

Din sökning på "*" gav 531126 sökträffar

Changes and tendencies in European university educations in land surveying

The European university market in land surveying and land management is diversified. In many countries MSc programmes have a strong geomatic profile. In the Nordic countries the BSc and MSc engineering programmes integrate geomatics, land legislation, land policies, planning, real estate economics and property management. Such diversity is attractive for youngsters in choosing their university stu

Electronic, Transport, and Optical Properties of Broken-Gap Heterostructures

Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen undersöks fysikaliska egenskaper hos heterostrukturer med brutna energigap med hjälp av en flerbands k.p modell och självkonsistenta beräkningar. Heterostrukturer med brutna energigap består av halvledarna InAs, GaSb och AlSb och karaktäriseras av en speciell bandstruktur där ledningsbandet i InAs överlappar med valensbandet i GaSb. På grund av bandöverThis thesis examines the physical properties of broken-gap heterostructures using a multiband k.p model and self-consistent calculations. Broken-gap heterostructures, made from InAs, GaSb, and AlSb, are characterized by a special band alignment with an overlap between the InAs conduction band and the GaSb valence band. The band overlap results in anticrossing regions in the energy dispersions and

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This report gives some information about the possibilities and problems, which have been observed during an excursion to Sweden, jointly organised by the Department of Comparative Education, University of Marburg and the Department of Education at the University of Hamburg. Two different forms can be discerned. One concerns the provision of school psychology in Gothenburg and the other relates to

Om gemenskap : En sociologisk betraktelse

Popular Abstract in Swedish Olika rapporter har fastslagit att de traditionella svenska folkrörelserna (såsom arbetarrörelsen och frikyrkorörelsen) tappar medlemmar. Istället för att ansluta sig till ett politiskt parti eller en kyrka söker sig politiskt eller religiöst intresserade individer till nya, individualiserade, former av engagemang. Denna avhandling studerar en grupp män och kvinnor somVarious reports have stated that the traditional Swedish popular movements (e.g. the Workers movement and the Free church movement) are loosing ground. Instead of joining a political party or a church, politically or religiously active individuals are said to seek out new and individualized ways of being involved. This thesis studies a number of men and women that persist in being communally invo

Vascular effects of prostacyclin in cat skeletal muscle and in the traumatised rat brain

Popular Abstract in Swedish I syfte att upprätthålla en optimal miljö för alla kroppens celler har högre stående djur utvecklat blodcirkulationen genom vilken syre- och andra närings ämnen transporteras till vävnader via artärer och de mindre arteriolerna, medan slaggprodukter förs bort med venerna. Utbytet av näringsämnen och slaggprodukter mellan blod och vävnad sker genom kärlväggen i kroppens Disturbances in microvascular function may be important for tissue damage in many disease states. Prostacyclin, a substance produced by endothelial cells, is important for the maintenance of normal vascular homeostasis and is a potential drug for treatment of microvascular dysfunction, but indications and optimal dosage remains to be established. In the present thesis we evaluated the capillary fi

Drogval, kön och personlighet : En perceptgenetisk undersökning av narkomaner

Popular Abstract in Swedish Är narkomaners personlighet relaterad till den drog som de valt att använda och föredrar? Detta undersöktes i en grupp om 128 tunga narkotikamissbrukare varav 37 var kvinnor och 91 män. De tre droger det gällde var heroin, som användes av 30 kvinnor och 52 män, amfetamin (7 kvinnor och 32 män) och hasch (7 män). Narkomanernas personlighet bestämdes med hjälp av två percThe topic dealt with in this thesis is whether, as Wieder and Kaplan (1969) suggest, the personality of drug addicts is related to their particular drug of choice. The subjects were 128 heavy drug addicts, 37 women and 91 men, each of them selected for the fact of there being one basic drug he/she abused. The drug of choice was either heroin (30 women, 52 men), amphetamine (7 women, 32 men) or can

Should pregnant women actively train?

Background The aim of this review article is to examine the evidence in the literature with regard to the safety of exercise in pregnancy. Material and Methods A literature search revealed fourteen randomised controlled trials which were systematically reviewed. The outcome measures looked at were both short and long term consequences of training in healthy pregnant women. Results The methodo

Predicting pine sawfly population densities and subsequent defoliation with pheromone traps

Field in Finland to develop a monitoring and prediction trials were conducted from 1989 to 1993 method using pheromone traps for European pine sawfly (Neadiprion sertifer Geoffr.) population densities and needle defoliation. Three traps per site were baited with 100 mug of(2S,3S,7S) - 3,7 - dimethyl - 2 - pentadecyl acetate (diprionyl) at sites representing advanced pine stands. The number of over

Computer package generating non-invasive atrial electrograms: Detection and subtraction of QRS and T waves

Computerized systems to localize specific patterns appearing in ECG signal, such as the QRS complex and T wave usually utilize predefined templates. Where the signal is not clean, such as during atrial fibrillation (AF), analysis based on self-similarities of the ECG signal appears to be more stable. The authors describe a software package which uses self-similarity techniques to allow the subtrac

The WORLD model: Peak metals, minerals, energy, wealth, food and population

In this paper we show that several metals, elements and energy resources are about to run into scarcity within the next decades, and most elements within some centuries. A new global systems model was assembled to analyse this scarcity as a continuation of the model used in the Limits-to-Growth World3 model. We show that this scarcity will lead to “peak wealth”, “peak population”, “peak costs”, “p

Bullied into it: bullying, power and the conduct of conduct

Bullied into it: Bullying, Power and the Conduct of Conduct takes issue with the way in which the relations between school bullying and power have commonly been understood. Drawing on long-term ethnographic fieldwork conducted in two schools in the northern Vietnamese port city of Haiphong, the book contextually situates the bullying that occurs within the disciplinary framework of the school an