

Din sökning på "*" gav 531764 sökträffar

Teaching comes naturally – or does it? : environmental education in Indian primary schools and the impediments of its application from teachers’ perspectives

Environmental Education [EE] was created in the pursuit of providing specific targets to promote environmental, knowledge, attitudes, skills, participation and creating the societal shift. India was perhaps one of the first nations to have internalized EE in primary school curriculums, however, its application is still far from flawless. Teachers have often been observed as they take a central rol

Formalising the informal : a qualitative case study of the formalisation of domestic work in Vietnam

Domestic workers are an essential part of Vietnam’s urban labour market. However, many are in informal employment, which means they lack needed legal and social protections. In 2014, legal protections were introduced to formalise domestic work in Vietnam. This study aims to increase understanding of the formalisation process of domestic workers in Vietnam. A framework that conceptualises formalisa

“Dad, read us a story!” : an ecological systems approach to understanding fathers’ perceptions on shared storybook reading in Jordan

Fathers’ involvement (FI) in the education and development of their young children is a growing phenomenon. Research has shown that children with parents involved in shared reading exhibit stronger cognitive, social, and problem-solving skills (Betawi et al., 2014). Unfortunately, FI is still lacking in shared reading, especially in the Middle East and North Africa region. We Love Reading (WLR) tr

Unlocking liberation : a study on critical pedagogy projects with Saraguro women, Ecuador

How can critical pedagogy (CP) further Indigenous women’s sociopolitical agency and liberation? This case study is engaging with a CP project conducted by the Ecuadorian NGO GAMMA with Indigenous Saraguro women. Given its methodological approach, the project represents an interesting case for looking into alternatives to top-down and technocratic capacity building approaches within mainstream deve

Assessment of the Fluorescent Activities of Different Fluorescent Proteins for Potential Use as Biosensors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Development of genetically modified microorganisms such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae for use as microbial cell factories to produce fine and bulk chemicals has lately proceeded very rapidly, much thanks to new gene editing methods based on a CRISPR/Cas9 system adapted from bacteria which increases the rate of genetic engineering. However, development of methods which enable fast and simple screenin

Relevance Lost: Are Johnson & Kaplan’s claims valid outside the U.S.? - A systematic literature review of over three decades

This paper aims to give evidence on the external validity of Johnson and Kaplan’s claims of management accounting having become subservient to financial accounting. A mixed pattern of confirmation of validity has been identified. Nearly half of the countries agreed with Johnson and Kaplan (1987), while the other half did not. The most important identified contingent factors determining the validit

Bullerreducerande beläggningar

Bulleremission från vägtrafik är på många ställen i Sverige ett påtagligt problem. Många fastigheter och rekreationsområden ligger så nära vägnätet att de utsattas hälsa och livskvalitet riskerar att försämras vid långvarig exponering. Att åtgärda bullerproblematiken direkt vid källan med en lågbullerbeläggning är idag en stor strävan på många platser. Detta ef-tersom de traditionella åtgärderna sNoise from road traffic is a significant problem in many places in Sweden. A lot of properties and recreational areas are so close to the road network that the health and quality of life of the exposed are at risk of deterioration. Addressing the noise problem directly at the source with a low noise road surface is a great endeavor in many places today. This is because the traditional measures suc

Design of Two 28 GHz Doherty Power Amplifier Topologies with Vertical In(Ga)As Nanowire Transistors

In this Master’s thesis, two different 28 GHz Doherty power amplifiers (DPAs) are designed, for high power added efficiency (PAE), in the common source (CS) and cascoded topology respectively. The results are analyzed and compared between the two approaches. The DPAs are designed using AWR design environment with virtual source (VS) models of In(Ga)As nanowire transistors and 50 nm gate length. Th

BIM i Trafikverket - En kvalitativ undersökning av möjligheter och hinder för implementering

