Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma - tumour characteristics on RNA and protein level associated with prognosis
Popular Abstract in Swedish Diffust storcelligt B-celllymfom (DLBCL) är den vanligaste aggressiva lymfomsjukdomen, och drabbar ca 450 personer årligen i Sverige. Med modern antracyklin-innehållande cytostatikabehandling är DLBCL en potentiellt botbar sjukdom. Av patienter med lokaliserad sjukdom botas 70 %, med spridd sjukdom ca 50 %. Bakgrunden till arbete 1 i denna avhandling var en rapport därDiffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most frequent lymphoma subtype. In Sweden 450 new cases are diagnosed annually. With modern anthracycline-containing chemotherapy DLBCL is potentially curable, with an estimated overall cure rate of approximately 50% for patients with advanced stage disease. Through molecular profiling of DLBCL the ?cell-of-origin concept? has been established: patients