

Din sökning på "*" gav 532439 sökträffar

Carbon Abundance in the Milky Way Galaxy

Carbon is the fourth most abundant element after hydrogen, helium and oxygen. It is a product of stellar nucleosynthesis as well as it being an important bio signature for life; this makes the analysis of carbon very fundamental. The origin of carbon and the relative contributions from massive and low-to-intermediate mass stars in producing it is still under debate. The principal focus of this the

Restrictions and effects observed during the first year of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Using the most recent data from various databases we have retrieved economic and health data from OECD member countries and analyzed it in regard to the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker, what we call Stringency index. We examine the effects on different economic variables such as GDP, exports, and unemployment, together with the health outcome variable excess mortality. In regard to our

Does unemployment make you less healthy?

Employment is often more than just a way to make a living and a job loss might be one of life’s most stressful experiences. Aside from the financial hardship it causes, it may also affect individuals’ behaviors. This study examines the impact of unemployment on different health behaviors, namely alcohol and cigarette consumption, total physical activity and dietary patterns. This is done by using

Learning by doing - Data-driven optimization of arc-evaporated TiAlN-coating for cutting tools

Data-driven optimering en succé för skärande bearbetning Optimeringsmetod från maskininlärning mycket lovande vid användning för komplexa processer inom skärande bearbetning En otrolig mängd av industriell tillverkning idag förlitar sig på ett till synes enkelt koncept, att forma metall genom svarvning eller fräsning. Skärande bearbetning letar sin väg in i många industrier och alla sätt att ökThe purpose of this study was to investigate the applicability of data-driven experimental design for the optimization of a hard coating for cutting tools in metal machining. The complexity of metal machining leads to difficulty in theoretically modeling and understanding the interactions and correlations between parameters and performance. Because of this and the importance of incremental perform

Fitting the pion and kaon mass and decay constant to lattice data

Kvantelektrodynamik beskriver den elektromagnetiska kraften mellan elektroner och protoner, och är en av fysikens mest lyckade teorier. Till skillnad från elektroner, så är protoner inte fundamentala partiklar, utan de är uppbyggda av mindre partiklar som kallas för kvarkar. Kvarkarna inuti protonen binds inte ihop av den elektromagnetiska kraften, utan istället genom en annan kraft som kallas föWe use lattice QCD data to perform a fit of the pion and kaon mass and decay constant to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in three-flavor Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT). To improve our fits, we make use of finite volume corrections at both one- and two-loop order. This turns out to provide a small but noticeable improvement of our fits. Our fits see a significant improvement with the inclus

Yet Another Brick in the Wall - Investigating whether education is causally related to dementia

This paper empirically investigates the relationship between education and risk of developing dementia. From a large body of literature, it is well known that higher education associates with better health. This is true both for health in general, but also for more specific diseases like Alzheimer’s. However, the question of whether the link between years of education and dementia is causal or not

" When You Come Together to Eat...": The Social-Scientific Study of the Community Meals as an Identity Shaping Process at Corinth and Galatia.

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the community meals as an identity shaping process in Paul’s ekklēsiai. The research question is as follows: In which ways do meals form an identity, community, and equality in Paul’s ekklēsia at Corinth and Galatia, in the light of the Greco-Roman banquet tradition and the Apostolic Decree? I answer this question by focus on meals as a banquet, and meals a

Karriärer i högadelns hägn : social mobilitet bland Magnus Gabriel De la Gardies västgötska förvaltare cirka 1650–1680

Careers under the Auspices of the Aristocracy. Social Mobility among Magnus Gabriel De la Gardie's Stewards in Västergötland circa 1650–1680 The present study provides new knowledge on the prerequisites for social mobility in seventeenth-century Sweden by placing focus on a forgotten arena for the social dynamics of the time: the aristocratic manors. The investigation deals with count Magnus

En skola för alla?

Bakgrund: Majoriteten av individer med autismspektrumtillstånd (AST) har svårigheter att tolka och bearbeta sensoriska intryck. När ett barns förmåga att bearbeta sensoriska intryck inte matchar kraven i miljön blir skoldagen en stor utmaning. Idag saknar skolan användbara modeller för att förstå elevers skolsvårigheter och behov utifrån ett aktivitets- och delaktighetsperspektiv. Syfte: Att med sBackground: The majority of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have difficulties in interpreting and processing sensory input. When the abilities of a child to process sensory input does not match the demands of the environment, school becomes a difficult challenge. Schools today lack models that enable teachers to understand the difficulties of a pupil from an occupational- and parti

The Size and Value effect of The Fama and French Three Factor Model. Do the variables remain meaningful or redundant? Evidence from the Swedish Stock market 2007-2016

