

Din sökning på "*" gav 531285 sökträffar

A quality optimization approach to image Achilles tendon microstructure by phase-contrast enhanced synchrotron micro-tomography

Achilles tendons are mechanosensitive, and their complex hierarchical structure is in part the result of the mechanical stimulation conveyed by the muscles. To fully understand how their microstructure responds to mechanical loading a non-invasive approach for 3D high resolution imaging suitable for soft tissue is required. Here we propose a protocol that can capture the complex 3D organization of

On the Thermodynamic Solvation of Biomolecules in Solution

The topic solvation thermodynamics is an important aspect of chemistry, dealing with the effects introduced by solvents onto solutes. In particular, biological systems are highly heterogeneous in their choice of solvent typically characterized by either being in a polar or non-polar environment. For example, the cytoplasm of cells constituting the internal environment of cells is an aqueous solven

Unpicking the Sex Work Conundrum

What is sex work? I have decided to start this short contribution with a question, which I think the reader should answer before continuing. So what is sex work? Is it a legitimate form of work or is it a job whose only characteristics are exploitation, harassment, and coercion? Also, can a person (woman or man) freely decide to be a sex worker or is it impossible to engage in such profession with

Clinical Characteristics and Self-Harm in Forensic Psychiatric Patients

Self-harm, comprising non-suicidal self-injury, and suicide attempts, is a serious and potentially life-threatening behavior that has been associated with poor life quality and an increased risk of suicide. In forensic populations, increased rates of self-harm have been reported, and suicide is one of the leading causes of death. Aside from associations between self-harm and mental disorders, know

When gold turns to sand : A review of the challenges for fossil fuel rich states posed by climate policy

Petrostates face an unprecedented crisis as oil and gas revenues, on which their economies and states are built upon, are set to diminish rapidly the coming 20 years. The decline in revenues is an effect of the adopted climate policies in the major oil consuming countries that, together with a strong development of renewable energy, reduces the future demand for oil and gas. The challenges that thPetrostates face an unprecedented crisis as oil and gas revenues, on which their economies and states are built upon, are set to diminish rapidly the coming 20 years. The decline in revenues is an effect of the adopted climate policies in the major oil consuming countries that, together with a strong development of renewable energy, reduces the future demand for oil and gas. The challenges that th

Reduced repetition suppression in aging is driven by tau-related hyperactivity in medial temporal lobe

Tau deposition begins in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) in aging and Alzheimer's disease (AD), and MTL neural dysfunction is commonly observed in these groups. However, the association between tau and MTL neural activity has not been fully characterized. We investigated the effects of tau on repetition suppression, the reduction of activity for repeated stimulus presentations compared to novel sti

Towards an electric bike level of service

The fast-growing market of electric bikes (e-bikes) has introduced a paradigm shift in mobility with a promise to enhance the sustainability agenda. An in-depth understanding of transport quality of service (QOS) from the e-bike rider’s perspective is a promising approach to sustain the role of the e-bike in mobility. Level of service (LOS) is a method by which to quantify QOS for different transp

Method comparison of indirect assessments of understory leaf area index (LAIu) : A case study across the extended network of ICOS forest ecosystem sites in Europe

Leaf area index (LAI) is a key ecological indicator for describing the structure of canopies and for modelling energy exchange between atmosphere and biosphere. While LAI of the forest overstory can be accurately assessed over large spatial scales via remote sensing, LAI of the forest understory (LAIu) is still largely ignored in ecological studies and ecosystem modelling due to the fact that it i

The New Totalitarians : The Swedish COVID-19 strategy and the implications of consensus culture and media policy for public health

Aims: The aim is to discuss implications of consensus culture in combination with media policy in Sweden with regard to the Swedish COVID-19 strategy in the spring of 2020. Methods: Investigation of prerequisites for scrutiny by the Swedish mass media of the Swedish strategy in the spring of 2020 based on discussion regarding consensus culture, media structure and postmodernism in science, politic

