

Din sökning på "*" gav 532238 sökträffar

Exkluderad från skyddsstatus - Ett straff för begånget brott eller en administrativ åtgärd?

Denna uppsats behandlar det regelverk inom asylrätten som gör det möjligt att exkludera vissa skyddsbehövande individer från att ta del av skyddet som nationell och internationell rätt erbjuder. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att utreda huruvida ett exkluderande av en skyddsbehövande kan anses utgöra ett straff för ett begånget brott i straffrättslig mening. Om exklusionsförfarandet kan anses utgöThis thesis address the rules of asylum law that allows exclusion of certain persons in need of protection from taking part of the protection provided by national and international law. The purpose of this thesis has been to investigate whether an exclusion may be regarded as punishment for a committed crime in criminal law. If the exclusion procedure may be regarded as a criminal procedure, the l

Can a veto undermine international peace and security? - A discussion on the legitimacy of veto decisions concerning the question on Syria

Since the start of the conflict in Syria, the determination of the conflict has changed and engaged the global community. There have been, and still are, several opinions from both organisations and the media, on the conflict in Syria as well on the United Nations Security Council. The primarily responsibility for the Council is the maintenance of international peace and security. In the process,

En ren rätt - Ett arbete om renskötselrätten och dess grunder utifrån Girjasdomen

Denna framställning utgör en rättslig analys av Gällivare tingrätts dom angående Girjas sameby. Denna dom är i skrivande stund inte slutligt avgjord utan har överklagats till hovrätten. Tingsrätten slöt sig till att rennäringslagen stred mot egendomsskyddet i regeringsformen och lämnade denna lag utan avseende. Domstolen dömde till samebyns fördel i målet med stöd av rättsinstitutet urminnes hävd.This essay accounts for a legal analysis of a case that has been ruled by a Swedish district court (Girjasdomen). This case is appealed to a court of appeal, so the matter has not yet become final. The court stated that parts of the reindeer industry law (rennäringslagen) were not applicable in the current case due to the conflict with the property protection (egendomskyddet). The court ruled in f

Clean Clothes or Tainted Origins? - Human Rights Due Diligence in the Garment Supply Chain

In today’s global economy it is common that multinational clothing brands are organizing their production through complex global supply chains. The downside is that severe human rights violations take place throughout the supply chain. Considering this problematic, this thesis examines the concept of human rights due diligence (HRDD) in the context of global supply chains with specific attention t

Corporate Criminal Liability in International Criminal Law "ex nihilo nihil fit"

The Nuremberg Charter introduced corporate criminal liability into international law and the great American Chief Prosecutor Justice Robert Jackson gave a promise that any legal person who commits crimes prescribed by international law shall be prosecuted and punished according to international criminal law. However, during this period of time, a corporation was never prosecuted per se as the sitt

Trade and sustainable development mechanisms - beyond window-dressing and talking shops? The effectiveness of the institutional mechanisms in EU trade and sustainable development chapters

Labour and environmental provisions became a prominent feature in trade agreements nowadays. Since 2011, the European Union devotes a whole chapter in its trade agreements to these issues - the trade and sustainable development (TSD) chapter. This paper argues that an important aspect of the EU’s approach are the institutional mechanisms which monitor the implementation of the TSD chapter. Applyin

Värnplikten återaktiveras - En kvalitativ fallstudie på reaktiveringen av värnplikten

In 2017 the Swedish government takes the decision that conscription will be reactivated after eight years of sleep. Major system changes like this need time to find their path so they are able to produce. Therefore, several questions are raised ahead of the reactivation of the conscription. This study answers to the question why the conscription was taken back in service. The answer and driving fo

Trade unions' ability to prevent liberalisation: Examining when trade unions can prevent liberalisation in the context of the European Union

Research on trade unions ability to influence EU policies has mainly addressed the issues trade unions faces internally such as cultural, linguistic and ideological differences. This thesis extends the research on trade unions ability to influence EU policies by analysing what external factors that has to be present if trade unions shall be able to prevent liberalisation in the context of the Euro

USA, Turkiet och Kurdistan - En konflikt inom allianser

The following essay sets out to explain why the US has chosen to stay neutral in the conflict between its two allies, Turkey and Syrian Kurdistan, indirectly siding with Turkey as opposed to Syrian Kurdistan, given their power-discrepancies. Theories within alliance theory, and primarily Stephen M. Walt, point to reputation, the probability of allied support, level of institutionalization and non-

Radikal högerpopulism : En jämförande idéanalys över SD, UKIP och AFD

In this thesis I suggest a definition on what right-wing populism is by comparing three right-wing populist parties; the Swedish Democrats (SD) in Sweden, the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) in Great Britain and the Alternative for Germany (AFD) in Germany. This is my question formulation. I have used the idea analysis to make the concept of right-wing populism more understandable. The ob

