

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Uncertain Futures : Adaptive capacities to climate variability and change in the Lake Victoria Basin

The Lake Victoria basin (LVB) in East Africa can be considered a climate change hotspot because of its large rural population dependent on rain-fed farming. Drawing on extensive fieldwork (2007-2011) in rural communities along the shores of Lake Victoria in Kenya and Tanzania, I explore adaptive capacities to climate variability and change and discuss how they interrelate in situ. Using multiple m

Grundskollärares tankar om kompetensutveckling (Compulsory school teachers' thoughts about competence development)

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen handlar om lärares tankar om kompetensutveckling med utgångspunkt i intervjuer med olika lärare vid tre tillfällen under 1990-talet. Lärare utvecklar i lärarutbildning allmänna lärarkunskaper, ämneskunskaper och ämnesdidaktiska kunskaper under 3,5 - 5,5 år, beroende på elevernas åldrar och lärarens ämneskombinationer. I yrkesverksamheten deltar lärare i ettThe development in society and school activities that have taken place during the past twenty years, form the background to the problem in this thesis. Liberal democratisation in the society as a whole and the global explosion of knowledge have made it necessary for teachers continuously to develop new knowledge. The over all aim of the thesis concerned the development of knowledge of variations

Erfarenheter av uppföljning

Rapporten svarar på vilka erfarenheter som finns i kommunal sektor avseende uppföljning av externa leverantörer inom primärvård och omsorg. Det empiriska materialet består av telefonintervjuer med 15 kommuner och 5 landsting.

Traceability in food supply chains Exploring governmental authority and industrial effects

Traceability in food supply chains has received increased attention in the last decade. The efforts of governmental authorities have also increased to regulate and control food supply chains and product characteristics related to information to ensure safety, quality, and preservation of living resources. Previous studies in the area take an industrial focus and exclude the governmental authority

Office Automation, Work and Skill

The paper briefly explores the issues of what does office automation mean. Furthermore, it discusses whether office workers are information or knowledge workers. Three stages of office automation - data processing, facilitate existing office procedures, elimination of some intermediary functions and introduction of office technology into managerial, professional and technical jobs - are identified

Laser Diagnostics in Combustion - Elastic Scattering and Picosecond Laser-Induced Fluorescence

Popular Abstract in Swedish Laserbaserd Förbränningsdiagnostik - Elastisk Spridning och Pikosekundlaserinducerad fluorescens Elastisk spridning och Lorenz-Mie (LM) teorin används för att karakterisera droppar av organiskt bränlse med en diameter kring 1 mikrometer. Beräkningar baserade på LM-teorin visar att det spridda ljuset i sido- och bakåtrikningen kan användas för omisskänslig detektion av Elastic scattering and the Lorenz-Mie (LM) theory in particular is used for the characterization of sub-micron- and micron-sized droplets of organic fuels in sprays and aerosols. Calculations on the Lorenz- Mie theory show that backward-sideward scattered visible radiation can be used for unambiguous detection of ensembles of homogeneous droplets of organic substances with diameters around 1 micro

Uppföljning Flagghusen : energi och inneklimat - Slutrapport

Energianvändningen på området är högre än beräknat. Både värme och el överstiger de beräkningar som gjordes inom Det goda samtalet. Samtliga fastigheter har haft skador eller brister som kan härledas till byggtiden vilket ökat energianvändningen. Merparten av byggnaderna har också högre uppmätt innetemperatur än ansatt under Det goda samtalet. En del byggnader har förbättrat klimatskalet relativt

Proposal and evaluation for organising and using available data for software performance estimations in embedded platform development

Embedded platform development, where a platform is a basis for a family of products, is characterized by soft-and hardware co-design as well as very tight constraints on cost and available real-time system performance. The latter implies that early software performance estimation plays a crucial role in embedded platform development. Due to the different focus of software and hardware design, perf

Proper functioning of domestic hot water circulation in residential buildings

The paper deals with domestic hot water circulation (DHWC) in residential buildings. Thermostatic circulation valves (TCV) of self-acting type can be used to assure proper temperature level in DHWC systems. A mathematic model of a DHWC system with TCV's in a 36 flat residential building is presented as well as results from steady-state and dynamic Simulations. The TCV design values used in simulat

Repeated sets or single set of resistance training - A systematic review

The aim of the study was to review studies concerning single-set and multiple-set resistance training. Twenty-six articles were found, 19 randomized controlled trials and seven studies without randomization process. Out of the 26 articles, 11 showed similar increases in strength when comparing number of sets, mostly one set compared with three sets. Eight of the articles showed a greater increase