

Din sökning på "*" gav 532814 sökträffar

A potential for democratic emancipation? : Policy and discretionary practices in probation service

Hvordan kan kriminalforsorgens tilsynsarbejde integrere tilfælde af demokratisk emancipation (: frigørelse, selvstændiggørelse) og dermed inspirere til deltagende medborgerskab for marginaliserede klienter? Dette forskningsprojekt balancerer en interesse i socialt arbejde og dets muligheder for at levere emancipationgennem motivationsarbejde med en opmærksomhed på den senere tids udviklinger i skHow can offender supervision in the execution of state-sanctioned punishment integrate instances of democratic emancipation and thereby inspire participatory citizenship for disenfranchised clients?This project balances an interest in social work and its prospects for delivering emancipation through motivational agency, on the one hand, with an attentiveness to recent developments in Scandinavian

Willingness to communicate in a multilingual context : part two, person-context dynamics

In many contexts of multilingualism, language learners can initiate communication in the target language (TL), or a contact language (such as English). Patterns of use emerging from these choices vary between individuals and affect TL development. Willingness to communicate (WTC) needs to be investigated in ways that capture these variations. So far, WTC has not been studied in multilingual contex

Weaving webs of connection : Empathy, perspective taking, and students' motivation

L2 motivation is a relational phenomenon, shaped by teacher responsiveness (Lamb, 2017; Ushioda, 2009). Little, however, is known about the practices in which responsiveness is manifested. Drawing on research from the culturally responsive teaching paradigm (Petrone, 2013), and highlighting the role of empathy and perspective taking (Warren, 2018), the aim of this ethnographic case study of two le

LES of Combustion Dynamics in an Ethylene-Hydrogen-Air Ramjet

A combustion Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is used to examine the flow, mixing, fuel-injection and combustion dynamics of a ramjet combustor with a cavity flame holder. The combustor is a running 50/50, in mole, ethylene/hydrogen fuel mixture. A direct-connect facility dual-mode ramjet/scramjet combustor presents the target case, with in the literature available experimental data is used in the pres

What does the Fox Say? A mixed-methods framing analysis of Fox News’ coverage of domestic terrorism, 2012-2022

This paper investigates Fox News’ television coverage of domestic terrorism in the United States from 2012 to 2022. This period spans the terms of both Republican and Democratic Presidents, the COVID-19 pandemic, large-scale civil protests, and the emergence of rightwing extremism as the foremost domestic terror threat. The empirical analysis is based on 287 transcripts from 24 Fox News shows. The

Bridging the Gaps : Realising Human Diversity in the Built Environment through Universal Design

Denna avhandling undersöker hur mer jämlika och inkluderande livsmiljöer kan uppnås genom att använda Universal Utformning (UU) för att införliva mänsklig mångfald i alla stadier av planering och byggande. Det pågående utanförskapet av personer med funktionsnedsättning från den byggda miljön beror inte på bristande kunskap om hur man kan åtgärda befintliga hinder eller om hur man undviker att skapThis thesis explores how more equal and inclusive living environments can be achieved by using Universal Design (UD) to incorporate human diversity in all stages of planning and construction. The ongoing exclusion of persons with disabilities from the built environment does not result from a lack of knowledge on how to remedy existing obstacles nor of how to avoid creating new ones. Other reasons

Motivational Practice : Insights from the Classroom

Motivational Practice provides a rich account of how teachers who are successful in motivating their students negotiate classroom relationships, and create engaging learning opportunities. It sheds light on how motivation emerges through teacher–student relationships, and in classroom activities.Drawing on examples of motivational practice from the Motivational Teaching in Swedish Secondary Englis

Balancing Power in Sweden Using Different Renewable Resources, Varying Prices, and Storages Like Batteries in a Resilient Energy System

In this paper, balancing electricity production using renewable energy such as wind power, PV cells, hydropower, and CHP (combined heat and power) with biomass is carried out in relation to electricity consumption in primarily one major region in Sweden, SE-3, which contains 75% of the country’s population. The time perspective is hours and days. Statistics with respect to power production and con

xtnumfac : A battery of estimators for the number of common factors in time series and panel-data models

In this article, we introduce a new community-contributed command, xtnumfac, for estimating the number of common factors in time-series and panel datasets using the methods of Bai and Ng (2002, Econometrica 70: 191–221), Ahn and Horenstein (2013, Econometrica 81: 1203–1227), Onatski (2010, Review of Economics and Statistics 92: 1004–1016), and Gagliardini, Ossola, and Scaillet (2019, Journal of Ec

Husk and Seed

Exhibition at Societe för konst:scenkonst och kultur i Västerås

A Disentangled VAE-BiLSTM Model for Heart Rate Anomaly Detection

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) remain a leading cause of death globally. According to the American Heart Association, approximately 19.1 million deaths were attributed to CVDs in 2020, in particular, ischemic heart disease and stroke. Several known risk factors for CVDs include smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of regular physical activity, and diabetes. The last decade has been characterized by

Remembering Ross Leadbetter: some personal reflections

Ross Leadbetter had had a broad and deep influence on the development of proba-bilistic and statistical theory of extreme values and on the application of extreme-value methods. He has been an inspiration and a friend for many of us. This edito-rial collects thirteen personal recollections of Ross and his work. An account of hiscareer and some of his work can be found in the IMS Obituary “Ross Lea

Musikalisk trans - vägar mot ett accepterande lyssnande

Title: Musical Trance - Paths towards listening with acceptance Why do I perceive music the way I do? Can I evolve an ability to play with more emotion and how does this relate to my way of listening? To learn more about the experience of music I investigated my own critical way of listening, came up with tools to bypass the analytical mind and studied how my musicianship can benefit from this. In

PSI-PSYCHO SCHIZOPHRENIA IMAGING- Hjärnavbildning vid Schizofreni. : Del 4: Ämnesomsättning och Schizofreni

4-5.1 Sammanfattning av Glutamat och GABA vid Schizofreni1H-MRS och kronisk schizofreni1H-MRS visar att alla Schizofreni patienter hade ett signifikant lägre N-AcetylAsparagin-syra(NAA) till Kreatin(Cr) nivåförhållande i frontalloben än kontrollerna. Resultaten indikerar att det finns ett samband mellan det Glutamat-erga systemet och patofysiologin vid Schizofreni. (Szulc et al., 2013).GABA och gl