Let's talk about sex: En implementeringsstudie om rektorers arbete för sex-och samlevnadsundervisningen på svenska gymnasieskolor

This research studies problems in implementation principles can face when it comes to sexual education in Swedish high schools. Skolinspektionen recently published a report on sexual education in Sweden showing that sexual education is unequal amongst Swedish schools. One of the problems is that the principles rarely implement what should be implemented in the sexual education. This study aims to

Sverige, Finland och Nato efter Krim - En fallstudie av skillnaden i synen på Natomedlemskap

Sweden and Finland have very similar strategic situations being militarily non-aligned, perceiving an increased military threat from Russia, and engaging in extensive partnerships with NATO. However, the two nations have chosen different approaches towards a hypothetical NATO membership. Sweden has officially closed the door to membership while Finland maintains an option to join NATO if deemed ne

Insatsen ingen ville samordna

During Sweden’s commitment in the international intervention in Afghanistan the policymaking regarding the civil-military coordination measures failed. The Swedish government stated and emphasized in their appropriations and strategies that their intent – cooperation and synergies – were a crucial point for mission success. Even so, the government didn´t take any actions clarifying how their inten

Rysk informationspåverkan. En teoriutvecklande studie om rysksovjetisk vilseledning i förändring.

During the cold war the Soviet Union used different methods to influence international politics. This was done by using disinformation and active measures. Today there is reason to believe that Russia continues to use similar methods as before, but due to the change in information technology new ways and techniques can be deployed. Theories to explain this phenomenon were developed during the cold

Modeling, Analysis and Control of Underwater Vehicle SROV

A new type of Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) has been designed by Marin Mätteknik (MMT) in cooperation with Reach Subsea and Kystdesign AS; the Surveyor ROV. Although MMT is successfully using the SROV in day-to-day operations, no mathematical model describing the system has previously been derived. In this thesis project, a mathematical model describing the SROV is developed through system ident

Bevisning av oberoende dubbelskapande - en studie om olika tillvägagångssätt för att bevisa ett oberoende dubbelskapande

Upphovsrätt är ett formlöst rättskydd för alster som uppstår genom ett resultat av en personligt andligt skapande verksamhet. Det formlösa rättsskyddet är ett efterbildningsskydd och inte ett prioritetsskydd, d.v.s. ett skydd mot identiska och liknande avbildningar, inte ett skydd mot andras senare identiska eller liknande dubbelskapelser. Det formlösa skyddet gör det möjligt att två personer kan

Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle Modeling in Modelica

Exchanging classical combustion motors in cars for more environmentally friendly solutions is a hot topic worldwide and this has currently been taken to a new dimension by the release of the first hydrogen driven vehicles on the world market. The objective of this master thesis has been to develop a Modelica model of an automotive hydrogen fuel cell system, which should be integrated in an already

Utvisning av svårt sjuka migranter - En kritisk granskning av skyddsomfånget i artikel 3 EKMR

Uppsatsens syfte är att utreda skyddsomfånget för artikel 3 i Europakonventionen i de fall svårt sjuka migranter riskerar utvisning till ett land som inte kan erbjuda tillräcklig vård. Med avstamp i artikelns ursprungliga förbud för stater att utsätta individer för tortyr och omänsklig eller förnedrande behandling, anläggs ett rättsutvecklingsperspektiv på hur skyddet har utformats. Vidare appliceThe purpose of this essay is to investigate the scope of protection under article 3 of the European convention on human rights in cases where seriously ill migrants face expulsion to a country which cannot provide adequate health care. Starting with a presentation of the prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment, the essay presents the development of the law regarding the scope of

Skyldigheter och ansvar enligt engelsk rätt i relation till säkra hamnar

Godsfrakt till sjöss sker över hela världen och utgör en stor del av världshandeln. Vid resebefraktning tar fartygsägaren på sig att på uppdrag av befraktaren transportera gods vissa specifika resor. En förutsättning för att dessa resor ska kunna genomföras och att godset ska kunna lastas och lossas är att fartyget har en möjlighet att på ett säkert sätt nå de hamnar som är angivna som destinationCarriage of goods by sea occurs all over the globe and constitutes a large part of the world trade. In the case of voyage charters, the shipowner undertakes transport of goods via one or more specific voyages. A prerequisite for these journeys to be carried out and for the goods to be loaded and unloaded is that the ship can reach the nominated port safely. This essay deals with the relationship

”Vad kommer hända med slaktis?” - kulturens närvaro och framtida roll i stadsomvandlingen av Stockholms slakthusområde.

In the process of urbanization and growing cities the city´s limits are expanding, and as a result the industrial areas once located in the periphery of the city have now increased in interest. In recent decades there has been a change within cultural policy, which has altered the way in which we plan our cities and view the value of culture and creativity. This essay studies the culture within t