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Learning objects: bibliotekarier och lärare i samverkan
Managing Hope and Spiritual Distress : The Centrality of the Doctor-Patient Relationship in Combatting Stem Cell Travel
Stem Cell travel refers to patients with a variety of diseases and debilitating disorders who travel abroad to receive unproven stem cell treatments. Current academic research investigating how to combat stem cell travel has yet to offer a complete understanding of the link between patient hope and autonomy, and building or losing trust in medical authorities. To combat stem cell travel, understan
Smugglarkungen (1985)
Towards Horizontal Environmental Assessment for Supply Chain and Logistics Management
Electronic commerce (E-commerce) is one of the issues that are expected to influence the various logistics and supply chain processes/operations including: production, packaging, warehousing, transportation, etc. Consequently, the environmental implications of E-commerce are of concern and interest. In this regard, there are some pilot studies, but they are unable to deliver conclusions or general
"Peacemakers" from the "Bridge Church": The Anglican Church as a Third Party in Palestine 1920-1948"
Två danska drottningar
Hype : Bestsellers and Literary Culture
What is Political Psychology?
Abstract is not available
Simulations of learning and behaviour in the hawkmoth Deilephila elpenor
Arbetslöshet, migrationspolitik och nationalism: hot mot EU:s sammanhållning?
Recension av Måndagar med Bergman
Comparison of thermal manikins of male and female body shapes
During Subzero project there were observed some differences between different manikins. In order to study the differences closer complementary measurements were carried out on 2 manikins representing male and female body shapes. Comparison was carried out based on: • tight versus loose clothing; • serial versus parallel calculation model; • even versus uneven clothing (insulation) distribution; •
Abstract is not available
Zooplankton response to cyanotoxins
Popular Abstract in Swedish Giftiga alger - kan man äta sånt?! En sammanfattning på svenska Varje sommar varna's vi för giftiga algblomningar i media. Rapporterna brukar ofta handla om havet men många insjöar, speciellt i Skåne, drabba's också av massförekomst av alger. Det är framför allt cyanobakterier, eller blå-gröna alger som de kallade's innan, som blir så många att de helt dominerar algsaMass development of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) is common in many lakes and coastal waters worldwide as a result of an increased nutrient loading. These blooms of cyanobacteria are undesirable for several reasons; thick mats of algae and unpleasant odour reduces the recreational values, bad taste reduces the quality of drinking water and the potent toxins produced by some species of cyanobact
Råd och riktlinjer för cykelinfrastruktur – en litteraturstudie med avseende på korsningspunkter mellan cyklande och motorfordonstrafik
Denna rapport är resultatet av en litteraturstudie kring råd och riktlinjer för utformning av cykel-infrastruktur med avseende på korsningspunkter med motorfordonstrafik. Referenser har hämtats från handböcker i främst Sverige, Danmark, Nederländerna, Storbritannien och Tyskland samt från relevant forskning där sådan funnits tillgänglig. Studien visar att fokus i dessa råd och riktlinjer ligger på
Brons för unga Malmöfysiker
Kristet, indiskt och antikt i Hjalmar Gullbergs diktning
Addressing resource efficiency through the Ecodesign Directive: a review of opportunities and barriers
The European Union has initiated a number of initiatives to improve resource efficiency in Europe. The Ecodesign Directive is one of the policy instruments that could aid the transition towards a more resource efficient economy. This paper examines the potential benefits and disadvantages in applying the Directive for this purpose, and reflects on the potential to apply certain types of standards.
Plate Heat Exchangers: Design, Applications and Performance
Heat exchangers are important, and used frequently in the processing, heat and power, air-conditioning and refrigeration, heat recovery, transportation and manufacturing industries. Such equipment is also important in electronics cooling and for environmental issues like thermal pollution, waste disposal and sustainable development. The present book concerns plate heat exchangers (PHEs), which are