

Din sökning på "*" gav 534632 sökträffar

What is governing Portuguese Migration?

The migration policy of the European Union is debated. Countries inside and outside of the Union are affected by what is said and decided, and what is not. I decided to choose Portugal, a country with historic ties to colonialism, and investigate its relation to the Union and its policies. To be able to understand the power-relations and the tacit understandings that is imbedded in policy-making,

Hybrida Regimer: Den Tredje Vågens Gissel - Fallstudie Malaysia

Varför sker det inte en fullständig demokratisering i fallet Malaysia? Samuel Huntington skrev i sin klassiska bok The Third Wave om att de då auktoritära staterna skulle gå igenom en kollektiv förändring och bli liberala demokratier. Denna tes visade sig vara felaktig. Det visade sig istället att demokratiseringsprocessen inte är en rak process och att många stater stannar halvvägs och blir så ka

No title

The aim of this project is to contribute with knowledge about racism, by examining how racism functions as a structuring system that involves everyone and not just the primary subjects of racism such as the immigrants, the dark skinned or the subjects of integration. We are inspired by the theory on power by Michel Foucault, by poststructural theory on racism and whiteness from the field of antir

Familjeproblematik - Vuxna barn till alkoholisters upplevelser om sin uppväxt i ett hem med missbruk

Abstract This is a study about adults who have been raised in homes where one or both parents have been dependent on alcohol. The aim of this study is to investigate whether their childhood has been influenced by their parent’s alcohol dependence. I also wish to investigate the consequences of being brought up in a family with alcohol dependence. I am interested in their perspective on their fami

Hem-EKG - en möjlig kostnadsbesparande lösning för Region Skåne?

Den här uppsatsen har handlat om att genomföra en hälsoekonomisk utvärdering i form av en kostnadsanalys av ett telemedicinskt projekt kallat ”Hem-EKG” som ägt rum inom Hässleholms sjukvårdsdistrikt. Försök har gjorts att estimera kostnader som varit kopplade till användandet av hem-EKG och ställa dessa mot de potentiella besparingar man kan göra genom att en individ kan undvika ett onödigt akutbe

Alternative outbound transportation moder for sony Ericsson

Purpose: Identify alternative to the current air transportation routes from supply units in Asia to European customers. The authors strive to provide the department of Supply Flow & Logistics with proposals of how they can reduce their costs and environmental effects connected to transportation. The authors also strive to display and evaluate the risk connected to a change in transportation mo

Implementering av outsourcingtjänster

Bakgrund: Sonat är ett företag som arbetar med kunskapsbaserad outsourcing inom logistikområdet. Företaget startade 1999 och har efter tio år genomfört flera framgångsrika implementeringar på olika företag. Frågan är vad det är som har gjort att dessa implementeringar har blivit lyckade? För att kunna ta tillvara på dessa värdefulla kunskaper och kunna använda dessa i framtida implementeringar beh

Relationer i dagligvaruhandeln

Abstract The food retail market of today constitutes a great number of relationships, both vis-à-vis customers as well as suppliers, which stress the importance of the retail operator to keep an attentive outlook. With this, environmental issues has raised questions to what extend retail transportation can be carried out with greater consideration to environmental aspects, which increases the pres

The Recommendation Generation - En magisteruppsats om konsumtionsbeteende hos Generation Y ur en direkthandelskontext.

