

Din sökning på "*" gav 531169 sökträffar

Talking in organizations : Managing identity and image in an adverstising agency

This paper treats discourses in organizations in relationship to the management of identities and impressions. It is based on an ethnographic study of an advert ising agency and explores how advertising professionals describe themselves, their work and organizations, the profession and their clients. Various functions of such descriptions are proposed, from identity work to marketing. The relation

Process development for combined pentose and hexose fermentation

Second-generation ethanol from lignocellulose is a sustainable alternative that can partially replace fossil fuels. To be competitive with first generation ethanol from sugar and starch crops and fossil fuels, the conversion efficiency and ethanol yields of second-generation ethanol conversion processes must be improved. Improving the performance of the fermenting microorganism and efficiently con

Is rotational CARS an alternative to vibrational CARS for thermometry?

Recent developments in rotational CARS thermometry and critical issues when comparing vibrational and rotational CARS thermometry are described. In particular, the development of dual broadband rotational CARS and the noise characteristics of this approach are emphasized. The difficulty with unambiguous temperature determination in vibrational CARS with unknown parameters, in particular the nonres

Venous hemodynamic changes in lower limb venous disease : The UIP consensus according to scientific evidence

There are excellent guidelines for clinicians to manage venous diseases but few reviews to assess their hemodynamic background. Hemodynamic concepts that evolved in the past have largely remained unchallenged in recent decades, perhaps due to their often complicated nature and in part due to emergence of new diagnostic techniques. Duplex ultrasound scanning and other imaging techniques which evolv

Effective parameterization of laser radar observations of atmospheric fauna

The pace at which the world's ecosystems and biodiversity of, e.g., pollinators decline is currently at a rate where it is challenging to document. In recent years, our group has made an effort to bridge the disciplines of laser remote sensing and biophotonics, and we have developed lidar methods for inventorying the biosphere. Here, we present an effective method for extracting fauna observations

A switched system approach to dynamic race modelling

The paper presents and analyses some nonlinear continuous-time dynamic models of social systems whose members, groups or individuals, may change partners and/or opponents at any time, according to a greedy criterion. The main structural properties of these models, which belong to the class of positive switching systems, are investigated with particular regard to the existence of solutions, their p

A new variant 15; 16 translocation in mouse plasmacytoma leads to the juxtaposition of c-myc and immunoglobulin lambda

Mouse plasmacytomas (MPCs) induced by pristane oil, or by a combination of pristane oil and Abelson virus, carry one of two chromosomal translocations. The typical 12; 15 translocation leads to the juxtaposition of c-myc and immunoglobulin heavy-chain sequences, whereas the 6; 15 translocation links the kappa light-chain locus with the pvt-1 (plasmacytoma variant translocation) locus, located at l

Transcriptional deregulation of myc in IgH/myc 6;7 translocation carrying rat immunocytomas

We have previously shown that the reciprocal translocation t(6;7) associated with the spontaneous immunocytoma of the Louvain rat (RIC) leads to the juxtaposition of myc to the IgH cluster. In 10 of 14 tumors investigated the breakpoints on the myc carrying chromosome were clustered in a 1.5 kb region 5' of the intact gene, proximal to the myc promoters. In this paper we describe the effect of the

Exploring Outward FDI and the Choice of Destination: Evidence from Swedish Firm-Level Data

Using Swedish firm-level data on all firms and their affiliates abroad, we investigate what observable firm and country characteristics affect the size of affiliate firms in a particular destination. We employ the richness of the data to investigate the importance of destination country factors in explaining firm outward FDI activities and distinguish between the factors that affect such activitie

Reflexive Leadership : Organising in an imperfect world

Making a case for a reflexive approach to leadership, the authors draw upon decades of carrying out indepth studies of professionals trying to “do” leadership. Through interviews with managers and their subordinates, getting a good understanding of organizational context, and critically interpreting their observations considering both leadership theories and a wealth of other perspectives, their c

Performance Evaluation of Lighting and Daylighting Retrofits: Results from IEA SHC Task 50

This article presents some results from a large monitoring campaign performed in 22 buildings around the world as part of International Energy Agency (IEA) Task 50 “Advanced lighting solutions for retrofitting buildings”. This article mainly addresses the work of Subtask D, which aims to demonstrate sound lighting retrofit solutions in a selection of representative, typical Case Studies. In order

Urban environment shortens telomere length in nestling great tits, Parus major

Urban environments are expanding rapidly, and with urbanization come both challenges and opportunities for wildlife. Challenges include combating the anthropogenic disturbances such as light, noise and air pollution and lower availability of natural food sources. The benefits are many, including the availability of anthropogenic food sources, breeding boxes and warmer temperatures. Thus, depending

Percy Shelley's 'Unfinished Drama' and the Problem of the Jane Williams Poems

This essay returns to the extensive scholarly debate surrounding the lyrics and fragments which Percy Bysshe Shelley composed for Jane Williams, or with her in mind, during the last six months of his life. It takes its point of departure in what it defines as “the problem of the Jane Williams poems” – the difficulty, faced by biographers, editors, and critics alike, of mapping the relationship bet

Increased deep pain sensitivity in persistent musculoskeletal pain but not in other musculoskeletal pain states

BackgroundPressure pain thresholds (PPTs) in a non-painful body area are known to be affected in some chronic pain states. The aim of this study is to investigate PPTs in a pain-free body part in relation to pain persistence and intensity in patients with musculoskeletal pain. MethodsPatients with musculoskeletal pain were divided into three different pain groups: acute pain (pain duration 3 mont

Long-term risk of renal and urinary tract diseases in childhood cancer survivors : A population-based cohort study

Background Childhood cancer has been associated with long-term risk of urinary tract diseases, but risk patterns remain to be comprehensively investigated. We analysed the lifetime risk of urinary tract diseases in survivors of childhood cancer in the Nordic countries. Methods We identified 32,519 one-year survivors of childhood cancer diagnosed since the 1940s and 1950s in the five Nordic cancer