Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar
Nature-Based Tourism in Zimbabwe : Tourism Development or `Re-Building Rhodesia´?
Ekologisk stadsutveckling och medborgardeltagande med exempel från Malmö
Arbetskraftsmigrationen inom EU efter 1945: en bakgrundsstudie till mitt planerade forskningsprojekt kring arbetskraftens inställning och benägenhet till flytt i ett urval av EU:s regioner
Turistorganisationen som spindeln i nätet. Turistorganisationers handlingsmönster och marknadsföringsstrategier. En komparativ fallstudie av turistorganisationerna i Ystad och Köge
Näringslivets kontaktbehov: om närhet och IT i företagssamarbete
Integrerad regional riskbedömning och riskhantering
Begreppet landskap i grundskolans geografi. Del 1. Några definitioner av modeller samt landskapsknutet innehåll i kursplaner för folk- och grundskolan 1919-2000
Stadens stoder - en ikonografisk studie av statyer som medskapare till platsens identitet
Zambia : a country in crisis? : The impact of HIV/AIDS on the demographic structure of socio-economic development
Möllevången : analyserad utifrån en gentrifieringsmodell
Förutsättningar för stadsdelscentrumets fortlevnad sett ur ett transportbegränsningsperspektiv
Den gravida kroppen i det offentliga rummet
Citytunneln : en organisationsteoretisk analys
Plats för vad? - plats för vem? Att planera framtiden i Bjäres konfliktfyllda landskap
Tjurkö stenindustri, ett framtida kulturreservat?
Effect of Fed's Discount Rate Changes on Foreign Stock Indices - Event Study on Morocco and Denmark
The paper is divided into 8 chapters: Introduction, Background, Theoretical Framework,Methodology & Data Sampling, Results, Analysis, Discussion and finally Conclusion and Proposals for Further Research. The introduction chapter in brief discuses theory of decoupling suggests that emerging markets can be unaffected by crisis in developed economies, while theory of financial integration states
Researching Research - Assessing focus groups as a tool for designing quantitative online surveys suitable for a specific target group
This research tests two different focus groups with the purpose of developing quantitative online surveys suitable for a specific target group. Depending on where in the development process of the survey the researcher is, somewhat different focus groups should be used. If the researcher is far into the development of the survey a focus group with the questionnaire template as discussion basis cou
Effects of In-store Promotions on Brand Awareness
Title: Effects of In-store Promotions on Brand Awareness Date of the Seminar: June 2nd Course: BUS 808. Master thesis in international marketing Author: Luiz Gustavo Pinke Rodrigues Advisor: Karin Alm Examinator: Ulf Johansson Keywords: In-store promotion, Brand Awareness, Consumer buying intention, Retailer, Point-of-Purchase Thesis purpose: This thesis is aiming at bringing brand into considerat
Women and political participation A minor field study of the political culture in Colombia
Since the elections of 2010 there are 14 per cent women in the Colombian congress - a remarkably low number in comparison with several other countries in Latin America where quotas of allocation are common. Decades of armed conflict might give a hint of why gender progress has been slow in Colombia, but at the same time as stereotyped gender roles are highly dominating, women are in no sense passi