Kommun och landsting idag
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Peterson's psychiatric analysis of Birger Sjöberg is analyzed, referring essentially to two theories of the psyche, that of Kretschmer and Sjöbring.
Since they were first published in the 1890's Emily Dickinson's (1830-1886) poems have elicited queries regarding the proprieties of editing. This dissertation considers processes through which Dickinson's work has been edited in the twentieth century and how such editorial processes contribute specifically to the production of Emily Dickinson as author. As the project of editing Dickinson's work
The objective of this study is the experimental and numerical investigation of flame spread over a PMMA surface. A series of upward flame spread tests were carried out in a cylindrical combustion room, with measurements made for gas velocity, surface temperature and surface heat fluxes. A CFD based flame spread model was then used for the simulation of the experiment. This model consists of a four
Kan kunskap om människors vardagliga aktiviteter användas för att nå närmare målet om minskad energiförbrukning i hushållssektorn? (Kajsa Ellegård: Hushåll, energi och vardagliga aktiviteter, I J Palm & K Ellegård (red), Energi och IT. Carlssons, Stockholm, 2008, s.141-171) Inom ramen för den frågeställning Kajsa Ellegård ställer sig finns två grundläggande definitionsproblem man måste ta stä
Under det senaste decenniet har hemlösheten rönt stor uppmärksamhet, men samtidigt är kunskapen otillräcklig om de processer som leder in i respektive ut ur hemlöshet samt om olika åtgärders effekter. Syftet med denna antologi är att ge en bred och allsidig bild av svensk hemlöshet utifrån olika perspektiv och förklaringsmodeller samt att ge några internationella utblickar. Författarna är forskare
Organochlorine compounds in fish lipids were characterized by studying the partitioning of chlorinated species into acidic and neutral fractions before and after hydrolysis of the lipids, and after transesterification to fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs). Chlorinated fatty acids (Cl-FAs) were found to be the major organochlorine components in the fish lipids. Approximately 90% of the extractable or
The Swedish university market has increased during the latest decades in more than one dimension. The traditional engineering programme in land surveying has become part of a market oriented educational structure. A diversification of university programmes has lead to new Bachelor and Master of Science programmes in land surveying and management, as well as in GIS and geomatics, with today five un