

Din sökning på "*" gav 534505 sökträffar

Generalizing the Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem: partial preferences, the degree of manipulation, and multi-valuedness

The Gibbard–Satterthwaite (GS) theorem is generalized in three ways: First, it is proved that the theorem is still valid when individual preferences belong to a convenient class of partial preferences; second, it is shown that every non-dictatorial surjective social choice function (SCF) is not only manipulable, but it can be manipulated in such a way that some individual obtains either his best o

Independent Spike Models: Estimation and Validation

We apply a class of Markov switching models (independent spike models) to six European electricity markets and two European gas markets. This paper extends the current framework by introducing Gamma distributed spikes, which improves the fit for most energy markets. The models are quite complex. The robustness of the estimates is therefore evaluated using three different estimation strategies: dir

Raman linewidth measurements using time-resolved hybrid picosecond/nanosecond rotational CARS

We report an innovative approach for time-domain measurements of S-branch Raman linewidths using hybrid picosecond/nanosecond pure-rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (RCARS). The Raman coherences are created by two picosecond excitation pulses and are probed using a narrow-band nanosecond pulse at 532 nm. The generated RCARS signal contains the entire coherence decay in a single pu

Walkability parameters, active transportation and objective physical activity: moderating and mediating effects of motor vehicle ownership in a cross-sectional study

Background: Neighborhood walkability has been associated with physical activity in several studies. However, as environmental correlates of physical activity may be context specific, walkability parameters need to be investigated separately in various countries and contexts. Furthermore, the mechanisms by which walkability affects physical activity have been less investigated. Based on previous re

Sex- and tissue-specific profiles of chemosensory gene expression in a herbivorous gall-inducing fly (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)

Background: The chemical senses of insects mediate behaviors that are closely linked to survival and reproduction. The order Diptera contains two model organisms, the vinegar fly Drosophila melanogaster and the mosquito Anopheles gambiae, whose chemosensory genes have been extensively studied. Representing a third dipteran lineage with an interesting phylogenetic position, and being ecologically d

Relations between fetal brain-sparing circulation, oxytocin challenge test, mode of delivery and fetal outcome in growth-restricted term fetuses.

Objective. The study was designed as a prospective non-interventional, observational study to elucidate the potential value of fetal middle cerebral artery Doppler velocimetry to identify brain-sparing flow in a surveillance program for suspected intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). Material and methods. The study was carried out at Skåne University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden. One hundred and twen

Material properties related to fire spalling of concrete

Despite almost 100 years of research, the fundamentals of fire spalling of concrete are not yet fully understood. Many different theories exist, each trying to describe the coupling between different phenomenon leading to fire spalling. Some of these phenomenon have been investigated and are presented in this thesis. The thermal properties at high temperature have been investigated using the Trans

Spatially and temporally resolved gas distributions around heterogeneous catalysts using infrared planar laser-induced fluorescence.

Visualizing and measuring the gas distribution in close proximity to a working catalyst is crucial for understanding how the catalytic activity depends on the structure of the catalyst. However, existing methods are not able to fully determine the gas distribution during a catalytic process. Here we report on how the distribution of a gas during a catalytic reaction can be imaged in situ with high

Pedon-scale silicate weathering : comparison of the PROFILE model and the depletion method at 16 forest sites in Sweden

Weathering of soil minerals is important for the recovery from acidification and for the sustainability of forestry. However, there is still substantial uncertainty about its absolute rate. This study presents a harmonized comparison of field weathering rates estimated with the mechanistic model PROFILE and the depletion method for 16 intensively sampled soil profiles across Sweden representing di

Quantifying the heritability of testicular germ cell tumour using both population-based and genomic approaches.

A sizable fraction of testicular germ cell tumour (TGCT) risk is expected to be explained by heritable factors. Recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have successfully identified a number of common SNPs associated with TGCT. It is however, unclear how much common variation there is left to be accounted for by other, yet to be identified, common SNPs and what contribution common genetic var

Alpha1-Antitrypsin: New insights into the biological role in vitro and in vivo

Alpha1-Antitrypsin (AAT), an acute-phase glycoprotein produced predominantly in the liver by hepatocytes, but also by macrophages, pulmonary alveolar cells and intestinal epithelial cells, is a member of the SERPIN superfamily (SERine Protease INhibitors), and is one of the major inhibitors of neutrophil elastase in human plasma. Although AAT plays a critical role in regulating inflammation by inh

Specialiserat flinthantverk på Hisingen

In this paper, the flint depositions at Tuve 46 are analysed. Here around 30 depositions containing several thousands of waste flakes were recovered together with flint tools such as large bifaces, thick-butted axes, spoon-shaped scrapers, bifacial points. It is suggested that specialized flint knappers from flint-rich areas in southern Scandinavia came to the site during the early Late Neolithic

Low-Grade Chronic Inflammation in the Relationship between Insulin Sensitivity and Cardiovascular Disease (RISC) Population Associations with insulin resistance and cardiometabolic risk profile

OBJECTIVE - Low-grade chronic inflammation has been hypothesized to underlie the constellation of cardiometabolic risk factors, possibly by inducing insulin resistance. In the present study, we investigated associations between inflammation markers, insulin sensitivity (expressed as the ratio of the M value to the mean plasma insulin concentrations measured during the Final 40 min of the clamp [M/

Studies of the pathogenesis of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli infections: pathogen virulence factors and host response

Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) is a highly virulent pathogen that can cause diarrhea and a life-threatening disease known as hemolytic uremic syndrome. EHEC possess an array of virulence factors that can exert severe consequences in the host. Shiga toxin constitutes a key virulence factor. Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) is a leading cause of infant diarrhea. EHEC and EPEC are