

Din sökning på "*" gav 531812 sökträffar

Open access i forskningspolitiken : en undersökning av de politiska argumenten i debatten kring vetenskaplig publicering

This Master's thesis aims at pinpointing the political arguments that appear in the recent debate on scientific publication. There is a widely spread opinion that prices on digital resources are far too high, thus taking up a major part of the University libraries budget, while publishing companies make high profits. It is also a common opinion that the current publishing method does not take

Pantbankens roll i den svenska välfärdsstaten

Our purpose with this study was to look at the pawnbrokers role in the Swedish welfare state from the customers perspective. Our purpose was also to see how the customers used the loan. We wondered why people used the pawnbroker's and how the pawnbroker's could be understood as a providing alternative related to the three spheres state, market and family? Above looking at previous science

Attraktiv arbetsgivare : En kvantitativ studie inom Luftfartsverket

This study was carried out at Luftfartsverket (LFV Group, Swedish Airports and Air Navigation Services). The aim was to study what characterizes an employer of choice and further to examine how well the employees at Luftfartsverket feel that their employer lives up to this image. A quantitative method was applied in the form of a selfdeveloped questionnaire. It was answered by a random sample of e

Delat ansvar för ett enat Sri Lanka: asymmetriska relationers påverkan på fredsprocessen

Since 1983 the people of Sri Lanka has endured an ongoing Civil war, however the intencity has varied over the years. The aim of this theses is to examine what influence the asymmetric relationship between the Sri Lankan goverment and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) has on the process of negotiating a solution to the civil war. I am also examining whether the asymmetical relationship h

Air Pollution Control in Japanese Urban Transport Systems : Effectiveness and Challenges in Metropolitan Tokyo

This paper deals with the different approaches to implementation of air-pollution control policy measures for the operation of transport vehicles in Tokyo; the metropolitan city has a modern transport system co-ordinated by public and private vehicle sectors. In practice, the access to traffic vehicles' environmental safety is difficult in such a populous and travelintensive area. In the cours

Postmodern or conventional? An inquiry into the nature of Ian McEwan's Saturday.

My aim with this paper is to examine to what extent Saturday is a postmodern novel, and with that follows the question how much it adheres to the aesthetics of the realist genre. I will in the paper ask how the two different views of reality - realism and postmodernism -are dramatised thematically in the novel and how they are represented formally. To be able to answer that main research question

Fritidsgårdens kontroll och system: En analys av förebyggande arbete mot ungdomars alkohol- och narkotikaanvändande

The purpose of this essay has been to examine how the city of Helsingborg´s prevention of alcohol and drug use among youths is laid out. It has been of special interest to examine the youth centers (after school programs) preventive work with youths and its effects on frequency of alcohol and narcotics use among youths. The people we have interviewed are all involved in the three organizations: t

Olika kommuner: olika eftervård? En jämförande studie av hur tre kommuner definierar och arbetar med eftervård efter LVM.

Aftercare is an important condition for the Care of Alcoholics and Drug Abuse Act (LVM) to be successful. According to the law, the municipals are responsible for the aftercare. We compared how three municipal in Skåne, Sweden, define and work with the aftercare after treatment under LVM. The study was based on nine qualitative interviews with social workers, division managers and politicians from

De handikappade och de normala: En studie om social identitet hos elever på riksgymnasium för rörelsehindrade

The aim of this qualitative study was to investigate the social identity of students at upper secondary school for physically disabled students. The youths I drew my attention to suffered from severe physical disabilities and therefore received specially adapted education in small classes, but integrated at an ordinary upper secondary school. By "social identity" I mean how the students

Den utrikespolitiska statsministern. En studie av Olof Palmes och Göran Perssons inflytande i svensk samtida utrikespolitik

Olof Palme var en av de ledande kritiska ro?sterna under Vietnamkriget. Go?ran Perssons ro?st var betydligt fo?rsiktigare under Irakkriget. Vad beror det pa? att tva?statsministrar som representerar samma land och samma parti kan go?ra tva? sa?fundamentalt olika sta?llningstaganden? Genom att va?ga externa, interna och individuella faktorer mot varandra har vianalyserat Palmes och Perssons personl

Vetenskap och makt. En analys av två vetenskapliga paradigms skilda maktlogiker.

