

Din sökning på "*" gav 532114 sökträffar


Motivated by bridging the dichotomy between photography and science, this thesis considers how the selected group of scholar-practitioners view the role of critical environmental photography. Particularly, it surveys whether they think it can be used as a tool for raising awareness of environmental issues and whether it’s significant enough to encourage collaboration between photography and scienc

The Role of Excessive Social Media Usage in Autobiographical Memory

The present study investigated the relationship between excessive social media usage in everyday life and autobiographical memory recollection. Previous studies have investigated the effect of social media on autobiographical memory in terms of distinct events, while research regarding the cumulative effect of this is lacking, which is the main focus of the present study. This was investigated by

Everything, By Everyone: An archival perspective on the preservation of Flash media

This master’s thesis examines and evaluates different ways of preserving media reliant on the now defunct Adobe Flash technology. The purpose is dual; both to examine and evaluate Flash preservation from an archival point of view, and to contribute to the existing research on Internet communities’ preservation initiatives. The research and data collection for the thesis is focused on the preservat

Hummus : En studie i laborationskala

Problembeskrivning: Efterfrågan och tillgången på hälsosamma måltidslösningar har ökat stadigt de senaste åren och inget tyder på att det är en trend som kommer ändras inom snar framtid. Livsmedelsbranschen är i ständig utveckling och marknaden för hälsosamma måltidslösningar on the go sparar mycket tid för konsumenter. Utmaningen med att använda sig av kikärtor som huvudingrediens är att mProblem description: The demand and supply of healthy meal solutions has increased steadily in recent years and there is no indication that this is a trend that will change in the near future. The food industry is constantly evolving and the market for healthy meal solutions on the go saves a lot of time for consumers. The challenge with using chickpeas as the main Ingredient is that you want to g

Design of footbridges subjected to dynamic loading

Modern design of steel pedestrian bridges often results in relatively light constructions with low natural frequencies were there is a considerable risk of resonance to occur from loads due to pedestrians. To resolve the problem a common solution is to increase dimensions of load bearing elements, resulting in greatly oversized elements with increasing costs and have substantial environmental impa

Understanding views on sufficient clothing consumption: Using Q methodology

Overconsumption of clothes is a global environmental and social problem, where 80 billion new clothing is produced each year. Efficiency measures have focused on improving resource efficiency on the production side and improving clothing care on the consumer side. However, literature shows that these measures are not enough. Sufficiency shifts the focus to affluent societies consuming less, and un

”Jag blir mer validerad i mina känslor som kvinna” En narrativ studie om bemötande före och efter en transition.

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka narrativ från personer som gått från det tilldelade könet pojke eller flicka till den motsatta binära könsidentiteten, kring skillnader i bemötande från andra, före och efter en transition. Data samlades in genom en enkät administrerad online, totalt fjorton frågor kring bemötande av känslor före och efter en transition besvarades i fritext av totalt åtta The purpose of this study was to examine narratives from people who went from the assigned gender boy or girl, to the opposite binary gender identity, concerning differences in treatment from others, before and after a transition. Data were collected through a survey administered online, a total of fourteen questions about how their emotions were met before and after the transition. Questions were

The Construction of Mobile Places : A Study of Digital Nomad in the Chinese Context

This thesis studies the theme of digital nomads in the Chinese context from a communication geography perspective. The discussion of the study focuses on the interrelationships of “digital technologies”, “place”, “space”, and “mobility”. Semi-structured interviews and digital ethnography have been combined as the research method while qualitative text analysis has been utilized to analyze the coll

Real Earnings Management and Board Independence in Nordic Firms: An Innovation Perspective.

This research investigates short-term management fixation to meet performance thresholds through real earnings management. Specifically, we examine management decision-making regarding the trade-off between short-term profitability and R&D’s long-term benefits in Nordic firms. Building on established economic and institutional frameworks, along with the most relevant studies in the field, this

Tundra carbon cycling in relation to sea-ice decline in a warming Arctic

We set out to investigate whether arctic tundra acted as a sink or source of carbon dioxide (CO2) between 1980-2014 and to relate changes in the net carbon balance to Arctic sea-ice decline. We want to understand how climate change and arctic warming influence arctic carbon cycling. Identifying the ways higher temperatures affect tundra carbon cycling, one of them being the decline of sea ice, can

