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Allmänhetens uppfattning kring användandet av övervakningskameror på gator och torg, augusti 2017

Under andra veckan av augusti genomfördes 1000 telefonintervjuer på temat allmänhetens attityd till användandet av övervakningskameror på gator och torg. 90% av allmänheten svarade positivt när de ställdes frågan ”Vad tycker du om övervakningskameror på allmän plats?” uppdelat på 49% som ställde sig mycket positiva och 41% som ställde sig ganska positiva. Vidare ansåg 72% av de tillfrågade att det

System requirements-OSS components: matching and mismatch resolution practices – an empirical study

Developing systems by integrating Open Source Software (OSS) is increasingly gaining importance in the software industry. Although the literature claims that this approach highly impacts Requirements Engineering (RE) practices, there is a lack of empirical evidence to demonstrate this statement. To explore and understand problems and challenges of current system requirement–OSS component matching Developing systems by integrating Open Source Software (OSS) is increasingly gaining importance in the software industry. Although the literature claims that this approach highly impacts Requirements Engineering (RE) practices, there is a lack of empirical evidence to demonstrate this statement. To explore and understand problems and challenges of current system requirement–OSS component matching

The hidden genomic and transcriptomic plasticity of giant marker chromosomes in cancer

Genome amplification in the form of rings or giant rod-shaped marker chromosomes (RGMs) is a common genetic alteration in soft tissue tumors. The mitotic stability of these structures is often rescued by perfectly functioning analphoid neocentromeres, which therefore significantly contribute to cancer progression. Here, we disentangled the genomic architecture of many neocentromeres stabilizing ma

Exploration of a method to validate surrogate safety measures with a focus on vulnerable road users

Background. Traditional crash-based analysis of road safety at individual sites has its shortcomings due to low numbers and the random nature of crashes at individual sites and the related statistical issues, as well as the under-reporting of crashes and lack of information on contributing factors and the process preceding crashes. To get around the problem, road safety analysis based on surrogateAbstract Background. Traditional crash-based analysis of road safety at individual sites has its shortcomings due to low numbers and the random nature of crashes at individual sites and the related statistical issues, as well as the under-reporting of crashes and lack of information on contributing factors and the process preceding crashes. To get around the problem, road safety analysis based on

Uncontrolled asthmatics have increased FceRI+ and TGF-β–positive MCTC mast cells and collagen VI in the alveolar parenchyma

Background: Asthma has been associated with increased collagen deposition in both conducting airways and alveolar parenchyma. Mast cells (MCs) are key effector cells in asthma and have the ability to affect collagen synthesis. However, the link between clinical control and changes in bronchial and alveolar MC phenotypes and specific collagens in controlled and uncontrolled asthma remains unknown.

Rotational CARS thermometry and concentration measurements in ethane-nitrogen mixtures using Fourier analysis

Rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) is an established diagnostic technique for thermometry and species concentration measurements of di-atomics and tri-atomics in combustion processes; however, studies on hydrocarbon fuel molecules have been scarce. In this work, we have investigated the diagnostic potential for rotational CARS on ethane with emphasis on concentration measureme

Modern Code Review: A Case Study at Google

Employing lightweight, tool-based code review of code changes (aka modern code review) has become the norm for a wide variety of open-source and industrial systems. In this paper, we make an exploratory investigation of modern code review at Google. Google introduced code review early on and evolved it over the years; our study sheds light on why Google introduced this practice and analyzes its cu

A computer simulation model of the natural history and economic impact of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

OBJECTIVE: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major health problem with high societal costs. The Global Initiative for Chronic Lung Disease (GOLD) has identified a need for health economics data for COPD. For chronic diseases, such as COPD, where the natural history of disease is lifetime, a modeling approach for economic evaluation may be more realistic than prospective, piggy-back

Fluctuating potentials in GaAs : Si nanowires: Critical reduction of the influence of polytypism on the electronic structure

In this work, the effects of Si doping in GaAs nanowires (NWs) grown on GaAs (111)B by molecular beam epitaxy with different Si doping levels (nominal free carrier concentrations of 1 × 1016, 8 × 1016, 1 × 1018 and 5 × 1018 cm-3) are deeply investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GID), photoluminescence (PL

Esther Gehlin

Esther Gehlin var en mycket produktiv konstnär, främst inom måleri, där stilleben, porträtt och landskapsmotiv kom att dominera. På 1940-talet blev hon en pionjär inom textil konst genom sina applikationer.

Emy Gisela Charlotta Trapp

Gisela Trapp var barnboksillustratör och konstnär. Hon var en nyckelperson i kretsen av svenska katolska konvertiter under 1900-talet och en av Helsingborgs stora mecenater.

Expression and distribution of key proteins of the endocannabinoid system in the human seminal vesicles

The endocannabinoid system (ECS), comprising the cannabinoid receptors (CBR), their ligands, and enzymes controlling the turnover of endocannabinoids, has been suggested to be involved in male reproductive function. As information is scarce on the expression of the ECS in human male reproductive tissues, this study aimed to investigate by means of molecular biology (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemistr