

Din sökning på "*" gav 532897 sökträffar

Främmande makter vill lära sig mer om svensk krishantering

Coronautbrottet är ett hot mot Sveriges nationella säkerhet. Det riskerar leda till en ökning av främmande makters aktiviteter, terrorattacker, organiserad brottslighet samt social oro, skriver Ardavan Khoshnood, specialistläkare, kriminolog och statsvetare.The corona eruption is a threat to Sweden's national security. It risks leading to an increase in the activities of foreign powers, terrorist attacks, organized crime and social unrest, writes Ardavan Khoshnood, specialist physician, criminologist and political scientist.

Perceptual switching, eye movements, and the bus paradox

According to a widely cited finding by Ellis and Stark (1978 Perception 7 575-581), the duration of eye fixations is longer at the instant of perceptual reversal of an ambiguous figure than before or after the reversal. However, long fixations are more likely to include samples of an independent random event than are short fixations. This sampling bias would produce the pattern of results also whe

Fair Taxation and Corporate Social Responsibility

Taxation and CSR is becoming an ever-important concept among multinational enterprises (MNEs), but its meaning and its impact on corporations and societies are still uncertain. Despite the lack of common understanding of the meaning of responsible tax behaviour, the concept of ‘responsible tax behaviour among MNEs’ is materialising as one of the main pillars of CSR.In this anthology, internationalTaxation and CSR is becoming an ever-important concept among multinational enterprises (MNEs), but its meaning and its impact on corporations and societies are still uncertain. Despite the lack of common understanding of the meaning of responsible tax behaviour, the concept of 'responsible tax behaviour among MNEs' is materialising as one of the main pillars of CSR. In this anthology, internationa

Minimum Wages and Firm-Level Employment in a Developing Country

The effect of minimum wages on employment is a matter of debate, and the existing empirical literature contains mixed results. One reason for this is the methodological difficulties involved where changes in minimum wages are endogenous to other important economic changes. To overcome this problem, we examine exogenous changes to local minimum wages in Indonesia between 1989 and 1994. Our natural

Multimarket Contact and Collusion in Online Retail

When firms meet in multiple markets, they can leverage punishment ability in one market to sustain collusion in another. This is the first paper to test this theory for multiproduct retailers that sell consumer goods online. With data on the universe of consumer goods sold online in Sweden, I estimate that multimarket contact increases prices. To more closely investigate what drives the effect, I em

Health-related quality of life among tonsillar carcinoma patients in Sweden in relation to treatment and comparison with quality of life among the population

Background: The health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of tonsillar carcinoma survivors was explored to investigate any HRQOL differences associated with tumor stage and treatment. The survivors' HRQOL was also compared to reference scores from the population. Methods: In this exploratory cross-sectional study patients were invited 15 months after their diagnosis and asked to answer two quality of

Transverse momentum and process dependent azimuthal anisotropies in √sNN=8.16 TeV p+Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector

The azimuthal anisotropy of charged particles produced in sNN=8.16 TeV p+Pb collisions is measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 165 nb - 1 that was collected in 2016. Azimuthal anisotropy coefficients, elliptic v2 and triangular v3, extracted using two-particle correlations with a non-flow template fit procedure, are presented as a function

Validation of a stroke model in rat compatible with rt-PA-induced thrombolysis : new hope for successful translation to the clinic

The recent clinical trial (DAWN) suggests that recanalization treatment may be beneficial up to 24 h after stroke onset, thus re-opening avenues for development of new therapeutic strategies. Unfortunately, there is a continuous failure of drugs in clinical trials and one of the major reasons proposed for this translational roadblock is the animal models. Therefore, the purpose of this study was t

Detailed Abundances in the Galactic Center : Evidence of a Metal-rich Alpha-enhanced Stellar Population

We present a detailed study of the composition of 20 M giants in the Galactic center with 15 of them confirmed to be in the nuclear star cluster. As a control sample we have also observed 7 M giants in the Milky Way disk with similar stellar parameters. All 27 stars are observed using the NIRSPEC spectrograph on the KECK II telescope in the K-band at a resolving power of R = 23,000. We report the

Effects of rescaling bilinear interpolant on image interpolation quality

Rescaling bilinear (RB) interpolant's pixels is a novel image interpolation scheme. In the current study, we investigate the effects on the quality of interpolated images. RB determines the lower and upper bounds using the standard deviation of the four nearest pixels to find the new interval or range that will be used to rescale the bilinear interpolant's pixels. The products of the rescaled-pixe

Skåda framtiden i ett ännu okänt förflutet

Artikel om tidsuppfattningars betydelse i tider av kriser och katastrofer med science fiction-filmer som "La Jatée" och "De 12 apornas armé" som exempel och coronapandemin som kontext.

Numerical investigation on the impact of membrane thickness on transport phenomena in PEM fuel cells

A two-dimensional mathematical model is used to investigate the performance and transport characteristics of PEM fuel cells with different membrane thicknesses. The overall cell performance of three cases are presented and compared. In addition, the local temperature, liquid water saturation, water content and current density distributions are analyzed and compared. Results show that performance i

Self-service Last Mile Delivery : E-consumer perspective on service renovation

The continuous growth of e-retail in the B2C sector has been generating new recordsin revenues for several years. This has led to diversification of the marketinteractions and actors that are involved and impacted by the respective operationsand trends. To address the rising demands from the different actors involved and tohelp manage the increasing complexity of the retail sector, technological s