BIM, byggnadsinformationsmodellering, är ett arbetssätt som blir allt vanligare. Det innebär att olika objekt bygger upp en övergripande 3D-modell där man kan finna mängder av information om dessa objekt. Ett objekt kan vara allt ifrån en bropelare till en elstolpe. Syftet med denna rapport är att utifrån Trafikverkets roll som beställare undersöka vilka för- och nackdelar det skulle innebära med BIM, Building Information Modeling, is an increasingly common way of working. This means that different objects build up an overall 3D-model where you can find lots of information about these objects. An object can be anything from a bridge pillar to an electric pole. The purpose of this report is to, based on the Swedish Transport Administrations’ as a client, investigate the advantages and disad

Knowledge Transfer and Learning in Strategic Alliances; How do Small and Medium Enterprises manage?

Knowledge transfer and learning in strategic alliances is mentioned in the literature as a business instrument to gain new knowledge in order to innovate and improve the competitive advantage. Most of the existing literature has been focusing on large organisations. Therefore, a better understanding about small and medium enterprises (hereafter referred to as SMEs) is necessary. By using a qualita

Omklassificering av differentierad utdelning - Beaktas tillämpligheten av 57 kap. IL vid omklassificering av differentierad utdelning till löneinkomst?

Genom den svenska skattereformen år 1990–91 skapades ett dualistiskt skattesystem där kapitalinkomster och tjänsteinkomster beskattas separat. Omarbetningen syftade till att minska möjligheterna för skatteplanering samt att öka rättvisan i systemet. Dessvärre har syftet ej uppnåtts. Beskattning av kapitalinkomster är jämförelsevis lägre vilket givit incitament att inkomstomvandla. För att beivra iSince the tax reform in Sweden, 1990–1991, earned income and capital income has been separated into a dual income tax system. The purpose of the reform was to reduce the opportunities for tax planning and to increase the justice of the system. Unfortunately, the purpose has not been achieved. To prevent income shifting from earned income to capital income the legislature legislated special legal r

Blurry Lines – A Discussion on Information Exchange in Dual Distribution Scenarios from a Legal Certainty Perspective

I den här uppsatsen diskuteras rättssäkerhetsproblemen med hur informationsutbyte i situationer med dubbel återförsäljning behandlas inom konkurrensrätten i EU. Även frågan om hur sådant informationsutbyte borde behandlas för att öka rättssäkerheten diskuteras. Uppsatsen inleds med en förklaring av rent vertikala och rent horisontella informationsutbyten och hur de bedöms under EU:s konkurrensrätIn this thesis the legal certainty issues connected to the way information exchange in dual distribution scenarios is treated by EU Competition law are discussed. The question of how such information exchange should be treated to increase the legal certainty is also discussed. Starting with an explanation of purely vertical and purely horizontal information exchange and how they are assessed und

Självständighetsbegreppet och val av skattesubjekt

I denna uppsats så har det undersökts i vilka fall en inkomst som civilrättsligt har tillfallit ett aktiebolag ska beskattas hos dess ägare. Uppsatsen har mer specifikt fokuserat på den situation som uppstår när en verksamhet som bedrivs i ett aktiebolag inte utgör en självständigt bedriven näringsverksamhet enligt 13 kap 1 § IL. Enligt rådande praxis från HFD så ska ägaren beskattas personligen iThis Paper has examined in which cases an income that according to civil law belongs to a stock company should be taxed as an income that belongs directly to the owner of the company. This paper focuses specifically on the situation when the business operation of a stock company is not considered to be an independently run business according to 13 kap 1 § IL. According to the current court practic

Taxing Digitalized Space: On the Roots and Reach of Claims to Global Tax Jurisdiction

Inför en digitaliserad, global ekonomi, vari nära hälften av multinationella företagsvinster går obeskattade, står vi på randen till en ny ordning för gränsöverskridande företagsbeskattning. Med sin tvåpelarlösning söker OECD lägga de första byggstenarna. En internationell minimiskatt, att krävas ut från stora multinationella gruppers slutliga föräldrar, föreslås att mota baseroderande skatteplaneFacing a digitalized global economy, where almost half of multinational corporate profits go untaxed, we find ourselves on the verge of tax revolution. With its two-pillar solution, the OECD seeks to lay the first building blocks of a new system for cross-border corporate income taxation. To counter avoidance, states are presented with an international top up minimum tax, to be charged at multinat