The value of visual depiction: A comparison of short-term memory capacity between glyph icons and words

Icons are widely used throughout society; moreover, they play a significant role in computer user interfaces, frequently appearing on websites and applications. In many cases, they are used instead of text labels to make a user interface (UI) more universally understood, among other things. Since icons reside within the UI, they should adhere to UI design principles, such as ”reduce short-term mem

Barn som anhöriga. En implementeringsstudie av vuxenhabiliteringens stöd till barn som anhöriga ur ett barnombud/kurators perspektiv

The aim of this study was to explore how healthcare counselors in their role as child representatives at adult habilitation clinics in Sweden experience the implementation of support for children as next of kin. Healthcare law in Sweden states that children as next of kin are entitled to information, advice and support by healthcare professionals when living together with an adult relative that ha

What Drives Invoicing Currency Choices

This paper examines the effects of key macroeconomic and trade variables on invoicing currency patterns. Departing from common model assumptions of complete local currency pricing or partner country pricing, the existing analytical and empirical literature suggests a range of macroeconomic and strategic determinants of internationally trading actors’ currency usage. Using panel data on trade invoi

Rotational Properties of Lee-Huang-Yang Bosonic Condensates from One to Two Dimensions

This thesis covers the work of a numerical examination of the rotational properties of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) utilizing the beyond mean-field extended Gross-Pitaevskii equation for a specified set of parameters. These parameters are chosen to cancel the strength of the mean-field interaction, which makes the system predominantly governed by the next order beyond the mean-fi

It Takes Two to Tango - Does ‘Municipal Partnership’ promote mutuality and equality between Global North and South partners?

The partnership-based approach in international development cooperation is believed to bring a more balanced relationship between the actors than traditional development approaches. However, previous studies have revealed limitations in achieving a mutual relationship between the partners. This study examines the relationship and the power dynamic between the partners participating in a partnershi

" Optimization of Margins and Plan Robustness for Proton Therapy of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma"

Strålning inom vården används till allt ifrån bedöma benbrott till att behandla cancer. Cancerbehandling med högenergetiskt ljus är den allra vanligaste typen av strålbehandling och brukar benämnas konventionell strålbehandling. Däremot har terapi med protoner blivit allt vanligare runt om i världen. Vid konventionell strålbehandling går energistrålen in i kroppen, genom tumören och ut på andra siPurpose/Background: Utilizing proton therapy (PT) for treatment of Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) has demonstrated favorable features, particularly a reduced dose to organs at risk (OAR) in comparison with photon radiotherapy. However, there is a coherent complexity with PT including its uncertainties, such as range-uncertainties and set-up variations as protons are highly sensitive to tissue density var

The Rotational Centre of the Large Magellanic Cloud

Galaxer formas när enorma gasmoln kollapsar på grund av gravitation. Små ojämnheter får gasen att rotera vilket leder till att molnet pressas ihop till en disk. Stjärnor bildas av gasen som i sin tur fortsätter att rotera. Under tid dör stjärnorna och blir till gas igen som sedan bildar nya stjärnor. Interaktioner mellan galaxersker genom kollisioner och gravitationskrafter. Det kan påverka galaxThe Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC & SMC) are the two largest galaxies orbiting the Milky Way (MW). The interactions between them have affected the evolution of both galaxies. The interactions have affected the galaxies differently depending on how strong they have been. Tidal forces from the interactions are argued to have produced a stream of stars and gas called the Magellanic Bridg

Tunisia’s Gender Digital Divide: A Case Study of Tunisia’s Gender Gap in Internet Usage and the Role of Demographic and Socioeconomic Factors

Today, the digital transformation provides new avenues for women’s empowerment. Information and communication technologies (ICTs), including the internet, can contribute to greater gender equality by enabling everyone access to the same online resources and opportunities. Yet, the prevalence of a gender digital divide means that many women, not least in Tunisia and the Middle East and North Africa

Vägen till en vällyckad integration

This qualitative study is based on interviews with seven Afghan refugees in Sweden, and the aim is to shed light on their experiences and perspectives regarding their integration journey in Sweden. To clarify, the focus of the study is to gain knowledge on the significant factors and barriers related to the integration process. Thereby it is possible to gain a deeper understanding of the integrati