

Din sökning på "*" gav 533294 sökträffar

Dynamic Capabilities and Competitive Advantage: A Systematic Review of Conceptual Research 1997-2020

Dynamic capabilities enable firms to systematically modify their resource base and build competitive advantage. As dynamic capabilities literature is diverging in definition and scope, this research work analyzes conceptual literature on dynamic capabilities regarding commonalities, differences, and development over time. Therefore, a total of 56 publications in eleven highly ranked journals betwe

Legitimerad och stolt : En kvalitativ studie om hälso- och sjukvårdskuratorers resonemang kring införandet av en legitimation

Title: Certified and proud - A qualitative study of hospital social workers views on their establishment as a certified profession Supervisor: Mikael Sandgren The question of professional certification of hospital social workers in Sweden was first brought to attention by Akademikerförbundet SSR in 1958. More than 60 years later, on July 1st, 2019 the decision to make “hospital social worker” a c

Trygghetsskapande vid tågstationer : en jämförelse av detaljplaneringsarbeten i Hyllie, Rosengård och Åkarp

This comparative thesis investigates in what ways municipal detailed planning of three train station areas considered perceived safety. It further examines how strengths and weaknesses in each case’s perceived safety methodology can be understood through established planning models/concepts and existing academic research on Swedish perceived safety planning. Finally, the study concludes how future

Compassion fatigue as a separate construct: The development of a new scale

Compassion fatigue is often used interchangeably with burnout and secondary traumatic stress in literature. There is, however, theoretical support for considering compassion fatigue as a separate condition. The aim of this pilot study was to create a compassion fatigue scale and examine its relation to burnout and secondary traumatic stress as well as to explore how descriptive variables affect le

Narrating Independence - A Narrative Analysis of Contemporary Estonian and Latvian Narratives about Independence

In 2018, several European nations celebrated their centennial anniversaries of independence. Two of them, Estonia and Latvia, had never been independent before 1918, and for these nations, the events surrounding independence therefore have a special meaning. This is not least made evident by the historical development that they have gone through over the course of the past century, having been inc

Heating Energy Performance & LCC Analysis on Renovation Proposals of a Multi-Family Apartment Cluster

The study was carried out to assess the energy performance of the buildings in a cluster located in Lund. The buildings were the projects of million homes program, built in the 1960s, and are in great need of renovation. Five retrofit techniques were proposed in the study. Improving the building envelope with insulation and windows, adding an exhaust air heat pump, combining exhaust air heat pump,

Solar access potential affected by urban planning and building design – A parametric study in the urban context

In the initial stage of planning, considering the solar impact of urban layout on the building can effectively avoid some irreversible design issues, improve the indoor environment, and reduce energy demand. The typical architectural models of three representative cities (Copenhagen, Berlin and Hong Kong) were selected as the analysis cases in this study. By analysing several sunlight and solar me

Learning about the learner : An analysis of policies for Swedish public libraries with focus on learning

This thesis examines how learning is depicted in policy documents for public libraries on municipal and national level in Sweden. The documents analyzed are library plans from five Swedish cities, as well as the proposal for a national strategy presented in 2019 by the National Library of Sweden. The method used is Carol Bacchi’s What’s the problem represented to be-approach. Pierre Bourdieu’s the

Group Representations and a Study of M-groups

In this thesis we introduce some basic concepts in representation theory such as Schur’s Lemma, induced representations and M-groups. These concepts are then used in particular on a group G_96 of order 96, in order to determine its irreducible representations and its character table. Furthermore, we show that G_96 is an M-group and contains a subgroup which is not an M-group itself.

