

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

Aspects of Sex Differences in Type 1 Diabetes

Abstract:Background Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is one of the most common childhood autoimmune diseases, with rising incidence worldwide with a male predominance. The etiology behind the disease is mostly unknown and it is essential to understand the factors that impact its development to prevent the disease and personalize the treatment. This thesis aims to examine sex-specific differences in T1D, expl

Missing Paths to Justice : The Knowledge Politics of Carbon Dioxide Removal

Koldioxidinfångning (CDR) har blivit en central komponent i de scenarier för klimatmitigation som IPCC har utvärderat. Dessa scenarier bygger på storskalig användning av bioenergi med avskiljning och lagring av koldioxid (BECCS) och skogsplantering för att hålla den globala medeltemperaturen under 2°C, trots betydande problem gällande genomförbarhet, skalbarhet och oönskade effekter. I den här avhCarbon dioxide removal (CDR) has become a central component in the climate change mitigation scenarios assessed by the IPCC. These scenarios rely on the large-scale deployment of Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) and Afforestation to keep global average temperatures below 2°C of warming, despite substantial concerns about their feasibility, scalability, and unwanted impacts. In thi

Seeing loss through land : On the emergence of disproportionate climate-related loss and damage in agrarian Cambodia

Klimatet förändras på ett sätt som gör förlusterna mer påtagliga. Människor och platser i det globala syd vars ekonomier och försörjning på landsbygden är centrerade kring mark och naturresurser anses vara särskilt sårbara för klimatförändringar och förväntas uppleva oproportionerligt stora klimatrelaterade förluster. Bevisen för sådana oproportionerliga bördor och de orättvisor de leder till växeThe climate is changing in ways that make loss more present. People and places in the Global South whose economies and rural livelihoods are centred on land and natural resources are considered particularly vulnerable to climate change and are expected to disproportionately experience climate-related loss. Evidence of such disproportionate burdens and the injustices they engender is growing and ga

Truth, humane treatment, and identity: perspectives on the legitimacy of the public and private health sectors during Covid in Zambia

Legitimacy is necessary for resilience and trust helps to legitimize health systems. Providing services during Covid has relied on both the private and public sectors but there is little information on differences in trust between these sectors during shocks like Covid and how it may impact the health system’s legitimacy. The purpose of this study was to explore community trust in the public and p

The effect of traction force on eyelid blood perfusion during closure of defects

PurposeIn oculoplastic surgery the eyelid tissue is frequently stretched in order to repair defects after tumor surgery. However, there is a paucity of research regarding how stretching affects eyelids. The purpose of this study was to gain insight into how traction force affects eyelid stretch as well as tissue perfusion, using a laser-based in vivo monitoring technique.MethodLower-lid pentagonal

Very short sleep duration reveals a proteomic fingerprint that is selectively associated with incident diabetes mellitus but not with incident coronary heart disease : a cohort study

Background: The molecular pathways linking short and long sleep duration with incident diabetes mellitus (iDM) and incident coronary heart disease (iCHD) are not known. We aimed to identify circulating protein patterns associated with sleep duration and test their impact on incident cardiometabolic disease. Methods: We assessed sleep duration and measured 78 plasma proteins among 3336 participants

Evaluation of the SCAT 5 tool in the assessment of concussion in Para athletes : a Delphi study

OBJECTIVES: To investigate if the sport concussion assessment tool version 5 (SCAT5) could be suitable for application to Para athletes with a visual impairment, a spinal cord injury, or a limb deficiency.METHODS: A 16-member expert panel performed a Delphi technique protocol. The first round encompassed an open-ended questionnaire, with round 2 onwards being composed of a series of closed-ended s

Study of the 7Be(d,3He)6Li* reaction at 5 MeV/u

The measurement of the 7Be(d,3He)6Li* transfer cross section at 5 MeV/u is carried out. The population of the 2.186 MeV excited state of 6Li in this reaction channel is observed for the first time. The experimental angular distributions have been analyzed in the finite range DWBA and coupled-channel frameworks. The effect of the 7Be(d,3He)6Li reaction on both the 6Li and 7Li abundances are investi

Boosting app-based mobile financial services engagement in B2B subsistence marketplaces: : The roles of marketing strategy and app design

