

Din sökning på "*" gav 530557 sökträffar

Radiative lifetime and transition probabilities in CdI and CdII

Radiative lifetimes of 11 levels belonging to the 5s5p P-1(1)o 5snd D-3(1,2) (n=6-9) and 5sns S-3(1) (n=7,8) series of Cd I, and of 5 levels of Cd II (i.e., 4d(10)5p P-2(1/2.3/2)o, 4d(10)6s S-2(1/2), and 4d(10)5d D-2(3/2,5/2)) have been measured using the time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence technique. Free neutral and singly ionized cadmium atoms have been generated by laser ablation. Single-

Dialysis-linked complaints and burdens of illness on patient and spouse as predictors of survival in end-stage renal disease patients with home hemodialysis: a 10-year follow-up study

Participants were 40 persons from a group of 44 end-stage renal disease patients in southern Sweden who in 1985 received home hemodialysis under the auspices of a hospital renal unit, together with their spouses (n = 35). At a 10-year follow-up, 15 of the patients had died and 25 had survived. Univariate log rank tests of the influence of physical and demographic factors, the patient's dialysis-li

NF-kappaB activation and inhibition: a review.

Among transcriptional regulatory proteins described, NF-kappaB seems particularly important in modulating the expression of immunoregulatory genes relevant in critical illness, inflammatory diseases, apoptosis, and cancer. In particular, NF-kappaB plays a central role in regulating the transcription of cytokines, adhesion molecules, and other mediators. The biochemical basis by which diverse stimu

Approach to optical interference fringes reduction in diode laser absorption spectroscopy

The advantage of a new scheme for balanced detection has been investigated to reduce the influence of optical interference fringes when performing diode laser gas absorption spectroscopy employing lock-in amplifiers and pigtailed lasers. The influence of the fringes has been reduced by comparing the lock-in 2 f signal due to the gas sample with that of a reference beam. The frequency regions outsi

Cyclosporine C2 Levels Have Impact on Incidence of Rejection in De Novo Lung but Not Heart Transplant Recipients: The NOCTURNE Study

Background: Cyclosporine (CsA) absorption varies early after transplantation and can be accurately assessed by the area under the absorption curve (AUC). The 2-hour post-dose (C2) level of CsA in whole blood is reported to be a useful surrogate marker of CsA AUC in kidney and liver transplant monitoring, but should be further explored in thoracic organ recipients. Methods: In a 12-month study we i

Adaptive and Neutral Genetic Variation and Colonization History of Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar

I combined neutral microsatellite markers with the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class IIB to study genetic differentiation and colonization history in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in the Baltic Sea and in the north-eastern Atlantic. Baltic salmon populations have lower levels of microsatellite genetic variation, in terms of heterozygosity and allelic richness than Atlantic populations,

Development of a PCR-compatible enrichment medium for Yersinia enterocolitica: amplification precision and dynamic detection range during cultivation

A Yersinia PCR-Compatible Enrichment (YPCE) medium was developed, which removes the necessity for sample pretreatment before PCR-based detection of Yersinia enterocolitica. The medium was designed through a sequence of independent screening and factorial design experiments to study the PCR inhibition and growth characteristics of medium components. The compatibility of the YPCE medium was evaluate

Association between preoperative plasma levels of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 1 and rectal cancer patient survival: a validation study

The level of the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 1 (TIMP-1) has previously been demonstrated to predict the survival of early stage colorectal cancer patients. The present study was undertaken to further validate plasma TIMP-1 as a prognostic marker in rectal cancer. Preoperative plasma from 352 rectal cancer patients were analysed using an immunoassay for TIMP-1. The TIMP-1 immunoassay dem

Particle size distribution and particle mass measurements at urban, near-city and rural level in the Copenhagen area and Southern Sweden

Particle size distribution (size-range 3-900 nm) and PM10 was measured simultaneously at an urban background station in Copenhagen, a near-city background and a rural location during a period in September-November 2002. The study investigates the contribution from urban versus regional sources of particle number and mass concentration. The total particle number (ToN) and NOx are well correlated at

Resistin is elevated following traumatic joint injury and causes matrix degradation and release of inflammatory cytokines from articular cartilage in vitro

Objective: Resistin is a secreted factor that is elevated in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and believed to drive joint inflammation in vivo. This study was undertaken to determine if resistin is present in the joint following joint injury and to elucidate the role of resistin in cartilage degradation. Methods: The level of resistin was measured in paired synovial fluid (SF) and serum samples from pati

EANM/ESC procedural guidelines for myocardial perfusion imaging in nuclear cardiology

The European procedural guidelines for radionuclide imaging of myocardial perfusion and viability are presented in 13 sections covering patient information, radiopharmaceuticals, injected activities and dosimetry, stress tests, imaging protocols and acquisition, quality control and reconstruction methods, gated studies and attenuation-scatter compensation, data analysis, reports and image display,

The clinical importance of a thick-walled, tender gall-bladder without stones on ultrasonography

Ultrasound examinations of 563 patients with right upper quadrant pain and a clinical suspicion of acute cholecystitis were reviewed. In 31 patients, a tender, dilated gall-bladder with a thick (more than 4 mm) partly hypoechoic wall without any detectable calculi was found on the emergency examination. This was interpreted as due to acute acalculous cholecystitis. None of the patients was critica

Effects of different design parameters on the performance of MCFC cathodes

The effects of electrode thickness, electrolyte filling and current collector geometry on the performance of MCFC cathodes are investigated by using a steady state mathematical model. A two-dimensional pseudo-homogeneous model for the three-phase system in the cathode is used, which includes the polarisation curves from the heterogeneous agglomerate model[1] as local source functions. The model ta

A new simple technique to attack filter generators and related ciphers

This paper presents a new simple distinguishing attack that can be applied on stream ciphers constructed from filter generators or similar structures. We demonstrate the effectiveness by describing key recovery attacks on the stream cipher LILI-128. One attack on LILI-128 requires 247 bits of keystream and a computational complexity of roughly 253. This is a significant improvement compared to oth

Palaeomagnetic palaeolatitudes of the Ontong Java Plateau from 120 to 55 Ma: implications for the apparent polar wander path of the Pacific Plate

We present palaeomagnetic inclinations from Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary deep-water carbonates obtained during ODP Leg 192 drilling at the Ontong Java Plateau (OJP) for the following periods: magnetochrons C33n (73.6-79.1 Ma), C32 (71.1-73.6 Ma), C27r-C31n (61.3-68.7 Ma) and C25-C26 (55.9-60.9 Ma). Compaction-induced inclination shallowing is considered to be negligible for the OJP sediments exa

Experiences of micturition problems, indwelling catheter treatment and sexual life consequences in men with prostate cancer

Men with prostate cancer (n=25) were interviewed, focusing on experiences of micturition problems, indwelling catheter treatment and sexual life consequences. Narrations were found to be practical and technical descriptions rather than emotional, and experiences were described with reduction and negligence regarding personal well-being and the impact of problems. Phenomenological-hermeneutic analy