Green areas and environmental justice in Tallinn

This thesis analysis the situation of green areas in Tallinn. It aims to find out, how are the green areas geographically distributed in Tallinn and whether there exist inequalities between different socio-economic and ethnical groups in terms of the differences in access to the green areas, connecting it to the theory of environmental justice. Additionally, the perception and use of green areas i

Kartläggning av aktivitetsbalans på äldreboende - en litteraturöversikt

Bakgrund: Aktivitetsbalans är ett begrepp inom arbetsterapi som är starkt förknippat med hälsa. Det saknas dock kunskap om hur äldre personers aktivitetsbalans tillgodoses i praktiken. Eftersom den äldre befolkningen växer kan äldreomsorgen få svårt att tillgodose äldres behov vilket gör det intressant att undersöka aktivitetsbalans på äldreboenden. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att k

Sustainable Fast Fashion: Paradox or Possibility? From Consumer Insight to Sustainable Marketing

Awareness of sustainability-related issues within the fashion industry has increased. Fast fashion is specifically criticized for its negative impacts on the environment and society. Due to this, several fast fashion companies are trying to position themselves as more sustainable. However, fast fashion and sustainability are often considered paradoxical. The purpose of this study is to investigate

”Vårt default läge är ju alltid med ett smile”: En studie om känsloarbete och intrycksstyrning hos poliser i yttre tjänst som arbetar med ungdomsärenden.

De flesta arbeten i dagens samhälle kräver att de anställda hanterar sina egna och andras känslor, däribland poliser som arbetar i yttre tjänst med ungdomsärenden. Riktlinjerna för polisernas arbete med ungdomar utgörs främst av Polislagen (SFS 1984:387) och lagen (SFS 1967:167) med särskilda bestämmelser för unga lagöverträdare. Det finns dock inga explicita riktlinjer för hur poliser ska hantera

The Role of Frontline Employees in the Innovation Process

Innovation enablement is of growing importance in order to stay competitive in the financial services sector. Although frontline employees are considered to be valuable innovators, the research about their involvement in the innovation process is still in its infancy. The existing literature acknowledges that the overall participation of these employees in the innovations is limited, without furth

Tests of Autoencoder Compression of Trigger Jets in the ATLAS Experiment

Partikelfysikexperimenten vid "The Large Hadron Collider" i Genéve utforskar de mest grundläggande frågorna i fysiken, genom att mäta resterna av elementärpartiklar som kollideras vid väldigt hög hastighet. En accepterad modell av fundamentala partiklar och deras kopplingar beskrivs idag av standarmodellen, en modell som utan tvekan har stora brister. ATLAS-experimentet vid "The LarLimited data storage capability is a large obstacle for saving data in high energy particle physics. One method of partially circumventing these limitations, is trigger level analysis (TLA) as used by the ATLAS experiment. The efficiency of TLA can be further increased by doing effective data compression. One class of artificial neural networks are called autoencoders, which may be used for data

Prospects for Evidence-Based L2 Chinese Teaching Practice in Sweden: A Progression Sequence Analysis of Grammatical Items in Chinese Textbooks

This study was motivated by the current vulnerable status of Chinese taught as a second language in Swedish gymnasium education, calling for further knowledge on how theories on second language (L2) acquisition can benefit instruction on L2 Chinese. Since language textbooks often constitute the curriculum in Swedish classrooms, two Chinese textbooks were targeted for analysis in terms of the seque

Social housing i Sverige?

Bostadssituationen i Sverige har under de senaste åren utvecklats i en oroande riktning. Den rådande bostadsbristen påverkar alla samhällsgrupper men de som drabbas hårdast är de som redan står längst ifrån bostadsmarknaden. De senaste årens ökning av den strukturella hemlösheten i Sverige har även ökat arbetsbelastningen hos den redan överbelastade socialtjänsten när hushåll som egentligen inte hThe current housing shortage affects all social classes but those most affected are the ones already furthest away from the housing market. The homelessness caused by structural factors has increased in Sweden during the last couple of years. It has led to an increased workload for the Social Services. Today, there is no unambiguous definition of social housing connected to the legal framework in

Byggemenskaper i tidiga skeden

Sverige präglas idag av en låg nyproduktion av bostäder trots att det finns en ökande och stark efterfrågan. Bostadsmarknaden domineras till stor del av ett fåtal större kommersiella byggherrar och de producerade bostäderna är tämligen homogena. Boverket konstaterar att det krävs nya sätt för att möta en ökande efterfrågan på variation från konsumenter på bostadsmarknaden. Under senare år har ettThe housing market in Sweden is characterized by a relatively low production of housing even though there is a great demand for it. The housing market is dominated by a few large commercial building companies and their products are quite homogeneous. The Swedish National Board of Housing (Boverket) has confirmed that new strategies are needed to address the increasing public demand for variation i