Din sökning på "*" gav 530405 sökträffar
Målgång i med- och motgång: Storstadssatsningen i Rosengård 2001-2002
Professorn som tog industrins utsträckta hand: - Hur vågade de göra mig till chef?
The Stockholm School And The Development Of Dynamic Method
The Effect of Sampling Temperature on the Determined Efficiency of an Electrostatic Percipitator after a 12 MW Biomass Fired Boiler
No title
How to construct generalizations by computer
Abstract not available
Funktionshinder och arbetsliv
To estimate the L_2-gain of two dynamic systems
Swedish Historical National Accounts 1800-2000
Utveckling av ekonomistyrsystem i sjukvården
The chapter is an introduction to an anthology on aesthetics with contributions from prominent scolars from different European countries.
Causes and consequences of blood parasite infections in birds
Popular Abstract in Swedish Blodparasiter och blåmesar - en studie i rött och blått Alla har någon gång varit utsatta för parasiter. Man kan nog till och med vara säker på, att just i den stund du läser detta, finn's det någonstan's någon form av parasit som försöker attackera dig. I dom allra flesta fall misslycka's sådana försök tack vare ett mycket starkt och mångfacetterat försvar. Förutom deParasites are ubiquitous and can cause significant fitness reductions to their hosts. Therefore, selection for the evolution of host resistance should be strong. However, resistance may be costly and should be traded-off against other fitness related traits. Parasites could therefore have a significant impact on the evolution of fitness related characters of their hosts. It has been suggested that
Selection and design in antibody phage display
The immune system is an important part of the physiology of higher organisms. In the immune system antibodies play a key role in neutralizing and clearing potentially lethal threats from the environment. The importance of antibodies in the immune system has made them come to the attention as a tool in chemistry and medicine. This thesis, which is based on four original papers, deal with antibody d
Focus group conversations on clinical possibilities and risks within Parkinson disease : a Swedish case study
Textens fragmentering och läsares meningsskapande
Moderna, multimodala texter är visuellt fragmenterade i den meningen att de byggs upp av rad olika visuella element. Här finns visuellt avgränsade skriftstycken som brödtext, rubrik och ingress, det finns ofta bilder, grafer, kartor, punktlistor samt andra typer av layoutelement (som ramar, rutor och streck) för att organisera sidan. T.ex. ser ett modernt tidningsuppslag inte ut som ett för hundra
Effects of climate change on snow, water,ice, and permafrost in Arctic ecosystems - synthesis.
Test Quality Analysis and Improvement for an Embedded Asynchronous FIFO
Embedded First-InFirst-Out (FIFO) memories are increasingly used in many IC designs.We have created a new full-custom embedded FIFO module withasynchronous read and write clocks, which is at least a factor twosmaller and also faster than SRAM-based and standard-cell-basedcounterparts. The detection qualities of the FIFO test for bothhard and weak resistive shorts and opens have been analyzed by an