Sannolik homosexualitet - En kvantitativ analys av migrationsdomstolarnas trovärdighetsbedömningar av sexuell läggning

Trovärdighetsbedömningen innebär en stor utmaning för asylsökande som åberopar skyddsskäl på grund av sexuell läggning. Syftet med den här upp-satsen är att undersöka vad migrationsdomstolen kräver för att den sökande ska anses ha gjort sin läggning sannolik. I ett första led identifieras de be-dömningskriterier som enligt rättskällorna ska ligga till grund för trovärdig-hetsbedömningen. Därefter Credibility assessments pose a substantial challenge for asylum seekers claiming refugee status on the basis of sexual orientation. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the Swedish Migration Court’s requirements for assessing the credibility of asylum seekers’ invoked sexual orientation. First, the criterions for credibility assessments according to the relevant sources of law are identified.

Oaktsamt orsakande och relevans - En rättsdogmatisk studie om gärningsculpa i vården

Mellan den 9 juni 2011 och den 9 juli 2013 utförde thoraxkirurgen Paolo Macchiarini på Karolinska universitetssjukhuset fyra transplantationer med syntetisk luftstrupe på tre olika patienter. Transplantationerna misslyckades och samtliga patienter avled till följd av ingreppen. Macchiarini delgavs misstanke om brott i juni 2016 gällande grovt vållande till annans död alternativt grovt vållande tilDuring the period of June 2011 until July 2013, the thorax surgeon Paolo Macchiarini carried out four transplants with synthetic trachea on three different patients at the Karolinska University Hospital. These transplants entailed the later death of all the patients. Macchiarini was notified suspicion of a crime in June 2016, causing another's death, gross felony, alternatively, causing bodily

Är barnet människa? - En studie om barnets ställning inom den slutna psykiatriska tvångsvården

Den här studien vilar på tre ben – ett som undersöker gällande rätt, ett som är empiriskt och en rättsteoretisk utgångspunkt. Studien syftar till att utreda vilka regler som gäller vid tvångsvård av barn och hur dessa skiljer sig från tvångsvård av vuxna patienter. Sedan den 1 januari 2020 gäller barnkonventionen som lag i Sverige. Även innan barnkonventionen började gälla som lag pågick ett traThis study is divided into three parts: an examination of the existing law, an empirical analysis, and, lastly, a discussion of legal theory. The study aims to investigate which rules apply regarding the compulsory psychiatric care of children and how these differ from those pertaining to adult patients. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child was incorporated into Swedish law on

Anställningsskydd för intermittent anställda

Intermittenta anställningar, eller tim-/behovsanställningar, blir allt vanligare på svensk arbetsmarknad trots att arbetsformen saknar rättslig definition i lagtext. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka vad intermittenta anställningar innebär och vilket anställningsskydd som intermittent anställda erhåller. Utredningen genomförs med utgångspunkt i rättsdogmatisk metod. Fokus ligger även på de intreCasual Employments are becoming more frequent at the Swedish labour market. However, the term is not mentioned in Swedish labour legislation. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the signification of Casual Employments and the degree of security of employment that Casual employees receives. By using a Legal-Dogmatic method, focus lies on the balance of interests that are reflected through the

“We must do, and wait” : the influence of higher education on subjective well-being among Syrian students with refugee status in Amman, Jordan

Higher education for refugees is garnering greater attention worldwide as a means of countering the negative effects of displacement, particularly in response to the Syria crisis. This thesis contributes to literature seeking to understand the psychosocial outcomes of higher education for refugees. Through the theoretical lens of subjective well-being, which prioritises individuals’ perceptions of