This essay analyse the relationships between scientific paradigms and different logics of power in the field of psychiatry, primarily in the fields of attention disorders of children and schizophrenia. In these two fields of psychiatric research and treatment, there exist two scientific paradigms, a biological/neuropsychiatric and a socialpsychological, working from different standpoints regarding

Utbrändhet och sjukskrivning : Tolkning av "sjukskrivares" förståelse

Arbetet har utvecklats utifrån min nyfikenhet över varför Sveriges utbrändhetsrelaterade sjukfrånvaro är bland den högsta i västvärlden. Det kan ses som att det är av stor vikt för företag liksom för individer att studera varför den utbrändhetsrelaterade sjukfrånvaron är så omfattande, då konsekvenserna av dessa är mycket krävande och kostsamma. Det finns redan mycket forskning på området men likv

Flickor och pojkar i barnbokens värld: en studie om genus

The purpose with this qualitative text analysis was to study how the sex roles of children are presented in children's books published in 2004 in comparison with children's books published 1972-74. The focus was to find patterns and differences. The study embraces eight books intended for children aged 5-9. The main results of the study showed that the girls were described to have a great

Aldrig mera krig? : Synen på Europas utveckling utifrån några svenska tidskrifter mellan 1920-1923

Med bakgrund av de händelserika åren 1917-1920 (ryska revolutionen, världskrigets slut, Versaillesfreden, bildandet av NF med mera) vill jag se vad det kan finnas för framtidsvisioner och farhågor vad gäller utvecklingen i Europa i några svenska tidskrifter mellan åren 1920 och 1923. Den största fredsglädjen har vid denna tid lagt sig och de första konsekvenserna av kriget var allmänt kända och de

"Jag har lite mer av allt liksom" : en salutogen studie av unga kvinnors erfarenhet av olika kulturella bakgrunder

Young women with immigrant background are generally looked upon as victims of patriarchal structures and cultural determinism. The purpose of this bachelor thesis was therefore to have a salutogen perspective. We investigated how young women with a transcultural background are affected by and how they use their experiences from different backgrounds in their creating of identity. We based our es

Outsourcing av urval och inköp : En studie av hur bibliotekariens kompetens och yrkesroll påverkas av Bibliotekstjänsts profiltjänster

Traditionally, the majority of Swedish public libraries have carried out most of their acquisitions through Bibliotekstjänst's binding booklets. In recent years, however, many libraries have complemented the binding booklets and other services from Bibliotekstjänst by other ways of acquiring books, such as Internet bookshops, while other libraries have stopped using the binding booklets altoge

Om upplevda konsumtionsbehov hos tonåringar med olika socioekonomiska bakgrunder

The purpose of my essay is to study and analyse how adolescents with different socioeconomical backgrounds experience their consumtion needs. There are five main questions: 1. How do adolescents experience their needs of status symbols, labeled clothes etc? 2. In what way does adolescents experience influences over their consumtion options? 3. How do adolescents look upon their own material st

Rektorer lär i arbete : En intervjustudie om erfarenhetsbaserat lärande

Detta arbete är delvis en empirisk fortsättning av författarinnans c-uppsats "Företagsledares lärande i arbete". Ambitionen är att praktiskt studera hur ledare, i detta fall fyra kvinnliga rektorer, upplever sitt arbete och sin utveckling. Syftet är att undersöka relationen mellan erfarenheter gjorda i arbetet och rektorernas upplevda utveckling i sin yrkesroll. Stor vikt läggs vid de s

Vad är NARCONON? : Synen på behandling inom ramen för en religiös ideologi

The purpose of this essay was to describe the opinions of different religious and non-religious ideologies and aspects of treatment, concerning use of drugs and drugsaddiction, and with a special focus at Narconon. We also wanted to try to understand the connection between professionalism and ideology in their treatment. Our central questions where; · How does the treatment Narconon's provid