

Din sökning på "*" gav 529134 sökträffar

Presence of Eriophorum scheuchzeri enhances substrate availability and methane emission in an Arctic wetland

Here we present results from a field experiment in an Arctic wetland situated in Zackenberg, NE Greenland. During one growing season we investigated how dominance of the sedge Eriophorum scheuchzeri affected the below-ground concentrations of low molecular weight carbon compounds (LMWOC) and the fluxes of CO2 and CH4 in comparison to dominance of other sedges (Carex stans and Dupontia psilosantha)

Improving waviness of bore in precision hard turning by pressurized coolant

Precision hard turning is an emerging innovated machining technology for machining hardened workpiece (60 similar to 62 HRC) with characteristic of better flexibility, high production rate, and cost saving. However, one of problem in this process is that it is difficult to remove the thermal distortion of the workpiece induced by the heat generated during the process, especially in the case of pre

Low ERK Phosphorylation in Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts Is Associated with Tamoxifen Resistance in Pre-Menopausal Breast Cancer

Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate ERK phosphorylation as a stromal biomarker for breast cancer prognosis and tamoxifen treatment prediction within a randomized tamoxifen trial. Patients and Methods: Tissue microarrays of two breast cancer cohorts including in total 743 invasive breast cancer samples were analyzed for ERK phosphorylation (pERK) and smooth muscle actin-alpha expression

Fire evacuation in high-rise buildings: a review of human behaviour and modelling research

A review of literature related to fire evacuation in high-rise buildings was carried out with the following objectives, (1) to identify the key behavioural factors affecting the performance of people during a fire in a high-rise building, the singularities associated to this type of buildings and areas of future research; (2) to review the procedures and strategies currently adopted in high-rise b

Frans G. Bengtssons lyrik

The poems of Frans G Bengtsson are analyzed first as produced from the viewpoint of Schopenhauer's radical pessimism,and Bengtsson´s serious illness. The poems formal and thematic characters are scrutinized: the formal excellence is conceived as a manifestation of a kantian aesthetic, also as a mark of Bengtsson's extreme objectivism, his inclination towards the factual. The most dominant theme in

Kassakultur i förändring : Samspelet mellan organisationskultur och administrativa reformer på Försäkringskassan

Syftet med avhandlingen är att beskriva och analysera hur Försäkringskassans organisationskultur har förändrats. Mer specifikt är syftet att fånga förändringarna i Försäkringskassans organisationskultur genom att studera tjänstemännens relationer, reaktioner och handlingsstrategier över tid. De centrala frågeställningarna är följande: ”Hur har försäkringskassans organisationskultur förändrats?”, ”In 2005, The Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan), was reformed from being local county authorities to a nationalized and integrated organization. The aim of this thesis is to describe how Försäkringskassan’s organizational culture has changed. The key questions are: ”How has Försäkringskassan’s culture changed?”, ”How are the organizational culture perceived and handled by the empl

Regional and Industrial Growth Patterns in 20th Century Western Europe

This thesis deals with various aspects of growth, convergence and technological change, all analysed from an empirical perspective. A common theme throughout the six chapters is the analysis of economic historical questions of productivity growth with the use of quantitative statistical techniques. An introductory chapter is followed by two chapters on the Western European regional growth and conv

Europe Refracted: Western Education and Knowledge in China

European educational knowledge and practices have been deeply impacted by the colonial experience. While hegemonic knowledge was exported to the colonies, practices of teaching and governing colonial subjects were tested in the periphery and then re-imported to the center. This contribution looks at a case of European education outside Europe that did not take place, at least not entirely, in a co

Extra-articular Rheumatoid Arthritis Risk Factors and Consequences

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic disease not only restricted to the joints, but can also be associated with the development of extra-articular manifestations. Extra-articular RA (ExRA) is of clinical importance because of the associated morbidity and increased risk of premature mortality compared with RA patients in general. The aims of this work were to identify patients with ExRA in early

New drugs and novel mechanisms of action in multiple myeloma in 2013: a report from the International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG)

Treatment in medical oncology is gradually shifting from the use of nonspecific chemotherapeutic agents toward an era of novel targeted therapy in which drugs and their combinations target specific aspects of the biology of tumor cells. Multiple myeloma (MM) has become one of the best examples in this regard, reflected in the identification of new pathogenic mechanisms, together with the developme

Extracting a Cardiac Signal From the Extracorporeal Pressure Sensors of a Hemodialysis Machine

Although patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment often suffer from cardiovascular disease, monitoring of cardiac rhythm is not performed on a routine basis. Without requiring any extra sensor, this study proposes a method for extracting a cardiac signal from the built-in extracorporeal venous pressure sensor of the hemodialysis machine. The extraction is challenged by the fact that the cardiac

Braided Convolutional Codes: A New Class of Turbo-Like Codes

We present a new class of iteratively decodable turbo-like codes, called braided convolutional codes. Constructions and encoding procedures for tightly and sparsely braided convolutional codes are introduced. Sparsely braided codes exhibit good convergence behavior with iterative decoding, and a statistical analysis using Markov permutors shows that the free distance of these codes grows linearly

Comparative Analysis of Safety Performance Indicators Based on Inductive Loop Detector Data

Conflicts in traffic stream have been detected by different safety performance indicators. This study aims to empirically investigate the differences between different indicators in detecting rear-end conflicts and assessing the risk in an uninterrupted flow. Micro-level data of a 24-hr traffic stream (including 6,657 vehicles) were captured using inductive loop detectors installed on a rural free

How to Uncover the Covert Saccade During the Head Impulse Test.

OBJECTIVE: The appearance of "covert" saccades in the head impulse test in patients with vestibular loss may lead to diagnostic misinterpretations. Here, we demonstrate a procedure that can convert covert eye saccades to overt when performing the head impulse test. PATIENTS: Patients with known vestibular deficits that have covert saccades during head impulse test. INTERVENTION: Diagnostic: random

Absence and presence of social complexity in the marketization of sustainable tourism

The EU strategy for rural development 2014-2020 proposes a focus on tourism as a solution to bring economic, environmental and social aspects of sustainable development together. Using the case of fishing tourism in Sweden, we discuss the marketization of sustainable development on a destination market. We focus on the discursive and practical tension between ambitions for development and maintena

Climate Change : Believing and seeing implies adapting

Knowledge of factors that trigger human response to climate change is crucial for effective climate change policy communication. Climate change has been claimed to have low salience as a risk issue because it cannot be directly experienced. Still, personal factors such as strength of belief in local effects of climate change have been shown to correlate strongly with responses to climate change an