

Din sökning på "*" gav 532897 sökträffar

Worldwide First Successful and Reproducable Long-Term Survival up to Half a Year : Completed Preclinical Study with Life-Supporting Orthotopic Pig-to-Baboon Cardiac Xenotransplantation (oXHTx) Fullfilling the ISHLT Prerequisite for Clinical Cardiac Xenotransplantation

PURPOSE: Major hurdles in oXHTx are the delayed xenograft rejection, the early perioperative cardiac xenograft dysfunction (PCXD) and the pig heart overgrowth, which were solved in this study with a costimulation blockade, a new non-ischemic cold preservation and a growth inhibition by anti-proliferative drugs. Aim was to achieve a 90-days-survival of minimal 60% (6 of 10 baboons) in this life-sup

Faste- och påsktiden i Svenska kyrkan 2017 : Redovisning av Luka 29

På 1940-talet började Kyrkohistoriska arkivet vid Lunds Universitet arbeta med att klarlägga förändringar i den samtida kyrkliga seden. Insamlingen av sådana uppgifter fann sin form på 1960-talet, då arkivet började sända ut rikstäckande frågelistor om den aktuella kyrkliga seden. Genom dessa LUKA-listor har den kyrkliga seden inventerats för hela landet med jämna mellanrum från och med 1962. År 2

Perinatal outcomes of cesarean deliveries in Sierra Leone : A prospective multicenter observational study

Objective: To analyze the indications for cesarean deliveries and factors associated with adverse perinatal outcomes in Sierra Leone. Methods: Between October 2016 and May 2017, patients undergoing cesarean delivery performed by medical doctors and associate clinicians in nine hospitals were included in a prospective observational study. Data were collected perioperatively, at discharge, and durin

Induction of blood-circulating bile acids supports recovery from myelosuppressive chemotherapy

Chemotherapeutic agents can reduce bone marrow (BM) activity, causing myelosuppression, a common life-threatening complication of cancer treatment. It is challenging to predict the patients in whom prolonged myelosuppression will occur, resulting in a delay or discontinuation of the treatment protocol. An early indicator of recovery from myelosuppression would thus be highly beneficial in clinical

Improving the description of multiple interactions in Herwig

The modeling of multiple parton interactions in Monte Carlo event generators is a crucial part not only for the dressing of signal processes but also to describe data with a minimum bias on the event selection. Much work has and will be put into the theoretical framework and the numerical implementation of these models. In this contribution, we document various improvements of the multiple parton

Anatomy of a 21st-century project: A critical analysis

In this analytical chapter we focus on human factors to shed light on what a 21st-century project might look like from within. Adopting a non-essentialist perspective to project-making, we at the same time acknowledge that the notion of human nature is blurred, dynamic, changeable, heterogeneous, and internally riven. The human condition, hence, always dictates what ontological position a project

The changes in ENSO-induced tropical Pacific precipitation variability in the past warm and cold climates from the EC-Earth simulations

The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is one of the most significant climate variability signals. Studying the changes in ENSO-induced precipitation variability (ENSO precipitation) in the past climate offers a possibility to a better understanding of how they may change under future climate conditions. This study uses simulations performed with the European community Earth-System Model (EC-Eart

Measures of lung function and their relationship with advanced glycation end-products

Background: Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) have been implicated in the pathophysiology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, the association between AGE accumulation in the skin measured by skin autofluorescence (SAF) and lung function in healthy subjects has not been explored in detail. We use a population-based study of 50-64-year-olds to assess spirometry, diffusing

Add-on or alone? Inhaled nebulized immunoglobulin reduces upper airway infections : 24 months of real-life experience

Background: Patients with antibody deficiencies might suffer from acute/chronic upper respiratory tract infections (URTI), despite apparently adequate levels of replacement IgG. This pilot study aimed to ascertain whether inhaled nebulized immunoglobulin (INHIG) could reduce the number of URTI episodes. Methods: Three young, male sibling patients with antibody deficiency who, despite ongoing treat

Bogong Moths Are Well Camouflaged by Effectively Decolourized Wing Scales

Moth wings are densely covered by wing scales that are assumed to specifically function to camouflage nocturnally active species during day time. Generally, moth wing scales are built according to the basic lepidopteran Bauplan, where the upper lamina consists of an array of parallel ridges and the lower lamina is a thin plane. The lower lamina hence acts as a thin film reflector having distinct rMoth wings are densely covered by wing scales that are assumed to specifically function to camouflage nocturnally active species during day time. Generally, moth wing scales are built according to the basic lepidopteran Bauplan, where the upper lamina consists of an array of parallel ridges and the lower lamina is a thin plane. The lower lamina hence acts as a thin film reflector having distinct reflec

Synthesis of tricyclic carbohydrate-benzene hybrids as selective inhibitors of galectin-1 and galectin-8 N-terminal domains

As the galactoside binding family of galectin proteins is involved in many physiological and pathological processes, the inhibitors of these proteins are considered to be of significant interest in the treatment of diseases such as cancer and fibrosis. Herein, fused tricyclic carbohydrate-benzene hybrid core structures are reported to be the selective inhibitors of galectin-1 and the N-terminal do

Trends in dialysis modality choice and related patient survival in the ERA-EDTA Registry over a 20-year period

Background Although previous studies suggest similar patient survival for peritoneal dialysis (PD) and haemodialysis (HD), PD use has decreased worldwide. We aimed to study trends in the choice of first dialysis modality and relate these to variation in patient and technique survival and kidney transplant rates in Europe over the last 20 years. Methods We used data from 196 076 patients within the

Modeling of Request Cloning in Cloud Server Systems using Processor Sharing

The interest for studying server systems subject to cloned requests has recently increased. In this paper we present a model that allows us to equivalently represent a system of servers with cloned requests, as a single server. The model is very general, and we show that no assumptions on either inter-arrival or service time distributions are required, allowing for, e.g., both heterogeneity and de

Characterisation of RBMK-1500 graphite : A method to identify the neutron activation and surface contamination terms

In this study, we provide the results of radiological characterization of the RBMK-1500 graphite using modeling and nuclear spectrometry; we also introduce a method to identify neutron activation and surface contamination terms for the spent graphite waste. The simplified model of the reactor core created by programme package SCALE 6.2 for 4 × 4 fragment of the core was used for simulation of neut