Subsistence marketplaces generate over US$4 trillion annual spend and host fifty million B2B subsistence micro-enterprises, globally. These enterprises are increasingly adopting technology-driven service innovations, including app-based mobile financial services, to boost retail supply value chain efficiency. However, fostering users' continued engagement post-adoption in these markets remains cha

GCC-PHAT Re-Imagined - A U-Net Filter for Audio TDOA Peak-Selection

Time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) estimation from GCC-PHAT is not always as straight forward as finding the maximum peak. This work views the GCC output as an image, with time on the vertical axis and TDOA horizontally, to explore if image-to-image machine learning methods can make a more robust filter. The Structure from Sound Database provides audio recorded with a distributed microphone setup a

How dare we? The relation between language use, global identity, and climate activism

Identifying with and caring for people all over the world (i.e., a global identity) is positively related to pro-environmental behaviour. However, less is known how to foster such a global identity. Drawing on social identity theory, we investigated whether using inclusive (vs. exclusive) language in the context of demonstrations for climate protection increases people’s global identity. Moreover,

Climate Anxiety: Towards Understanding Its Structure and Correlates in a German-Speaking Quota Sample

The climate crisis is an unprecedented existential threat that causes disturbing emotions, such as anxiety. However, relatively little is known about how people cope with climate anxiety, how it influences mental health and well-being, and whether it is relevant for climate (in)action. Recently, Clayton and Karazsia measured climate anxiety as a “clinically significant anxious response to climate

Health in Negotiation : Cultural Analytical Perspectives on Health and Inequalities in the Swedish Asylum Context

Health inequalities are a persistent and growing issue in different countries worldwide. Sweden, despite being one of the scandinavian countries with internationally recognized welfare system is no exception. The issue of health disparities and its increase among some groups, including those who are categorised as migrant have been acknowledged. Emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, however, reveale

Asymmetry in the atmosphere of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-76 b***

Context. WASP-76 b has been a recurrent subject of study since the detection of a signature in high-resolution transit spectroscopy data indicating an asymmetry between the two limbs of the planet. The existence of this asymmetric signature has been confirmed by multiple studies, but its physical origin is still under debate. In addition, it contrasts with the absence of asymmetry reported in the

Disrupting Narratives of Beauty: Dove's Emotionally Authentic Path and the Transformation of the Industry

The purpose of this paper is to highlight the fact that Dove was one of the first brands to change the narrative of beauty. Dove has emphasized the importance of displaying realness in their campaigns, and calling attention to the fact that beauty is not perfect. By repositioning their brand and connecting with consumer insight they have been leaders in revolutionizing the beauty industry. By taki

A new Lagerstätte-like fossil assemblage from the early Silurian of Mösseberg, Sweden

Nyligen upptäcktes välbevarade fossil från tidig silur på Mösseberg i Västergötland, Sverige. Denna studie syftar till att ge en översikt över materialet samt fastställa dess ålder och karaktärisera depositions- och bevaringsmiljö. Även om fossilt material från Västergötland har väckt vetenskapligt intresse under århundraden, är förhållandevis lite känt om regionens siluriska stratigrafi. ProvernaA well-preserved fossil assemblage from the early Silurian has recently been discovered at Mösseberg in Västergötland, Sweden. This study aims to present an initial overview of the findings and determine the age and characteristics of the assemblage and depositional environment. While fossil material from Västergötland has garnered scientific interest for centuries, relatively little is known abou

Estimating lake water volume fluctuations using Sentinel-2 and ICESat-2 remote sensing data

This study focuses on the estimation of lake water volume fluctuations using open-source remote sensing data and evaluates its accuracy. The research follows a three-step methodology, starting with water area estimation from Sentinel-2 imagery, followed by water level estimation using ICESat-2 satellite data, and concluding with the calculation of lake water volume differences, testing the regress

K*(892)± resonance production in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN =5.02 TeV

The production of K∗(892)± meson resonance is measured at midrapidity (|y|8 GeV/c, consistent with measurements for other light-flavored hadrons. The smallest values are observed in most central collisions, indicating larger energy loss of partons traversing the dense medium. ©2024 CERN, for the ALICE Collaboration. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons