rare missense variants (A347S and T220M) were also shown to affect the function of KLF11 in vitro, and insulin levels were lowe

Pulsating or not? A search for hidden pulsations below the red edge of the ZZ Ceti instability strip

The location of the red edge of the ZZ Ceti instability strip is definedobservationally as being the lowest temperature for which a white dwarfwith a H-rich atmosphere (DA) is known to exhibit periodic brightnessvariations. Whether this cut-off in flux variations is actually due to acessation of pulsation or merely due to the attenuation of anyvariations by the convection zone, rendering them invi

Permeability and mass transfer as a function of the cooking temperature during the frying of beefburgers

Intrinsic permeability of water in beefburgers made of different meat raw materials cooked at 50 degrees C, 60 degrees C, 70 degrees C and 80 'C was measured using an air-driven pressure cell, and it was found to be in the range of 6.8 x 10(-18) m(2) to 1.6 x 10(-16) m(2) for the temperature ranging from 50 degrees C to 80 degrees C. The highest permeability value was found in beefburgers prepared

Helicity dependence of the gamma p -> N pi channels and multipole analysis in the Delta region

A high-quality double-polarization data set for the helicity dependence of the total and differential cross-sections for both gammap --> Npi channels in the Delta region has been obtained in the framework of the GDH experiment. The experiment, performed at the Mainz microtron MAMI, used a 4pi detection system, a circularly polarized photon beam, and a longitudinally polarized frozen-spin target. T

The impact of canopy exchange on differences observed between atmospheric deposition and throughfall fluxes

To study the impact of canopy exchange on differences observed between atmospheric deposition and throughfall fluxes, several-held experiments were performed at the Speulder forest in The Netherlands. Relevant information was obtained by (i) measuring open-field precipitation and throughfall fluxes with different time resolutions, using two canopy exchange models, (ii) by comparing results from su

Proliferation, Invasion and p16 Localisation in Malignancies

Popular Abstract in Swedish Okontrollerad proliferation och invasion är två viktiga egenskaper i tumörutveckling och tumörprogression. Tidigare studier har visat att invaderande tumörceller i kolorektalcancer har låg proliferation parallellt med en uppreglering av tumörsuppressorn p16. Vi undersökte p16-uttrycket och proliferation i basalcellscancer och skivepitelcancer i huden, tumörer som är lokUncontrolled proliferation and invasion are two characteristics in tumour development and progression. Previous studies have shown that invading tumour cells in colorectal cancer have low proliferation in parallel to upregulation of the tumour suppressor p16. We set out to detail the p16 expression and proliferation in basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, tumours that are