

Din sökning på "*" gav 531169 sökträffar

The Potential of Bootstrapping Research for Advancing the Understanding of the Role of Resources in Corporate Entrepreneurship

Over the years we have seen an increased interest in businesses and in research for how to create conditions for entrepreneurship in established businesses (referring to corporate entrepreneurship). From research we know that access to and use of resources is critical for realizing corporate entrepreneurship activities. Even though the role of resources has been examined this conceptual paper iden

Improving the current risk analysis techniques by study of their process and using the human body's immune system

Risks include the factors that might adversely affect project outcomes. Risk analysis includes the processes concerned with identifying, analyzing and developing security strategy and plans for the factors. Although currently there are known methodologies such as (CCTA Risk Analysis and Management Method (CRAMM) or Consultative, Objective and Bi-functional Risk Analysis(COBRA) and so on) for Risk

Multiplexed high-throughput MALDI-MS arrays for optimization of solid phase extraction

Solid-phase extraction (SPE) is one the most common sample preparation techniques in many laboratories. Optimization of analyte specificity and recovery is crucial for high-sensitivity detection and analysis robustness/reproducibility. The optimization process usually starts with screening for a suitable extraction phase for a certain analyte (e.g. reversed-phase or HILIC) or if the extraction pha

Rotational cars thermometry in sooting flames

Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering of pure rotational transitions, rotational CARS, is demonstrated as an efficient method for temperature determination in sooting flames. The dual broadband CARS approach was used to measure temperature profiles in premixed, sooting ethylene flames at atmospheric pressure by probing the nitrogen gas. The recorded spectra were of equally high quality in non-soot

Is it safe to withhold long-term anticoagulation therapy in patients with small pulmonary emboli diagnosed by SPECT scintigraphy?

Background: The need for anticoagulation therapy (AC) in patients with subsegmental pulmonary embolism (SSPE) diagnosed by computed tomography of the pulmonary arteries (CTPA) has been questioned, as these patients run low risk for recurrent venous thromboembolism (VTE) during 3 months of follow-up. Whether this applies also to patients with small PE diagnosed with pulmonary scintigraphy has not y

Therapeutic targeting of hypoxia and hypoxia-inducible factors in cancer

Insufficient tissue oxygenation, or hypoxia, contributes to tumor aggressiveness and has a profound impact on clinical outcomes in cancer patients. At decreased oxygen tensions, hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) 1 and 2 are stabilized and mediate a hypoxic response, primarily by acting as transcription factors. HIFs exert differential effects on tumor growth and affect important cancer hallmarks in

När befolkningen ökar och förändras -stora städers kapacitetsutmaningar och styrning för att möta dem

Föreliggande studie riktas specifikt mot hur ledande politiker och tjänstemänför de tre svenska storstäderna Göteborg, Malmö och Stockholm beskriverden urbanisering de själva är navet i. Närmare bestämt riktas intresset motstyrning för att hantera de kapacitetsutmaningar som de tre storstäderna ställsinför när de arbetar med att möta efterfrågan och rättigheten till kommunalverksamhet från allt fl

Det gäller en av fem : Fakta om barn, sexuella övergrepp och sexuell exploatering i Sverige 2014

Det här är den tredje stora undersökningen som gjorts om av samma forskargrupp. De tidigare undersökningarna genomfördes 2004 och 2009 . Det gör att vikan jämföra svaren och se utveckling över tid . Undersökningen har genomförts avforskare från Linköpings och Lunds universitet på uppdrag av Stiftelsen AllmännaBarnhuset och har finansierats av regeringen . Den här skriften sammanfattardelar av unde

Structural stability of biochemical networks : Quadratic vs. polyhedral Lyapunov functions

Due to the intrinsic uncertainty and variability affecting biochemical reaction networks, it is fundamental to assess their structural stability, i.e., to establish if all the networks having a given structure are stable independent of specific parameter values. For basic motifs in biochemical networks, we show that stability cannot be structurally proved by quadratic Lyapunov functions. However,