

Din sökning på "*" gav 532871 sökträffar

Current-voltage correlations in interferometers

We investigate correlations of current at contacts and voltage fluctuations at voltage probes coupled to interferometers. The results are compared with correlations of current and occupation number fluctuations at dephasing probes. We use a quantum Langevin approach for the average quantities and their fluctuations. For higher order correlations we develop a stochastic path integral approach and f

Review of Change, Choice and Inference (Hans Rott, Oxford UP)

Hans Rott is well-known for his work on belief revision theory in the tradition founded by Carlos Alchourro´ n, Peter Ga¨ rdenfors and David Makinson (hereafter, ‘AGM’) to which he has contributed in a number of fine articles. One of his main achievements is the establishment of far-reaching connections between AGM-style belief revision theory and the classical theory of rational choice, as the la

Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma - tumour characteristics on RNA and protein level associated with prognosis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Diffust storcelligt B-celllymfom (DLBCL) är den vanligaste aggressiva lymfomsjukdomen, och drabbar ca 450 personer årligen i Sverige. Med modern antracyklin-innehållande cytostatikabehandling är DLBCL en potentiellt botbar sjukdom. Av patienter med lokaliserad sjukdom botas 70 %, med spridd sjukdom ca 50 %. Bakgrunden till arbete 1 i denna avhandling var en rapport därDiffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most frequent lymphoma subtype. In Sweden 450 new cases are diagnosed annually. With modern anthracycline-containing chemotherapy DLBCL is potentially curable, with an estimated overall cure rate of approximately 50% for patients with advanced stage disease. Through molecular profiling of DLBCL the ?cell-of-origin concept? has been established: patients

Disentangling genetic variation for resistance and tolerance to infectious diseases in animals

Hosts can in principle employ two different strategies to defend themselves against parasites: resistance and tolerance. Animals typically exhibit considerable genetic variation for resistance (the ability to limit parasite burden). However, little is known about whether animals can evolve tolerance (the ability to limit the damage caused by a given parasite burden). Using rodent malaria in labora

Smart people that make simple heuristics work

In order to evaluate the success of simple heuristics we need to know more about how a relevant heuristic is chosen and how we learn which cues are relevant. These meta-abilities, we believe, are at the core of ecological rationality, rather than the individual heuristics.

Dynamic response of a constrained axially loaded beam

A dynamic beam system loaded harmonically in the axial direction and constrained in the transverse direction is modelled using different theoretical descriptions. Results from an experimental set-up are compared to calculations using Bernoulli as well as Timoshenko beam theories. Some results from investigations of this beam system unveiling its chaotic nature have earlier been presented, but here

From Idea to Norm : Promoting Conflict Prevention

Popular Abstract in Swedish Istället för fred gav det kalla krigets slut upphov till nya säkerhetspolitiska utmaningar i form av inomstatliga konflikter. Under perioden 1989-2000 utkämpades 111 väpnade konflikter runt om i världen varav de flesta kan karakteriseras som inomstatliga, såsom inbördeskriget i Somalia, det våldsamma sammanbrottet i Jugoslavien, och folkmordet i Rwanda. Trots att både hThis study is concerned with tracing the process of how conflict prevention is moving from the realm of ideas to the field of action. Why is it that, despite historical as well as recent evidence of the infeasibility to prevent wars, the idea of conflict prevention has resurfaced to meet the challenge of the new wars of the post-Cold War era? The study investigates whether the growing interest in

On the blow-up of solutions to a nonlinear dispersive rod equation

Using a variational approach we prove an optimal nonlinear convolution inequality. This result is then applied to give criteria for finite-time blow-up of solutions to a nonlinear model equation in elasticity, improving considerably upon recent blow-up results.

Mesoporous thin films of high-surface-area crystalline cerium dioxide

Mesoporous thin films of cerium dioxide were prepared by using a copolymer surfactant (Pluronics 123) at ambient conditions in alcohol as a solvent. The material was produced via a direct calcination step, without the necessity of a gelling stage. The synthesised CeO2 matrix was crystalline with a high surface area. The solution height over the synthesis vessel before the calcination step was foun

Serum antibodies to Helicobacter hepaticus and Helicobacter pylori in patients with chronic liver disease

BACKGROUND: Bile tolerant helicobacter species such as H hepaticus and H bilis have frequently been reported to cause hepatitis in mice and other rodents. AIMS: To investigate the possible pathogenic role of these and other helicobacter species in chronic liver disease in humans. METHODS: Serum samples from 144 patients with various chronic liver diseases, 30 patients with primary sclerosing chola

Swedish Primary School Pupils' Inter-ethnic Relationships

The aim of the Swedish educational policy is educational participation and academic achieivement for all children, irrespective of ethnic background. Majority language instruction is an important tool used to achieve this goal. We argue that taking lessons in Swedish-as-a-second-language (S2) sets children apart in their class and limits their possibilities to interact with Swedish children and th

Protein kinase C expression in the rabbit retina after laser photocoagulation.

Background: Laser photocoagulation is a well-established treatment for diabetic retinopathy but the mechanism behind its effectiveness has not been elucidated. The protein kinase C (PKC) family is a group of enzymes which has been the subject of extensive interest in clinically related research since the advent of its role in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy. With this study we wanted to e