New Public Management in Science and Incentive-Compatible Resource-Allocation Based on Indicators

The chapter analyses the question whether scientific performance can be measured appropriately and if the measurement may create suitable performance incentives for the research units. For this purpose, the outcome of a large dataset including different scientific fields is examined in detail. A major point of investigation is to show the effect of specific instruments of New Public Management (NP

Catch-All or Catch and Release? : The Electoral Consequences of Social Democratic Parties’ March to the Middle in Western Europe

Although the move to the center of many European Social Democratic par- ties in the 1990s was first rewarded with victories, these parties have since faced a remarkable electoral drought.What explains the seeming inability of these catchall parties to cast a wider but sustainable net for voters? Incorpo- rating a temporal dimension helps explain when and why the broadening of party platforms fails

Dirac Integral Equations for Dielectric and Plasmonic Scattering

A new integral equation formulation is presented for the Maxwell transmission problem in Lipschitz domains. It builds on the Cauchy integral for the Dirac equation, is free from false eigenwavenumbers for a wider range of permittivities than other known formulations, can be used for magnetic materials, is applicable in both two and three dimensions, and does not suffer from any low-frequency break

Management of aortic stenosis : A systematic review of clinical practice guidelines and recommendations

Multiple guidelines exist for the management of aortic stenosis (AS). We systematically reviewed current guidelines and recommendations, developed by national or international medical organizations, on management of AS to aid clinical decision-making. Publications in MEDLINE and EMBASE between 1 June 2010 and 15 January 2021 were identified. Additionally, the International Guideline Library, Natio

gen3sis : A general engine for eco-evolutionary simulations of the processes that shape Earth's biodiversity

Understanding the origins of biodiversity has been an aspiration since the days of early naturalists. The immense complexity of ecological, evolutionary, and spatial processes, however, has made this goal elusive to this day. Computer models serve progress in many scientific fields, but in the fields of macroecology and macroevolution, eco-evolutionary models are comparatively less developed. We p

Cropland heterogeneity drives frequency and intensity of pesticide use

Agricultural landscapes across the planet have replaced natural habitat with crop production that is less diverse at field and landscape scales. Loss of cropland heterogeneity can increase pest colonization rates and decrease predation rates, thereby exacerbating pest pressure and leading to increased use of pesticides. Linking landscape pattern, crop pest pressure, and pesticide use is emerging a

High urban tuberculosis case notification rates can be misleading : evidence from an urban setting in Ethiopia

BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) is a major public health problem. Its magnitude the required interventions are affected by changes in socioeconomic condition and urbanization. Ethiopia is among the thirty high burden countries with increasing effort to end TB. We aimed to describe the case notification rate (CNR) for urban tuberculosis (TB) and estimate the percentage of TB patients who are not from

Hip fractures : A biomechanical analysis of fracture strength prediction, prevention, and repair

Due to the aging population, hip fracture incidence has been increasing over the past decades. Measurements of bone mineral density with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry are the gold standard for hip fracture risk assessment, where patients with a low bone density have a high risk of fracture. However, many people that are not diagnosed to be at risk, still fracture their hip. Calculations of bone

Dental pulp stem cell-derived small extracellular vesicle in irradiation-induced senescence

Small extracellular vesicles (sEV) facilitate signaling molecule transfer among cells. We examined the therapeutic efficacy of human dental pulp stem cell-derived sEV (hDPSC-sEV) against cellular senescence in an irradiated-submandibular gland mouse model. Seven-week-old mice were exposed to 25 Gy radiation and randomly assigned to control, phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), or hDPSC-sEV groups. At

Dopaminergic and serotonergic alterations in plasma in three groups of dystonia patients

Introduction: In dystonia, dopaminergic alterations are considered to be responsible for the motor symptoms. Recent attention for the highly prevalent non-motor symptoms suggest also a role for serotonin in the pathophysiology. In this study we investigated the dopaminergic, serotonergic and noradrenergic metabolism in blood samples of dystonia patients and its relation with (non-)motor manifestat