

Din sökning på "*" gav 529683 sökträffar

Itch and Pain Inhibitory Mechanisms in Humans - evidence for a differential control of nociceptive senses

Popular Abstract in Swedish Information om smärta, klåda och temperaturförändringar förmedlas till centrala nervsystemet av tunna nervfibrer som leder nervimpulser relativt långsamt. Information om beröring av huden förmedlas istället av grova och snabbt ledande nervfibrer. Det är välkänt att olika känselkvaliteter kan interagera med varandra på olika nivåer i centrala nervsystemet. Vanlig berörinIt is known that stimulation of thin nerve afferents can inhibit itch and pain and that the nociceptive systems have a detailed topographical organisation, with subsystems exhibiting specific excitatory and inhibitory receptive fields. On this basis, a new technique was developed, termed Cutaneous Field Stimulation (CFS), that electrically stimulates thin nerve fibers innervating specific skin fie

Near-field SAR for signature and camouflage evaluation in realistic backgrounds

Outdoor ranges are commonly used for accurate RCS measurements of full scale vehicles with or without camouflage. Furthermore, ISAR processing is often used to obtain high quality imagery of the objects. However, these images do not show the vehicles in the environment where they are supposed to operate. This paper describes a ground based SAR system that is used to make accurate measurements on v

Från gastkramning till gatuvåld. En etnologisk studie av svenska rädslor

This book is the product of a research concerning fears. Its major object is to demonstrate how fears are structured by different cultural enviroments, and to show how such are formulated and expressed. The important perspective lies in the documentation, analysis and comparison of modern folklore with that of pre-industrial society. Being anchored in the collective fears of these two forms of soc

Development of successful food packaging and logistics in Sweden since 1945

After World War II the food sector in Sweden developed very quickly, following the example of the USA. The introduction of frozen food and self-service stores were rated as the major innovations since 1945, followed more recently by chilled products. For these products both packaging and an efficient supply chain are prerequisites. The innovations were supported by changes in society and by govern

No title

The flexion of the verb in the Norwegian language for the indicative mood present tense has only one morphologic form, no matter the person and the number. The Punjabi language (spoken by more than 90 million people) is an Indo-Arian language (an immense subgroup of the Indo-Iranian languages, having more than 900 million speakers). The Punjabi language is closely related to Romany (Gipsy) languag

A 26-GHz LC-QVCO in 0.13-um CMOS

A 26 GHz quadrature voltage controlled oscillator designed in a 0.13-um CMOS process is presented. It consists of two differential oscillators coupled to oscillate in quadrature through transistors and mutual inductance between the source nodes. The oscillator measures a frequency tuning range of 3.1%, a worst case phase noise of -96 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset over the tuning range at a 1.35V supply

Tvärkulturell fostran : Svensk-italienska ungdomars erfarenhet av att växa upp med två kulturer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Med utgångspunkt från svensk-italienska ungdomars erfarenhet av att växa upp med två kulturer, vill författaren, utifrån ett pedagogiskt perspektiv, ge en beskrivning av innebörden i tvärkulturell fostran. Tvärkulturell fostran i den här studien innebär fostran med betydande inslag från minst två klart skilda kulturtraditioner, den svenska och den italienska. Den empiriThe present study dealt with what occurs in a social-cultural rearing-process when the parents derive from two different cultural traditions. It is a qualitative case study, with an ethnographically inspired approach, which considers processes rather than outcome, context rather than any specific variable and discovery rather than confirmation. The empirical data consist of interviews made with 41

A study of the Hercules dwarf spheroidal galaxy

Parts of large spiral galaxies, such as the Milky Way and Andromeda, are believed to have formed from the accretion of several smaller galaxies. Remnants of this chaotic merging era, such as dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies, are visible in the outskirts of large galaxies. dSph galaxies are characterized by their low luminosity, low surface brightness and high fraction of dark matter. Determining t

Plasma membrane/cytoskeleton interactions in plants

The way in which the cortical cytoskeleton associates to the plasma membrane (PM) must be elucidated to understand the structural dynamics of many processes in the plant cell. In the present study, isolated cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L.) PM vesicles were used to characterize membrane/cytoskeleton interactions. Both actin and tubulin were shown to copurify with PM vesicles and this copurificati

Sverige - EEC och konkurrensen: aspekter på Sveriges frihandelsavtal med EEC med särskild tonvikt på avtalets konkurrensregler

Sveriges frihandelsavtal med EEC. En genomgång av avtalens mål medel och administration. Hur ska bestämmelserna tolkas mot bakgrund av bl.a. Wienkonventionen om Traktaträtten. Praktiska implikationer granskas med särskild tonvikt på avtalets konkurrensregler liksom hur dessa är kopplade till utvecklingen av konkurrensrätten i den Europeiska Ekonomiska Gemenskapen. Kan avtalet förväntas få en direk

Chloride Penetration into concrete: Proceedings of the International RILEM Workshop

"Chloride penetration into concrete is one of the most decisive processes for durability and service-life of concrete structures. Design for durability of new structures, and maintenance and repair of existing structures, requires a correct understanding and quantification of the processes involved. Throughout the world, much work has been done and is going on, but still we cannot predict the pe

Structural Studies Of Materials Using Time-Resolved X-ray Diffraction

This work consisted of the application of X-ray diffraction methods to the study of ultrafast phenomena in various materials. Since the X-ray pulses generated from the bending magnet at the MAX II ring, where most of the experimental work was conducted, have a duration of the order of 300 ps, they can not be used directly as probe pulses in experiments where higher temporal resolution is required.

A genetic component to resistance to fungal infection in frog embryos

The embryo has traditionally been considered to completely rely upon parental strategies to prevent threats to survival posed by predators and pathogens, such as fungi. However, recent evidence suggests that embryos may have hitherto neglected abilities to counter pathogens. Using artificial fertilization, we show that among-family variation in the number of Saprolegnia-infected eggs and embryos i