Din sökning på "*" gav 532114 sökträffar
Sverige bör ta juridisk strid mot minimilöner
Direct CEP Stabilization of a high-repetition rate, few-cycle OPCPA chain with a single feedback loop, employing a Stereo-ATI
We present the direct stabilization of the CEP of a high-repetition rate OPCPA by employing a Stereo-ATI pulsemeter for single-shot detection and feedback to the oscillator at the full OPCPA repetition rate.
Cavity-Enhanced Few-Cycle Mid-IR Pulses for Field-Resolved Spectroscopy
Up to tenfold power enhancement of waveform-stable few-cycle pulses is demonstrated in a minimally-dispersive resonator (22-37 THz). This enables spectroscopy of molecular samples based on impulsive excitation and electro-optic sampling at 66 m interaction length.
Från lokalt bemanningssystem till regional styrning
I början av 2021 påbörjades en regional organisationsförändring inom Kriminalvården avseende hanteringen av bemanning och schemaläggning av personal. Från att tidigare haft en lokalt styrd bemanning infördes nu en regional styrning i form av Samordnad Bemanning, för att regionalisera bemanning och schemaläggning för personal anställda på anstalter och häkten. Studien är till för att öka kunskaper
What is energy democracy? Connecting social science energy research and political theory.
In recent years the term ‘energy democracy’ has become increasingly popular, especially in the context of aspirations for a low-carbon transition that include wider socio-economic and political transformation. The emergence of ‘energy democracy’ is thus part of a broader trend in research and practice which has sought to foreground the 'stuff’ of politics. Yet, unlike the more academically develop
Persontransporter i en rörlig värld-En studie om elsparkcyklar i den urbana miljön
I dagens urbana miljö belyses flera problem kopplade till persontransport, buller, trängsel och utsläpp är idag stora problem för invånarna i större städer. Samtidigt efterfrågar människor hållbarare sätt att leva. Utifrån människans krav på mobilitet och önskan efter hållbarare transporter i bland annat stadsmiljö har mikromobilitetsfordon och elsparkcyklar dykt upp. Uppsatsen har undersökt hur o
“De har mer att vinna på det kriminella livet än vad de har att förlora” - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialarbetares upplevelser av att arbeta med unga män som har varit inblandade i gängkriminalitet
The purpose of our study is to understand how social workers work with young men who have previously been involved in gang crime and what risk factors the social worker considers to be the basis for young men's previous involvement in gang crime. We also want to research the difficulties social workers experience while working with this group. The study was based on qualitative semi-structured
The EU Waste Shipment Proposal and Its Implications for the Secondary Route Steel Production - A scenario analysis considering energy use, CO2 emissions, and environmental costs
The steel industry is one of the most polluting industries globally. There exists an EU waste shipment proposal that aims to restrict the EU export of waste in order to raise safe, environmental standards and circularity within the EU. Under this proposal, steel scrap is defined as waste and since the EU is the largest exporter of steel scrap globally, this has implications for the EU steel indust
The Pursuit of Effective Performance Control: A multiple case study on the effects control mechanisms have on employee performance in knowledge intensive firms
Synen på organiseringens betydelse i Kriminalvårdens behandlingsprogram
The aim of this study was to show how Swedish criminal justice agencies organizational structure is preventing and/or promoting the work with clients that are convicted. This study is based on five semi-structured interviews with five workers in the criminal justice agency. During the analyzing part the answers of the interviews were connected through Max Weber's bureaucracy theory as well as
Skäligt eller inte? Tredjelandsmedborgarens ställning på dagens arbetsmarknad - En granskning av samverkan mellan migrationsrätt och arbetssätt
The Swedish labour market has over the years developed through minimal intervention from the government. The steady increase of granted work permits shows an increasing demand of foreign skills for all levels of education. Third-country nationals have the right to work in Sweden when a valid work permit has been granted. Work permits are granted by the Migration Board if the employee can support t
Design of cost-efficient joining solution for a composite-metal structure
With an increasing awareness of environmentalism, the transportation sector is also understanding its duty to protect the natural resources given to humankind. For the sector it is increasingly important to decrease the weight of transportation vehicles to save fuel and electrical energy. For a severe weight reduction Volvo Buses plans to launch a lighter bus structure in the coming years. This in
Vikten av det sociala och psykosociala stödet till efterlevande - Kuratorers perspektiv på sitt arbete kring att stödja efterlevande i specialiserad palliativ vård
The purpose of this study was to investigate how counsellors in specialised palliative care view and relate to social and psychosocial support for bereaved relatives. The study's empirical material was obtained through qualitative semi-structured interviews with nine counsellors within specialised palliative care and was conducted in one of Sweden's southern health care regions. To analyse
Improving capacity planning in outsourced manufacturing through sales and operations planning: A case study at Axis Communications
This master’s thesis explores how capacity planning in outsourced manufacturing can be improved through sales and operations planning (S&OP). The master’s thesis was done in collaboration with Axis Communications AB, where the capacity planning and S&OP processes were analyzed. Managing manufacturing capacity in high technology industries is one of the most important aspects to consider fo
Effect of a whole grain cereal product on glucose regulation and subjective appetite in an overnight perspective
Background With obesity levels on the rise globally, it is necessary to create a healthier food environment and increase access to nourishing and palatable foods. Dietary fibre consumption has been proven to be one of the best ways to prevent cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. Glucanova AB developed an oat bran and barley-based product and investigated the daylong effect on glucose respo
Datortomografi hjärna perfusions diagnostiska betydelse vid ischemi/infarkt
Datortomografi perfusion är en kompletterande undersökningsmetod vid rädda hjärnan larm. DT perfusion framställer kartor som baseras på flera faktorer, såsom time to peak (TTP), cerebral blood volume (CBV) och cerebral blood flow (CBF). Syftet med studien var att belysa det diagnostiska värdet av DT perfusion av hjärnan vid misstanke om ischemi/infarkt. En litteraturstudie utfördes med integrerad
Underbart är kort, eller? Meningslängdens betydelse för läsförståelse hos barn med lässvårigheter
I den här uppsatsen undersöks meningslängdens betydelse för läsförståelsen hos barn med lässvårigheter. Syftet är att ta reda på om råden om att skriva korta meningar i lättläst skönlitteratur är rimliga eller behöver nyanseras. Med en kvantitativ metod jämförs skönlitterära texter som manipulerats på fyra olika sätt – med långa och korta meningar och med och utan sambandsskapande ord. Materiale
"We are humans, not animals" Obstetric Violence in Kosovo: An Intersectional Analysis of Women’s Responses to Obstetric Violence
This study explores different modalities of agency that birthing women in Kosovo express when met with a high threat of obstetric violence and structural constraints. Specifically, this study identifies the strategies and tactics women employ during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum to avoid and minimise the risk of obstetric violence in public and private health settings. Moreover, this s
Efter avtjänat straff - En studie om fängelsedömdas upplevelser av att återintegreras i samhället
The increase in crime is a high-profile problem area within the criminal policy debate in Sweden. Most political parties present stricter penalties as a possible solution. It is regulated by Swedish law how inmates shall, during their imprisonment, receive support in order to successfully reintegrate into society upon their release. This is in order to not relapse into crime. At the same time, for