This thesis compared the explanatory power on excess return between the Capital Asset Pricing Model and the Fama and French Three Factor Model on the Swedish Market. Fur- thermore, an evaluation of the independent variables included in the Fama and French Three Factor Model was done. This was tested on a sample of 59 listed companies of the Stock- holm Stock Exchange between 2007 and 2015. A total

Vad styr allvarlighetsbedömningarna? Ett vinjettexperiment om socialsekreterares bedömningar av våld i nära relation

The aim of this study was to investigate which factors relating to the 1) perpetrator of intimate partner violence and 2) the respondents have an impact on social workers’ judgements about the severity of intimate partner violence. The study was carried out by a factorial survey method - experimental vignettes - in which the respondents were asked to make judgements about vignettes – or fictitious

The impact of social financing scale on stock price -- Based on the perspective of industry research

Abstract This thesis first analyzes the direct and indirect effects of social financing scale on the stock market based on reviewing and summarizing the existing research. Then, studies on the different effects of social financing scale on different industries from the perspective of industry characteristics are also conducted. An autoregressive model is built using the social financing scale data

Effekter av transparens och typ, en experimentell studie kring förutsättningarna för effektiv nudging

Syftet med denna experimentella studie var att rikta ett psykologiskt fokus på påverkansmetoden nudging genom att utforska dess förutsättningar, begränsningar och bakomliggande mekanismer. Studien undersökte effektivitet i förhållande till olika typer av nudging baserat på dubbelprocessteorin och olika nivåer av transparens samt dess förhållande till upplevelsen av frihet att välja. Experimentet aThe aim of this experimental study was to put a psychological focus on nudging as a method of influence by exploring its conditions, limitations and underlying mechanisms. The study examined effectiveness in relation to different types of nudging based on the dual process theory and different levels of transparency as well as how transparent nudging affects the experience of freedom of choice. The

The Function of Arbitral Tribunals in the Development of Human Rights Obligations of the Investors

What is often more important in the international investment agreements between a private investor and the host country is to ensure the investors' economic security in the host country. However, recently, one of the concerns in most of these agreements is human rights. Then one of the host country's obligations is the observance of human rights obligations. The problem is that investors a

Implementation, review and development of methodology for single case comparisons to small samples in the R package singcar

Statistical comparison of single cases to small samples is a methodology that has been extensively used in, for example, cognitive and clinical neuropsychology. This is most often done to determine changes in cognitive processing after an individual has incurred some type of brain damage. In a clinical setting one often wish to infer whether a patient exhibit abnormally low performance on some cog

Can you resist being cynical? A case study of cynicism and resistance towards employee development

This paper examines the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of cynical perceptions towards employee development through qualitative research. Based on a case study, data were gathered through 25 semi-structured interviews with both managers and subordinates at a company within the telecommunication industry. The empirical findings have been studied using the literature topics of strategic human resource management, n

The anti-amyloidogenic activity in the chaperone DNAJB6 and mimic constructs with only the most conserved serine and threonine rich beta-hairpin

Proteiner som hjälper andra proteiner att bevara deras struktur genom att binda in till dem kallas chaperoner. Chaperonet DNAJB6 (se figur nedan) finns bland annat i människokroppen och hjälper till att hindra vissa aggregeringsbenägna peptider, som amyloid-β, från att aggregera till fibriller. Fibriller av amyloid-β är kopplade till neurodegenerativa sjukdomar så som Huntington och Alzheimer. I fThe chaperone DNAJB6 can suppress fibril formation of amyloid-β. This is dependent on functionally important conserved serine (S) and threonine (T) residues located in a C-terminal domain which is dominated by β-strands. Substitution of the conserved ST-residues with alanine residues results in loss of this function. In this thesis two DNAJB6 mimic constructs are examined to see whether or not the

"Out of sight.... Out of mind" How employees made sense of organisational changes resulting from crisis management

Abstract Purpose - The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how employees, of the London Hilton on Park Lane hotel, make sense of organisational changes resulting from crisis management during the Covid-19 pandemic. We aim to contribute to the existing literature within the field of change and crisis management and build on Weick’s (1995) concept of sensemaking. Therefore, ou

Is There A Relationship Between EV/EBIT and Returns on The Danish Stock Market?

The study can statistically certify that there exists a negative relationship between EV/EBIT-ratio and returns among stocks on the OMX Copenhagen Exchange between 2011-2021. It can also be concluded that EV/EBIT should not be used as the single factor when making investment decisions due to a low r-squared value. Portfolios consisting of low EV/EBIT companies managed to outperform high EV/EBIT po