Syfte: Syftet med vår uppsats är att undersöka hur köpbeteende och intresse för varumärken skapas hos Generation Y i Sverige och hur detta kan leda till köpbeslut. Undersökningen genomförs med fokus på ett företag vars försäljning sker via direkthandel. Frågeställningar: Vilka faktorer påverkar Generation Y:s konsumtionsbeteende? Hur ser detta konsumtionsbeteende ut i en direkthandels kontext? Met


The Purpose of this study was to determine what affects, if any exist, crude oil and natural gas supply and demand has on the international relations of Northeast Asia. This was done by answering the research question: does the need to for energy security override the desire to maintain the status quo regarding national policy toward controversial issues facing Northeast Asia. The study uses the t

How can innovation contribute to economic growth? Focusing on research productivity and the commercialisation process

The aim of this thesis is to give a clearer empirical picture of innovations and its connection to economic growth. As a point of departure we use an endogenous growth model, the Romer model, to theoretically develop this connection. This is shown through a modified equation for accumulation of technology. The model was extended with a modified variable for research productivity and a new variable

En studie om omvårdnadspersonal: diskurser kring kön, status och yrkesidentiteter

Denna uppsats behandlar om en ökning av antalet män inom omvårdnadspersonalen påverkat yrkets identitet och personalens vilja att höja yrkets status. Vi har utifrån fem semistrukturerade intervjuer och femton enkäter analyserat hur personalen på ett äldreboende i en kommun i Skåne ser på sig själva, sitt yrke och sin arbetssituation samt hur de ser på utbildning som ett verktyg att påverka dessa.

How efficient are Ready-To-Sell packaging solutions through IKEAs supply chain?

There are two purposes of thesis, the first is to determine: How efficient are Ready-To-Sell packaging solutions through IKEAs supply chain? And the second is to determine: To what level are Ready-To-Sell packaging solutions utilized at IKEA stores? If the solutions aren’t used as intended, what is the reason? Based on the result from the case study the objective is to: Identify possible potential

Åldersförändringarnas påverkan i kroppen, livet och köket - en konceptstudie

This master thesis has been carried out in collaboration between Lund Institute of Technology and the department Kitchen&Dining at IKEA of Sweden in Älmhult. The aim for this project has been to develop new products in the kitchen in hence to make everyday life easier for people above 50 years and at the same time make it better for all IKEA’s customers. Enhanced general health conditions

Development of Atmospheric Water Generator

Problem statement: Consumption of bottled water has increased considerably the last decade. Transportation of bottles and exploration of natural wells, effect the environment negatively. By developing a product that produces pure and safe drinking water right on the spot, would both save money for the customer and spare the environment. Purpose: The primary target goal has been to come up with

Love, Peace and Sharing

The level of consumption has increased rapidly during the last century and the current consumption patterns are unsustainable and have enormous negative impact on the people and environment of our planet. Although we in the rich countries have a very high material standard and can buy everything we need or wish research has shown that we feel less happy and have an increasing level of mental ill-h

Inköp med avropsverktyg på byggarbetsplatser- En studie om Peabs utnyttjande av rabatter

Material contributes to a large share of construction costs and as prices are increasing companies must seek creative solutions and find new approaches in order to find ways of saving money. As a part of a strategic development Peab, one of Sweden’s leading construction- and contractor companies, is making an effort to streamline their purchasing system using the purchasing tool PIA, which digital

Demographic Surveillance System Database

This examination work presents a proposition of a conceptual design of a demographic database for CIDS in Nicaragua. Furthermore, an implementation of this database is described. Finally a description of a method to transfer data from the current database to the new is given, together with a smaller implementation. CIDS – Center of Investigation of Demography and Health is located in Nicaragua, Le

Corporate Social Responsibility in Chinese state owned enterprises

The interest in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has grown tremendously within the last decades. Due to the pressure from different stakeholders, this concept was introduced by multinational corporations (MNC) in China. Since the strong focus on economic growth has been determining the way of doing business, environmental and social concerns were not taken into account appropriately. Since MN

Analysis and Design of the Tool Holder Orientation System for a PKM

Parallel kinematik machines are nowadays an important branch of investigation in the robotics field. Its design allows for high speeds, accelerations and tool forces as well as makes them ideals for faster cycle times and high repeatability works. TAU is a parallel kinematic machine from ABB Company with three degrees of freedom. Therefore, it can be positioned anywhere of the workspace but not or