

Din sökning på "*" gav 531346 sökträffar

My Momma Shoots Better Than You! : Who is the Female Gamer?

This paper is a component of a three-year empirical study of gaming moms undertaken with the aim to modulate the conventional constructions of gamer identities and examine the contested status of gaming in everyday life. It presents samples of mothers in gaming discourse – from TV, Music-video, forums, and ads. Mothers have been largely invisible in popular gaming discourse or formulaically portra

This Time It’s Personal: Social Networks, Viral Politics and Identity Management

This chapter deals with political mobilisation and participation in social media. The main focus is on the impor¬tance of Internet-mediated social networks in providing a “media filter”, functioning as a kind of collective gatekeeper to spread news and information perceived as important, in contrast to the image of the single individual media consumer faced with an in¬surmount¬able mass of informa

Glycosylated Matrix Proteins

Connective tissues have many features in common, including resisting and dissipating mechanical load and providing shape, as well as acting to provide barriers regulating water flow and diffusibility of macromolecules. In this chapter we have chosen to focus on cartilage and bone, covering many aspects of connective tissues. We give special focus to the noncollagenous proteins in their matrices.

Trait anxiety as a determinant of psychological test results

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ur ett utvecklingsbiologiskt perspektiv är ångest en primär emotion som är mer eller mindre närvarande hos oss alla. Inom vissa gränser anses en individs vanemässiga ångestnivå vara ett centralt personlighetsdrag av betydelse för individens förmåga att känna oro, uppfatta sin omvärld, och vara känslig för negativa stimuli. Som personlighetsdrag har ångest ofta rapporterThis thesis deals with the problem of interpreting test scores. The intention has been to explore and elucidate the effects of trait anxiety on test scores that have been obtained in applied research settings. Paper I showed that different relationships between personality traits and cognitive functioning emerged in a group of men with solvent induced chronic toxic encephalopathy (TE; N=57) compa

Certified Professional in Configuration Management - Foundation Level Qualification Scheme

This document (or syllabus) contains a qualification scheme and forms the basis for training providers to create a foundation level training for professionals in Configuration Management. Training providers will produce courseware and determine appropriate teaching methods for accreditation, and the document will help candidates in their preparation for the examination. The iNTernational Certifi

A CMOS 500 MS/S charge sampler

A new sample-and-hold circuit based on the charge sampling technique is introduced, which integrates input current instead of tracking input voltage to realize high speed and low voltage sampling. Both the theoretical analysis and the experimental results prove that it can realize both sample-and-hold and amplification functions. A 500 MS/s charge sampling circuit is implemented in 0.25 μm CMOS pr

God in the Act of Reference: Debating Religious Realism and Non-Realism

To claim to believe in God without accepting that God exists independently of human minds would mean reducing God to merely a human construct, thus not real enough for being the object of religious worship. This book sets out to challenge this common view on existence and religious belief. Arguing from concrete examples of language use in children's make-believe play and other ordinary situation

Supply Chain Security Programs - Comparing business and authority certifications

A new topic that during the last years has come to the attention of researchers is supply chain security. Stakeholders are progressively realizing the importance to join the authority regulations issued by governments (e.g. AEO) to reduce transport delays at Customs or other business certifications (e.g. TAPA) to reduce theft or counterfeiting. However the differences and impacts of security certi

EU sustainability criteria for biofuels potentially restrict ley crop production on marginal land for use as biogas substrate

Ley crops can be grown to provide a substrate for biogas vehicle-fuel production on a range of soils including marginal land. According to EU regulations, such biofuel currently has to achieve an emission reduction of 35%, but tightened goals of 50 and 60% will come into effect as early as 2017. In two field trials (one on marginal soil, one on productive soil) ley crop mixtures were tested and th

The Late etruscan votive heads from Tessennano. A study of production, distribution and sociohistorical context.

Popular Abstract in Swedish De senetruskiska votivhuvudena i terrakotta (bränd lera) från Tessennano på Medelhavsmuseet i Stockholm hittades 1956 i anslutning till en lantlig helgedom, ungefär tio mil norr om Rom, Italien. Att de är votivgåvor innebär att de skänktes av tillbedjare som representationer av dem själva inför gudomen eller gudomarna. Avhandlingen diskuterar emellertid inte de religiösThe Late etruscan terracotta votive heads from Tessennano were found near a rural sanctuary about a hundred km to the North of Rome in 1956. Whereas the facial fronts are serially produced with moulds, the backs are handmade. By using not only the moulded and the handmade features but the raw material (clay and temper) as well, it has been possible to make suggestions as to how, when and where the

Evenemangsmarknadsföringens organisering: Interaktion mellan aktörer på ett politiskt torg

This thesis comprises five papers discussing two case studies – the mega-event World Championships in Athletics 1995 in Göteborg and the regional festival Storsjöyran in Östersund, Sweden. The study adopts an organisational-theoretical perspective and focus on both intra- and interorganisational aspects of the marketing work. The purpose is to understand the structure and the processes of the orga

Anton Niklas Sundberg – Svea rikes ärkebiskop

Tillsammans med en artikel om P. Waldenström speglar denna artikel spänningarna i svensk kristenhet under slutet av 1800-talet. Sundberg har kallats ”den mest självsäkre, frispråkige och myndige kyrkofursten på den svenska ärkebiskopsstolen sedan medeltiden”, men han kämpade med svåra depressioner. Sitt praktiska sinne använde han både som redaktör för Swensk Kyrkotidning och i Svenska Akademien.