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Sampling distant stellar populations on the evolution of galaxies
Att bryta vanans makt : framtidsverkstäder och det nya Sverige
Abstract not available
Miljöutbildning bland barn och ungdomar - en väg till ökad omsorg om miljön?
Hans (ord) eller hennes? : en könsteoretisk analys av straffrättsligt skydd mot sexuella övergrepp
Popular Abstract in Swedish Under de senaste åren har den rättsliga prövningen av våldtäkt och andra sexuella övergrepp utsatts för häftig kritik. Det hävdas att offret behandlats kränkande och att allt för stor vikt läggs vid hennes beteende. I denna avhandling analyseras lagstiftarens avvägningar i samband med de straffrättsliga definitionerna, samt domstolarnas prövningar i dessa mål. Gällande The criminal justice system in modern western democracies is built on the rights of the one who is being accused of a crime, the subject of criminal responsibility, in relation to the repressive power held by the state. The entire system rests upon rules and principles, aiming at ensuring the rule of law as far as this subject is concerned. The subject is presumed to be autonomous and is set befor
High-speed imaging of fuel/OH distributions in a gas turbine pilot burner at elevated pressure
Different laser visualization techniques were applied to a pilot burner at elevated pressure using relevant liquid fuels. Special care was spent to investigate the performance of the visualization techniques when using Jet-A as fuel compared to when using Bio-Jet as fuel at gas turbine relevant conditions. The burner, a centrally placed generic injector surrounded by a swirling co-flow, was mounte
Pier Paolo Pasolini och 'Gramscis aska'
Analysis of "Le ceneri di Gramsci" by Pier Paolo Pasolini
Den allra nyaste Laokoon. Lessing i ljuset av modern semiotik
In Support of the Weak Rhetoric as Epistemic Thesis. On the Generality and Reliability of Persuasion Knowledge
Health systems research in Lao PDR: Capacity development for getting research into policy and practice
Rut Hillarp
Långsam tid och ostyckad tid – det relativt eviga
Itch and Pain Inhibitory Mechanisms in Humans - evidence for a differential control of nociceptive senses
Popular Abstract in Swedish Information om smärta, klåda och temperaturförändringar förmedlas till centrala nervsystemet av tunna nervfibrer som leder nervimpulser relativt långsamt. Information om beröring av huden förmedlas istället av grova och snabbt ledande nervfibrer. Det är välkänt att olika känselkvaliteter kan interagera med varandra på olika nivåer i centrala nervsystemet. Vanlig berörinIt is known that stimulation of thin nerve afferents can inhibit itch and pain and that the nociceptive systems have a detailed topographical organisation, with subsystems exhibiting specific excitatory and inhibitory receptive fields. On this basis, a new technique was developed, termed Cutaneous Field Stimulation (CFS), that electrically stimulates thin nerve fibers innervating specific skin fie
Produktionsfunktionen i omvandling.
Vetting surplus information before it can lead to human rights infringements
No title
Near-field SAR for signature and camouflage evaluation in realistic backgrounds
Outdoor ranges are commonly used for accurate RCS measurements of full scale vehicles with or without camouflage. Furthermore, ISAR processing is often used to obtain high quality imagery of the objects. However, these images do not show the vehicles in the environment where they are supposed to operate. This paper describes a ground based SAR system that is used to make accurate measurements on v
Scarface: Shame of the Nation
Short essay on Howard Hawks' Scarface: Shame of a Nation (1932)
P45 and Codex W in Mark
Från gastkramning till gatuvåld. En etnologisk studie av svenska rädslor
This book is the product of a research concerning fears. Its major object is to demonstrate how fears are structured by different cultural enviroments, and to show how such are formulated and expressed. The important perspective lies in the documentation, analysis and comparison of modern folklore with that of pre-industrial society. Being anchored in the collective fears of these two forms of soc