

Din sökning på "*" gav 534693 sökträffar

En kommentar till Sveriges krispolitik mot människor på flykt

Denna artikel behandlar några av de förändringar som genomfördes i svensk migrationslagstiftning under 2016 för att minska antalet asylsökande, öka incitamenten för självmant återvändande och tydligt signalera till omvärlden att andra länder i Europa måste träda fram och dela ansvaret för flyktingmottagandet. Syftet med artikeln är att reflektera över hur de dramatiska kursändringar som ägde rum g

A qualitative study of international students’ sexual health information behaviours: The case of Chinese men who have sex with men

There has been an increase in HIV diagnoses among Chinese men who have sex with men international students (CMISs) in Australia. However, there is not a lot of understanding about the sexual health information of this cohort of transient students. There are often assumptions of low sexual health literacy and other vulnerabilities made about this cohort, but the actual cultural and systemic barrier

Planetary Politics in the Twenty-Second Century

After two centuries of immanent planetary politics, by the twenty-second century the politics had become planetary. This means that since the 2020s political analysis encompasses the entire sphere of the planet and cannot be conducted without a holistic approach. The first section remembers the 100-year planetary organic crisis from ecological overshoot in 1970 to population decline in 2070. The r

Vart ska dom ta vägen nu? (Where will they go now?)

This is a text-sound-composition work made in Ambisonics. It was commissioned by Audiorama and PULS, for a concert curated by composer Trond Lossius, at Østre gallery in Bergen, in 2019. IMPORTANT: This is a headphone version of the work, and will not play properly in stereo speakers. Files for multichannel performance are available on request.Ambisonics fixed media composition. 2020. 14:00. PLEASE NOTE this is a Headphone version. It will not play properly in speakers. Multi-channel speaker versions of the piece are available from the composer on request.

Mapping the Impossible : Incongruent Transposition as a Method of Playing

This is a two-part presentation of a non-traditional transposition and improvisation technique, first demonstrating the transposition practice itself, as I have developed it to date, then demonstrating how I have employed it both in research and in teaching. Transposition of non-musical sources, especially field recordings and incongruent real world sounds from a variety of environments, is a part

The emotional well-being of parents with children at genetic risk for type 1 diabetes before and during participation in the POInT-study

Introduction: This study examined the emotional impact that parents experience when confronted with an increased genetic risk of type 1 diabetes (T1D) in their child. Population-based screening of neonates for genetic risk of chronic disease carries the risk of increased emotional burden for parents. Methods: Information was collected using a well-being questionnaire for parents of infants identif

Sentinel Node Identification with Hybrid Tracer-guided and Conventional Dynamic Sentinel Node Biopsy in Penile Cancer : A Prospective Study in 130 Patients from the Two National Referral Centres in Sweden

BACKGROUND: Studies suggest that a hybrid indocyanine green (ICG)-99mTc-nanocolloid tracer improves sentinel node (SN) identification compared to conventional dynamic sentinel node biopsy (DSNB). OBJECTIVE: To investigate hybrid tracer-guided SN identification in a multicentre setting and determine false-negative (FN) and complication rates. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: A total of 130 patien

No title

In November 2007, the Danish Parliament asked the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) to prepare a report on developments in the EUsince 2000 in the areas covered by the four Danish ropt-outs. In the commission for the investigation, it is requested to include the development that a new treaty basis (the Treaty of Lisbon) gives rise to. This investigation therefore examines developme

Pencil beam scanning proton therapy of Hodgkin’s lymphoma in deep inspiration breath-hold: a case series report

BackgroundMost patients with Hodgkin’s lymphoma are young and have a favourable prognosis, therefore it is of high importance to decrease the radiation doses to normal tissues received during radiotherapy. A combination of proton therapy and deep inspiration breath-hold technique (DIBH) can improve the sparing effect and thereby reduce the risk of late effects.Case presentationThe two first patien

Quantum Mechanical Calculations of Redox Potentials of the Metal Clusters in Nitrogenase

We have calculated redox potentials of the two metal clusters in Mo-nitrogenase with quantum mechanical (QM) calculations. We employ an approach calibrated for iron–sulfur clusters with 1–4 Fe ions, involving QM-cluster calculations in continuum solvent and large QM systems (400–500 atoms), based on structures from combined QM and molecular mechanics (QM/MM) geometry optimisations. Calculations on

Social Enterprises and Tax: Living Apart Together?

This chapter examines the complex relationship between social enterprises and taxation. The focus is not on a specific country, although various examples are mentioned. As specific tax measures for social enterprises are a form of tax incentives, the chapter discusses this public finance concept. In addition, an important legal constraint on introducing such incentives for social enterprises in th

Methylation of the serotonin reuptake transporter gene and non-motor symptoms in dystonia patients

BACKGROUND: Dystonia is a rare movement disorder, in which patients suffer from involuntary twisting movements or abnormal posturing. Next to these motor symptoms, patients have a high prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity, suggesting a role for serotonin in its pathophysiology. This study investigates the percentage of DNA methylation of the gene encoding for the serotonin reuptake transporter (S

Trends in soil frost formation in a warming maritime climate and the impacts on urban flood risk

The most severe urban flooding in cold maritime climates is due to the co-action of long-duration rainfall, snowmelt, and soil frost. Increasing winter air temperature due to climate change is projected to change the magnitude and frequency of rain-on-snow (RoS) events and increase the number of freeze–thaw cycles and midwinter snowmelt. While daily rainfall records are readily available, less is

Transcriptional biomarkers of toxicity - powerful tools or random noise? : An applied perspective from studies on bivalves

Aquatic organisms are constantly at risk of being exposed to potentially harmful chemical compounds of natural or anthropogenic origin. Biological life can for instance respond to chemical stressors by changes in gene expression, and thus, certain gene transcripts can potentially function as biomarkers, i.e. early warnings, of toxicity and chemical stress. A major challenge for biomarker applicatiAquatic organisms are constantly at risk of being exposed to potentially harmful chemical compounds of natural or anthropogenic origin. Biological life can for instance respond to chemical stressors by changes in gene expression, and thus, certain gene transcripts can potentially function as biomarkers, i.e. early warnings, of toxicity and chemical stress. A major challenge for biomarker applicati

Familjecentrerad vård och barncentrerad vård

En femtedel av Sveriges befolkning är barn i åldrarna 0–17 år, totalt drygt 1,9 miljoner. Barndomen är den socialiseringsprocess där barn utvecklas till unika individer och blir en del av samhället. Kulturella sammanhang påverkar barns känsla av samhörighet och av att höra hemma någonstans. Synen på barn och hur de behandlas, också när de är sjuka, påverkas därmed av ett flertal historiska, kultur