

Din sökning på "*" gav 534668 sökträffar

The Quality of the Craft

In this study the sustainability of crucibles used during the Scandinavian Bronze Age is tested. Due to the crucible’s high or low sustainability the idea of it being a disposable object may be ratified or discarded. Earlier experiments focusing on the casting process in Scandinavian Bronze Age have concluded that crucibles such as the ones used during Bronze Age were disposable objects due to low


The bachelor course AAHF30 - Architecture in the Contemporary explores various digital processes and fabrication techniques to address critical climate change issues through an individual design in the form of a naturum. The Notus naturum project originated from observing a site characterized by flat terrain and strong winds, prompting an investigation into wind's impact on ecosystems and clim

Validation of the Super-Brief Pathological Narcissism Inventory (SB-PNI) among Swedish adolescents

This study examines the psychometric structure and properties of the Swedish version of the Super-Brief Pathological Narcissism Inventory (SB-PNI) among adolescents. In order to ensure the validity and feasibility of the measure, we examined the factor structure, measurement invariance across gender, age and ethnicity, and construct validity in relation to a number of correlates of narcissism in a

DNA digestion and formation of DNA-network structures with Holliday junction-resolving enzyme Hjc_15-6 in conjunction with polymerase reactions

The recently identified novel Holliday junction-resolving enzyme, termed Hjc_15-6, activity investigation results imply DNA cleavage by Hjc_15-6 in a manner that potentially enhances the molecular self-assembly that may be exploited for creating DNA-networks and nanostructures. The study also demonstrates Pwo DNA polymerase acting in combination with Hjc_15-6 capability to produce large amounts of

Effect of kilning on the macronutrient composition profile of three Swedish oat varieties

Background and ObjectivesKilning is crucial in oat processing, to prevent rancidity and extend shelf-life. This study examines kilning effects on the macronutrient composition in Swedish oat varieties Galant, Fatima, and Belinda. We compared two kilning methods: one mimicking industrial practice and a simplified version. We analyzed dietary fibers (arabinoxylan, β-glucan), protein and amino acids,

Structure-guided engineering of immunotherapies targeting TRBC1 and TRBC2 in T cell malignancies

Peripheral T cell lymphomas are typically aggressive with a poor prognosis. Unlike other hematologic malignancies, the lack of target antigens to discriminate healthy from malignant cells limits the efficacy of immunotherapeutic approaches. The T cell receptor expresses one of two highly homologous chains [T cell receptor β-chain constant (TRBC) domains 1 and 2] in a mutually exclusive manner, mak

On provocation, education and entrepreneurship

This essay develops an affect-based theory of entrepreneurial entrepreneurship education, something we summarise in a model of provocationbased entrepreneurial entrepreneurship education (the E3 model). Taking its starting point in an anecdote that illustrates the importance of provocation in processes of learning entrepreneurship, this article responds to previous calls for less economised entrep

Impact of thermal processing on micronutrients and physical stability of milk and cream at dairy production scale

Micronutrients and physical stability of milk and cream were evaluated for different heat treatments at dairy production scale (HTST pasteurisation, high pasteurisation, ESL indirect and UHT direct and indirect). Changes caused due to heat treatments for macro and micro components (vitamins and minerals) as well as physical stability were investigated. Results show limited losses in macro componen

Six memos for a curious and imaginative future scholarship in entrepreneurship studies

In this introductory article, we explain the purpose of this special issue that is set up as a Festschrift in honour of the (editorial) work of BengtJohannisson. Inspired by Italo Calvino's Six Memos for the Next Millennium, the special issue is structured along six essays that are both commemorative and affirmative, that is we use the work of Johannisson to explore fresh waters and invent new pra

Cancer-associated fibroblasts rewire the estrogen receptor response in luminal breast cancer, enabling estrogen independence

Advanced breast cancers represent a major therapeutic challenge due to their refractoriness to treatment. Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are the most abundant constituents of the tumor microenvironment and have been linked to most hallmarks of cancer. However, the influence of CAFs on therapeutic outcome remains largely unchartered. Here, we reveal that spatial coincidence of abundant CAF in

Exposure to Paracetamol in Early Pregnancy and the Risk of Developing Cerebral Palsy : A Case-Control Study Using Serum Samples

OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether maternal paracetamol use in early pregnancy is associated with cerebral palsy (CP) in offspring.STUDY DESIGN: We conducted a registry and biobank-based case-control study with mother-child pairs. We identified CP cases (n=322) born between 1995-2014 from a nationwide CP-registry. Randomly selected controls (n=343) and extra preterm controls (n=258) were obtained f

Utvärdering av olika farthinder på Lunds huvudgator utifrån bussarnas perspektiv - En jämförelsestudie

Varje år sker en ökande urbanisering och med fler människor i en stad så ökar trafikbelastning och därmed risken för olyckor. Därför är det viktigt att kommunerna arbetar med att skapa trafikmiljöer som är säkra för gående, cyklister, bilister och kollektivtrafiken. Trafiksäkerhet och komfort är två viktiga parametrar att arbeta med eftersom dessa de bidrar till de transportpolitiska målen och nolEvery year there is an increasing urbanization and traffic load, which means that we have to create traffic environments that are safe for pedestrians, cyclists, vehicles and public transport. Traffic safety and comfort are two important parameters that are worked with, and the aim is to increase traffic safety and comfort which contribute to the transport policy goals and the zero vision where no

Photoluminescence Studies of Polytype Heterostructured InP Nanostructures

The interface between two semiconductors significantly influences their optical and electronic properties. In contrast to traditional material heterostructures, polytype heterostructures between wurtzite (wz) and zincblende (zb) segments in homomaterial InP nanostructures exhibit sharp interfaces with minimal strain. The wz/zb interface of heterostructured InP has a type-II band alignment, which r

Synthesis towards an aromatic alfa-dixyloside

A proteoglycan is a protein with at least one glycosidic chain or glycosaminoglycan (GAG) covalently bound to it. Since a common linker between the core protein and the GAG chain has a xylose present, the biosynthesis of GAGs can be primed using xylosides containing hydrophobic aglycons providing that these xylosides are capable of penetrating the cell membrane. 2-naphthyl β-D-xylopyranoside prim