

Din sökning på "*" gav 530798 sökträffar

What is strategic brand management in the gaming industry? A case study of Blizzard Entertainment

Purpose: This study intends to explore how video games companies work with strategic brand management. Methodology: A qualitative literature review and case study of Blizzard Entertainment using Kapferer’s Brand Identity Prism. The data was collected from Blizzard as well as other secondary sources. Findings: The findings of this paper shows that Kapferer’s Brand Identity Prism was applicable to t

Qatar's foreign aid and political strategies in the Horn of Africa: The case of Somalia

The purpose of this article is to analyse the relationship between Qatar's foreign policy and foreign aid in the Horn of Africa (HoA), with a particular focus on Somalia. Since the 2017 blockade, the HoA has become increasingly important to Qatar's foreign policy and aid efforts, intensifying political and economic competition with other Gulf players. This research describes Qatar's foreign policy

Multicriteria Evaluation in Real Estate Land-use Suitability Analysis: The case of Volos, Greece

The integration of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) into real estate analysis has long been considered an interesting interdisciplinary pursuit, but has yet to become mainstream. Despite the increasing academic focus over the last twenty years, this endeavour has mostly been approached from the scientific side of Geography. Inversely, such focus from the real estate sector remains marginal. No

Anastomotic Leakage in Relation to Type of Mesorectal Excision and Defunctioning Stoma Use in Anterior Resection for Rectal Cancer

BACKGROUND: Anastomotic leakage after anterior resection for rectal cancer is more common after total mesorectal excision compared to partial mesorectal excision but might be mitigated by a defunctioning stoma. OBJECTIVE: The aim is to assess how anastomotic leakage is affected by type of mesorectal excision and defunctioning stoma use. DESIGN: This is a retrospective multicenter cohort study eval

In-vitro method and model to estimate methane emissions from liquid manure management on pig and dairy farms in four countries

Methane (CH4) emissions from manure management on livestock farms are a key source of greenhouse gas emissions in some regions and for some production systems, and the opportunities for mitigation may be significant if emissions can be adequately documented. We investigated a method for estimating CH4 emissions from liquid manure (slurry) that is based on anaerobic incubation of slurry collected f

Electron effective mass in GaN revisited : New insights from terahertz and mid-infrared optical Hall effect

Electron effective mass is a fundamental material parameter defining the free charge carrier transport properties, but it is very challenging to be experimentally determined at high temperatures relevant to device operation. In this work, we obtain the electron effective mass parameters in a Si-doped GaN bulk substrate and epitaxial layers from terahertz (THz) and mid-infrared (MIR) optical Hall e

Öva Demokrati

I Öva demokrati tar sig deltagarna an frågan om det finns att sätt att utveckla demokratin och i så fall hur. Projektet är framtaget i samarbete med forskningsstiftelsen Institutet för framtidsstudier och ingår forsknings- och utvecklingsarbetet kring nya sceniska berättarformat på Teaterhögskolan i Malmö.

Achievement of Target Gain Larger than Unity in an Inertial Fusion Experiment

On December 5, 2022, an indirect drive fusion implosion on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) achieved a target gain Gtarget of 1.5. This is the first laboratory demonstration of exceeding "scientific breakeven"(or Gtarget>1) where 2.05 MJ of 351 nm laser light produced 3.1 MJ of total fusion yield, a result which significantly exceeds the Lawson criterion for fusion ignition as reported in a pr

Assessment of irrigation and groundwater management strategies in cold arid areas with shallow groundwater tables using a coupled year-round agro-hydrological model

Quantitatively assessing the impact of irrigation and groundwater management strategies is crucial for improving water productivity and soil salinity control in cold arid areas with shallow groundwater tables (CAASGT). However, existing studies often focus on specific periods, either the crop growth period or the freeze–thaw period, due to the lack of appropriate models that can accurately represe

Osmanska riket och internationellt system? En studie om 1500-talets mångfaldiga interaktion i Svarta havet

International systems are currently conceived and based on the traditional four IR theories, that is realism, liberalism, constructivism and marxism. This means that political units converge and become homogeneous like the remaining political units. It occurs, advocates say, either through competition within the competitive system or through conformity since it is negligent and irrational, thus co

Som maskrosfrön i vindarna: En kvalitativ studie om challengerpartiet Miljöpartiets förändring vid regeringsmakten.

Uppsatsens titel: Som maskrosfrön i vindarna - En kvalitativ studie om challengerpartiet Miljöpartiets förändring vid regeringsmakten. Kurs: STVAK04 statsvetenskap: kandidatkurs Författare: Oskar Jonson Handledare: Esther Calvo Nyckelord:Miljöpartiet, gröna partier, challenger parties, mainstream parties, svensk politik, political entrepreneurs, issue entrepreneurship. Syfte: Syftet med uppsaTitle: Som Maskrosfrön i Vindarna - En Kvalitativ Studie om Challengerpartiet Miljöpartiets Förändring vid Regeringsmakten. Course: STVAK04 statsvetenskap: kandidatkurs Author: Oskar Jonson Supervisor: Esther Calvo Keywords: Miljöpartiet, green parties, challenger parties, mainstream parties, Swedish politics, political entrepreneurs, issue entrepreneurship. Purpose: The purpose of this thes

Can Climate Change Vulnerability Motivate Countries to Invest in Climate Mitigation?

Climate change is an ever-increasing global phenomenon that affects the world on many levels, most notably environmentally. As some countries have better resources than others, and some are more vulnerable to the effects of climate change than others, climate change has a varied priority among the countries in the world. The way to prevent climate change from increasing is through acts of climate

The Securitization of the Migration and Development nexus -A Discourse Analysis of the power shift in the Swedish Government from 2022

This study aims to analyze the ongoing discourse on the migration-development nexus in Sweden since the transition of government in 2022. Through a critical discourse analysis and from a securitization theory, the study seeks to examine the language and rhetoric utilized in political debates and policy decisions.The study adopts a qualitative approach, enabling an in-depth analysis with emphasis o

Sverigedemokraternas genombrott efter kommunalvalen 2022 – En kvantitativ studie av koalitionsbildningar

Radical right wing populist parties are, or were, typically at some point isolated from executive power. After the Swedish elections in 2022, the Sweden Democrats became not only a support party to the national government, but made their way into local ruling coalitions in many municipalities. This study explores the municipalities which SD rules after the 2022 elections, through the lens of tradi

Norra polcirkelns uppvärmning och ännu varmare maktkapplöpning

Today the climate in the arctic regions are changing at a rapid rate, faster than any speed previously recorded in human history but how is it impacting the geopolitical situation in these regions? New territory is being created by the ice melting and new natural resources are being found, how can this impact the current situation? This study looks at and discusses the current geopolitical situati

Fallstudie om Jönköpings Kommun Klimatpolitik

Min uppsats handlar om klimatpolitik på kommunal nivå. Jag har utfört en fallstudie om Jönköping kommun lokala klimatarbete där min frågeställning handlar om varför de inte har kommit så långt som andra kommuner? Utöver fallstudie så använder jag mig även av kvalitativ innehållsanalys för att kunna bearbeta de styrdokument samt intervjuer jag har utfört. Analys visar bland annat på att fokus på ek