

Din sökning på "*" gav 533081 sökträffar

Statistical methods for monitoring the relationship between the IFCC reference measurement procedure for hemoglobin A(1c) and the designated comparison methods in the United States, Japan, and Sweden

BACKGROUND: The American Diabetes Association (ADA)/European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)/International Diabetes Federation GDFAFCC Consensus Statement on the worldwide standardization of HbA(1c) states that"...[HbA(1c)] results are to be reported world-wide in IFCC units...and derived NGSP units...,using the IFCC-NGSP master equation." METHODS: We describe statistical methods to e

Compass orientation and possible migration routes of passerine birds at high arctic latitudes

The use of celestial or geomagnetic orientation cues can lead migratory birds along different migration routes during the migratory journeys, e.g. great circle routes (approximate), geographic or magnetic loxodromes. Orientation cage experiments have indicated that migrating birds are capable of detecting magnetic compass information at high northern latitudes even at very steep angles of inclinat

Systematic truncation of the virtual space in multiconfigurational perturbation theory

A method is suggested which allows truncation of the virtual space in Cholesky decomposition-based multiconfigurational perturbation theory (CD-CASPT2) calculations with systematic improvability of the results. The method is based on a modified version of the frozen natural orbital (FNO) approach used in coupled cluster theory. The idea is to exploit the near-linear dependence among the eigenvecto

Mid-infrared PS and LIF detection of CH4 and C2H 6 in cold flows and flames at atmospheric pressure

Mid-infrared polarization spectroscopy (IRPS) and laser-induced fluorescence (IRLIF) have been applied for detection of methane and ethane in atmospheric pressure cold flows and flames. Lines belonging to the asymmetric C-H stretching vibration bands v3 and v7 for methane and ethane, respectively, were probed with a tunable infrared laser beam at about 3.4 μm, which was obtained from difference fr

Wake structure and wingbeat kinematics of a house-martin Delichon urbica

The wingbeat kinematics and wake structure of a trained house martin in free, steady flight in a wind tunnel have been studied over a range of flight speeds, and compared and contrasted with similar measurements for a thrush nightingale and a pair of robins. The house martin has a higher aspect ratio (more slender) wing, and is a more obviously agile and aerobatic flyer, catching insects on the wi

Internal Sodium Ions and Water Molecules in Guanine Quadruplexes: Magnetic Relaxation Dispersion Studies of [d(G3T4G3)]2 and [d(G4T4G4)]2

The structural stability of guanine quadruplexes depends critically on an unusual configuration of dehydrated Na+ or K+ ions, closely spaced along the central axis of the quadruplex. Crystallography and NMR spectroscopy indicate that these internal ions can be located between the G-quartet planes as well as in the thymine loops, but the precise ion coordination has been firmly established in only

The Application of Geographical Information Systems to Multinational Finance Corporations

Geographical information systems (GIS) aim to help decision-makers to relate different types of data in a spatial context and to reach conclusions about these relationships. This research examines the potential areas that a GIS could be applied within multinational finance corporations. The results highlight the importance of combining the financial aspects of the multinational with its operationa

Lipid and fatty acid composition of hyphae and spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi at different growth stages

The lipid and fatty acid compositions of Glomus intraradices and G. claroideum mycelia, extracted from quartz sand in a compartmentalized growth system, were analysed. The fungi were grown in association with Cucumis sativus and Trifolium subterraneum, respectively. For both fungi, the fatty acids 16:1 omega 5 and 16:0 dominated in the neutral lipid fraction, and 18:1 omega 7 made up a significant

The apical stem-loop of the hepatitis B virus encapsidation signal folds into a stable tri-loop with two underlying pyrimidine bulges

Reverse transcription of hepatitis B virus (HBV) pregenomic RNA is essential for virus replication. In the first step of this process, HBV reverse transcriptase binds to the highly conserved encapsidation signal, epsilon (epsilon), situated near the 5' end of the pregenome. epsilon has been predicted to form a bulged stem-loop with the apical stem capped by a hexa- loop. After the initial binding

Comparison between survival of lazaroid-treated embryonic nigral neurons in cell suspensions, cultures and transplants.

Death of transplanted dopaminergic neurons is induced both during preparation of donor tissue and after intrastriatal grafting. Oxidative stress is thought to be partly responsible for this cell death. In the present study we compared the effects of three lipid peroxidation inhibitors, the lazaroids Tirilazad mesylate, U-83836E and U-101033, on survival of embryonic mesencephalic neurons in differ

Cloning of cDNA encoding a putative chemoattractant receptor

Based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) utilizing degenerate primers directed to the second and sixth transmembrane domains of several G-protein-coupled neurotransmitter receptors and screening of a human B-lymphoblast cDNA library, we isolated a cDNA whose predicted amino acid sequence shows considerable homology with human chemoattractant receptors, e.g., 30% overall identity with the C5a anaph

Toward standardization of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) measurements: I. Analyte definition and proposal of a candidate reference method.

An alcohol-associated change in the serum transferrin glycoform pattern, carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT), is used as a biomarker of chronic moderate to heavy alcohol consumption. A current limitation in CDT analysis is the lack of standardization, which hampers clinical and analytical comparison between studies. This situation prompted initiation of a Working Group (WG) on CDT Standardiza

Genetic variation, disequilibrium and natural selection on reproductive traits in Allium vineale

Bulbils and seeds collected from Allium vineale plants from natural populations were grown under uniform conditions. The bulbil-derived offspring represented the parental generation, whereas the seed-derived offspring represented the sexually produced offspring generation. Molecular markers were used to identify maternal genets. Variation in traits determining the allocation to sexual and asexual

Clinical implications of the implementation of advanced treatment planning algorithms for thoracic treatments

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Radiotherapy treatment planning algorithms continue to develop and current planning systems typically offer simpler, but faster, algorithms, which may be 2, 2.5 or 3D in modelling scatter, but which do not model electron transport (type a) and more accurate algorithms which aim to be fully 3D, i.e. which model 3D scatter and also model electron transport (type b). A range o