

Din sökning på "*" gav 529676 sökträffar

Pecularities of heat transfer from in-line tube bundles to upward aqueous foam flow

Four in-line tube bundles with different geometry were investigated for establishing their performance in terms of heat transfer enhancement. Two-phase aqueous foam was used as a coolant. Such coolant was considered, because our previous research showed that large heat transfer intensity may be reached even at small mass flow rate of the foam. Spacing among the centres of the tubes across the firs

Governance Challenges for Greening the Urban Economy: Understanding and Assessing the Links between Governance and Green Economy in Cities

The challenges for creating a greener economy and the institutional framework for sustainable development pass necessarily, or mostly, through cities, as they concentrate a large and growing part of the world’s economy and population, as well as decision-making power. With the processes of urbanization and rural-urban transformation, the economy in cities, especially in cities of developing countr

Heidenstams harem

Verner von Heidenstams orientalism och föreställningar om kön och sexualitet analyseras i studien med utgångspunkt i hans prosa och brev till Oscar Levertin.

High-angular-momentum Structures in 64Zn

High-angular-momentum states in Zn-64 were populated in the Ca-40(Si-28,4p) reaction at a beam energy of 122 MeV. Evaporated, light, charged particles were identified by the Microball, while gamma rays were detected using the Gammasphere array. The main focus of this paper is on two strongly coupled, collective bands. The yrast band, which was previously known, has been linked to lower-lying state

Spel som lust och träning. Om tv- och datorspel för barn och ungdomar i habilitering

Utvecklingen av kommersiella tv- och datorspel från så kallade tumspel till spel som styrs av gester och andra kroppsrörelser har inneburit att spelen numera kan användas för träningsändamål. Under 2007 och 2008 drevs projektet SpelTID vid Barn och ungdomshabiliteringen vid Habilitering & Hjälpmedel i Region Skåne. Två projektledare besökte samtliga tio enheter i regionen för att erbjuda tv- o

Child Molesters and Children as Witnesses : Spatial Behaviour, Modus Operandi and Memory Recall

Offenders who target children are a negative phenomenon in our society. These offenders are often seen as the worst of the worst of criminals and are therefore a priority for investigators trying to solve these crimes as fast as possible. The purpose of this thesis is to see if there are common denominators among these offenders in their modus operandi (MO) and their spatial patterns. If similar p

Soluble and Plant Available Phosphorus in Acid Soils

Popular Abstract in Swedish Växter kan tillgodogöra sig en större del av det fosfor som finns i marken än endast det som är mest lättillgängligt. De olika fosforformerna är starkt kopplade till varandra och om fosforn tycks fördela sig mellan dessa. Många extraherbara fosfor fraktioner är väl korrelerade till varandra. Hur mycket fosfor som är tillgängligt för växter är svårt att uppskatta, det vaThe P availability and solubility differ between soils and plants seem to have different ways of utilising the P present. The many P fractions present in soil interact and are closely related to another and transformations may easily occur. Due to this more P than the soluble fraction is available to plants. Different plant species utilise the P in soil differently; the relationship between the pl