

Din sökning på "*" gav 534508 sökträffar

Riskutredning enligt SÄIFS 2000:2 - Förslag till tillämpning samt mall

Risk evaluation of Kemicentrum, Lund, Sweden. Risk analysis, assessment and improvements on how to make the handling with flammable substances safer. The risk analysis covers the consequences and probabilities of large incidents with flammable liquids or gases. The risk level is compared with risk criteria made by Kemicentrum and the demands of the legislation in Sweden. (Swedish)

Riskanalys av oljedepån Lucerna i Västervik

This report identifies and estimates the risks in areas of security, health and environment, which are connected to the activity at the oil depot Lucerna in Västervik. Policy of risk management at the oil depot is being discussed. CPQRA methods to present individual and societal risk are used. Several uncertainty analyses are presented. By using the same analysis structure as in the report it can,

Nyttohänsyn i investeringar avseende brandskydd

Investments in risk reduction are very complex with many factors that affect the overall profitability of the investment. Therefore, different models and approaches are used in the decision making process. An analysis of the problem is then made according to certain basic rules. When the risk situation is evaluated in this manner the decisions that are made are rational and consistent. By using th

Tankemodell för dimensionering av kommunal räddningstjänst

For a very long time the municipal fire services in Sweden have been formed due to tradition and different laws. This design does not take the actual risks in the municipal into consideration. The purpose of this report is therefore to create a model for designing municipal fire services. This model will take more factors into consideration than the population structure as has been done before.

Above average? – A study of moving average technical trading rules

The thesis investigates whether moving average technical trading rules can be applied profitably to ETFs of a wide range of commodities and indices, as well as directly to these underlying assets. It concludes that moving average strategies are not profitable in general, yet there are a few which can achieve excess profits for certain assets. The results were statistically tested using the bootstr

The Pre-Contractual Duty of Good Faith - A Comparative Analysis of the Duty of Utmost Good Faith in the Marine Insurance Contract Law with the Duty of Good Faith in the General Contract Law

The duty of utmost good faith in the marine insurance contract law and the duty of good faith in the general contract law are quite similar in nature. Former recognises that the parties must make true representation and must disclose all material information while latter recognises the duty of representation only and does not at all recognise the duty of disclosure. The parties in the marine insu

Horizontal liability for damages and acte clair doctrine in the light of the Laval case

The paper analyzes the national judgment in the Laval case and argues that horizontal liability for damages is possible. Additionally, the paper shows that state liability is usually possible in the case of horizontal liability. It also touches upon the question of whether there are community rights to damages arising from the ECJ case law. At the same time, it argues that the state liability requ

Third Party Claims against P&I Clubs and the “pay to be paid” Rule

The “pay to be paid” Rule is a fundamental component of Protection & Indemnity (hereinafter referred to as “P&I”) insurance policies, which requires a Club Member to discharge his liabilities to the injured third party before he can be indemnified by the P&I Club. If the Club Member cannot compensate the third party as a result of insolvency, the third party is denied full satisfaction

Att skapa kvalitativa tjänster - krav på chefer vid införande av Lean Healthcare

Abstract Title: Creating quality services – requirements for managers implementing Lean Healthcare. Institution: Department of Service Management, Lund University, Campus Helsingborg Course: Master of degree, spring 2010, SMT X07, 15 hp Authors: Helena Larsen & Åsa Tagesson Advisors: Katja Lindqvist & Jan E Persson Keywords: Lean Healthcare, Management, Leadership, Process Management, Chan

Kommunmedborgarens verktyg i kommunallagen

Kommunmedborgare kan agera för att påverka förutsättningarna för den kommunala vardagen och därmed sitt liv. Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva de verktyg som är tillgängliga för kommunmedborgare i kommunallagen. Kommunmedborgare fungerar i fem olika aktörsroller; uppdragsgivare, initiativtagare, beredare, brukare och bevakare. Kommunmedborgare ger uppdraget till valda representanter att beLocal Citizens can act to influence the bases of the local everyday life and hence their own life. The objective of this essay is to describe the tools accessible to local citizens in kommunallagen. Local Citizens are in this essay described as five different types of participants. They are assigner, initiator, preparer, user and guarder. Local Citizens gives every fourth year in local elections

Integrationsklausuler i svensk, engelsk och amerikansk avtalsrätt

I detta examensarbete behandlas integrationsklausuler i svensk, engelsk och amerikansk rätt. Syftet är dels att utreda vilken rättsverkan integrationsklausuler är avsedda att medföra och i vilken grad de fyller sin funktion i engelsk respektive amerikansk rätt, dels att undersöka i vilken utsträckning samma rättsverkan kan tillerkännas integrationsklausuler i avtal på vilka svensk rätt är tillämplThis thesis deals with merger clauses, also known as integration clauses or entire agreement clauses, in Swedish, English and US law. The purpose is firstly to examine what legal effect merger clauses are designed to achieve and to what extent they are recognized as having that legal effect in English and US law respectively, and secondly to examine to what extent merger clauses can achieve the sa

At the Threat of Piracy - Hire Issues in Time Charterparties

Allteftersom hotet från sjöröveri har växt under 2000-talet har rederinäringen tvingats hitta sätt att hantera och fördela riskerna. Denna uppsats behandlar branschens kanske främsta riskfördelningsinstrument (i förhållande till sjöröveri) – standardavtal och försäkringar. I första hand ligger fokus på standardavtalens klausuler om “off-hire”. I andra hand tas även frågor om kringliggande klausuleAs the threat of piracy has gradually grown by the early 21st century the shipping industry has been forced to find ways to handle and apportion risks. In regard of piracy this thesis treats two main risk handling tools of the shipping industry – the standard forms and insurance. Focus lies mainly with the standard form clauses on “off-hire”. Also related clauses will be brought under the light as

The Effects of Growth and Inequality on Poverty in Honduras

This thesis studies and identifies effects of income growth and income inequality on poverty in Honduras. A Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) was implemented in Honduras in 2001 with the goal to reduce poverty by half by 2015. Since carrying out of PRS, poverty and inequality has only decreased slightly and growth in income has been small. The effects of growth in income and changes in the income d

Coaching i folkhemmet – Bli en stjärna i ditt eget liv!

Samhället går mot en tid av individualisering och jag ser coaching som ett resultat av det individualiserade samhället Coaching är en metod som används för vägledning, genom att coachen hjälper sin klient att sätta upp mål och sedan följa en struktur för att nå till dessa mål. Coaching är på frammarsch i det svenska samhället. Syfte med studien är att undersöka den diskursen kring coaching med fok

Recovery of un-combusted fuel in a gas turbine power cycle with Chemical Looping Combustion.

Chemical Loping Combustion (CLC) is a novel combustion technology in which the exhaust gas is inherently divided into oxygen depleted air in one stream and CO2 and water vapour in another. This is however under the ideal condition that the fuel conversion is complete, i.e. all the hydrocarbons in the fuel is transformed to heat, water vapour and CO2. The CO2 capture rate can under such ideal condi


When traditions have been changed to suit the needs of the day, they are actually no longer ancient, immemorial or unalterable. This kind of traditions is defined as ‘invented tradition’ by Eric Hobsbawn and Terence Ranger. If the definition is applied to the traditions of East Asia, traditional Chinese music by 12 Girls Band and traditional Japanese music by Kodo are representative illustrations.