

Din sökning på "*" gav 529370 sökträffar

Polydimethylsiloxane as a more biocompatible alternative to glass in optogenetics

Optogenetics is highly useful to stimulate or inhibit defined neuronal populations and is often used together with electrophysiological recordings. Due to poor penetration of light in tissue, there is a need for biocompatible wave guides. Glass wave guides are relatively stiff and known to cause glia reaction that likely influence the activity in the remaining neurons. We developed highly flexible

Raoul Wallenberg – liv och legend. : Sverige, Ungern, USA

Sedan några årtionden tillbaka har hundratals gator, torg och byggnader i olika världsdelar namngivits efter Raoul Wallenberg. Under samma period har han blivit motiv på frimärken och tonsättare har skrivit musikaler och operor om hans levnadsöde. Dessutom har hans gärning i Budapest 1944–1945, då han gjorde sitt yttersta för att rädda så många som möjligt av judarna i Ungern undan förintelsen, fi

In-situ start and end of growing season dates of major European crop types from France and Bulgaria at a field level

Crop phenology data offer crucial information for crop yield estimation, agricultural management, and assessment of agroecosystems. Such information becomes more important in the context of increasing year-to-year climatic variability. The dataset provides in-situ crop phenology data (first leaves emergence and harvest date) of major European crops (wheat, corn, sunflower, rapeseed) from seventeen

"Man ska inte sitta där som en maskin, men man ska inte ha ett känsloutbrott där man liksom, bryter ut i dans" : En jämförande studie av försvarsadvokater och kabinpersonal som utförare av emotionellt lönearbete

Enligt Hochschild (1983) kännetecknas emotionellt lönearbete av ett antal aspekter: institutionaliserade regler kring vad den arbetande får känna och hur de får visa det; reglerna förväntas följas av den arbetande (med hjälp av olika strategier); någon som säkerställer att reglerna följs – en ”emotional supervisor”; och att den arbetandes känslor har ett bytesvärde. I den här artikeln använder jag

Plasma levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and cardiovascular disease – Results from two independent population-based cohorts and a meta-analysis

Background: Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are persistent chemicals that have been linked to increased cholesterol levels and thus may have a role in the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Objectives: To investigate associations between PFAS exposure and incident CVD (a combined CVD end-point consisting of myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, or heart failure) in two indep

Nitrogen addition and mowing had only weak interactive effects on macronutrients in plant-soil systems of a typical steppe in Inner Mongolia

Effective management of macronutrients is pivotal in the optimization and provisioning of ecosystem services in grassland areas, particularly in degraded grasslands. In such instances where mowing and nitrogen (N) fertilization have emerged as predominant management strategies, nutrient management is especially important. However, the precise effects of these concurrent practices on the distributi

Supply Chain Incentive Alignment in Bottom of the Pyramid environments

Background: Alleviating poverty is critical for achieving sustainability (Zomorrodi et al., 2019). One business approach to alleviate poverty is the Bottom of the pyramid (BoP) approach which implies engaging the poor in doing business, and including them into supply chains with both profitability and poverty alleviation as objectives (Brix-Asala et al., 2021). The populations living in the BoP ar

What control engineers should know about industry 4.0

Control engineering is a well-established discipline with a long and prominent his-tory1. It is diverse in its applications but has a strong unifying core to it: the notion ofdynamic systems and control theory. Many engineers will have encountered it as partof their education, as control engineering courses are taught to electrical, mechanical,chemical, aerospace, and industrial engineers. Quite o

Delaktighet i forskningsprocessen : PAR i en samtida kontext

Expectations and demands on coproduction in research have increased. Therefore, there is a need for knowledge on how these coproducing processes where researchers and practitioners work side by side during the research process can be carried out. In this article, methodological questions related to coproduction and collaboration between researchers and practitioners in the field of social work are

Psychometric Exploration of the Swedish Translation of the Sexual Orientation Microaggressions Scale (SOMS), and a Commentary on the Validity of the Construct of Microaggressions

The aim of the present study was to assess the psychometric properties of a Swedish translation of the Sexual Orientation Microaggressions Scale (SOMS) in a convenience sample of 267 Swedish LGB+ people (Mean age = 36.41). Testing suggested some strengths in terms of factor structure and 2-week test-retest reliability (ICC > .79). Also, internal consistency (α = .80–.91) and convergent validity we

The stratum corneum barrier – From molecular scale to macroscopic properties

The upper layer of our skin, the stratum corneum (SC), is a versatile material that combines mechanical strength with efficient barrier function. In this paper, we discuss these macroscopic properties of SC in relation to recent findings on molecular responses and structural diversity in SC protein and lipids. We put particular focus on the intermediate (colloidal) length scale and how the differe

Persistent Model Biases in the Spatial Variability of Winter North Atlantic Atmospheric Circulation

The three leading modes of the North Atlantic atmospheric circulation explain about 70% of the winter climate variability. Although climate models generally can capture these modes, biases may induce large uncertainties in regional climate predictions. Here, we evaluate the leading winter modes simulated by CMIP5-PMIP3 and CMIP6-PMIP4 models from the last millennium to future scenarios in comparis

Effect of hydrogen on the passivation for ultra-thin 316 L SS foil

The reformation and characterisation of the passive film formed on ultra-thin 316 L after hydrogen charging is investigated by combining EBSD, TMDS, XRD, Synchrotron-based XPS, and electrochemical experiments. The results show that ultra-thin foil reforms a passive film after 12 h of hydrogen release in NaCl solution. The reformed passive film is half the thickness of the as-received passive film

Evaluation of combustion properties of vent gases from Li-ion batteries

Fire incidents involving Li-ion batteries is an increasing concern as the use of battery electric vehicles is increasing. Abuse conditions such as heating can result in ejection of flammable and toxic gases, presenting a health risk and risk of explosion or fire. The purpose of the present work is to increase the understanding of combustion of gas mixtures vented from Li-ion batteries. The investi

Optimal Inverse Design Based on Memetic Algorithms - Part II : Examples and Properties

Optimal inverse design, including topology optimization and evaluation of fundamental bounds on performance, which was introduced in Part 1, is applied to various antenna design problems. A memetic scheme for topology optimization combines local and global techniques to accelerate convergence and maintain robustness. Method-of-moments (MoMs) matrices are used to evaluate objective functions and al