

Din sökning på "*" gav 535516 sökträffar

Units of Measurement in a Modelica Compiler

Modelica is a declarative object-oriented language for describing mathematical models. Modelica models are used for simulation and optimization of systems and processes. The models are described using variables and equations. It is possible to associate units of measurement to variables, for example, variable x is in m/s. This thesis presents a way to analyze units in equations to find errors. Thi

A supersymmetric, E8 inspired, unification model

Tanken att beskriva världen utifrån dess minsta beståndsdelar har levt ibland oss ända sedan Demokritos leverne. Det dröjde dock drygt 2300 år innan mänskligheten nådde en någorlunda tillfredställande teori för att förklara elementarpartiklarnas egenskaper och interaktioner, den så kallade Standardmodellen. Sedan dess har jakten efter en mer allmängiltig teori pågått. Denna uppsats behandlar en sThe thesis treats the construction of a supersymmetric model, inspired by an E8 unfication scenario. Via the introduction of adjoint representation chiral superfields, in combination with the inclusion of a global generation symmetry, the Standard Model fermion candidates are protected from gaining any mass until electroweak symmetry breaking. In addition, an accidental global baryon symmetry proh

De nöjda socialsekreterarna - En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares tillfredsställelse på arbetet

Authors: Ugne Dziaugyte Rosenkvist and Malin Nilsson Title:Satisfied social workers : a qualitative study on social workers’ satisfaction within their workplace. [Translated title] Supervisor: Mikael Sandgren Assessor: Elizabeth Martinell Barfoed The aim for this study was to examine social worker’s individual experiences on which of their personal needs they feel are being fulfilled by their w

Kompisar- fast ett jobb : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur enhetliga arbetskläder påverkar brukare och personal på LSS - boenden

The focus in this thesis, has been to understand if and how the relation between people with disabilities and their staff is affected by the new decisions from Socialstyrelsen (The Swedish Social Board) regarding the staff wearing uniform. The last twenty years the staff have been working in casual clothes and the discourses have been normalization and self-determination in the approach of people

”You have to be the change that you want to see” - En etnografisk studie om fem Delhibaserade NGO:er med kvinnor som målgrupp

This study explores five Delhi-based NGOs with women as their target group and the national and international streams that affect the sector. The method used is ethnographic with interviews, observations and printed material representing the empirical material. The analysis is based on following three themes; ‘the exposition of the target group’, ‘the goal empowerment’ and ‘credibility’. The theme

Matavfallsinsamling i svenska hushåll

En högt prioriterad fråga i dagens samhälle är den globala miljöpåverkan som mänskligheten orsakar. Ett viktigt sätt att lindra den negativa miljöpåverkan är genom att effektivt återvinna material och produkter. Detta har fått en ökad betydelse genom uppmärksammande från internationella organisationer och som har lett till att många länder fokuserar på att införa och effektivisera sina återvinningA top priority in today’s society is the environmental impact that humanity is responsible for. Recycling is something that many countries focus on to improve the situation that we are facing. Sweden is a country with high ambitions regarding environment-oriented issues, including the recycling of products and materials. The aim of this study is to examine the socio-economic parameters that could

Analysis of Antimicrobial Activity and Chemical Composition of Seaweed Extract from F. vesiculosus

Marine macro algae possess many beneficial bioactive properties which can be of interest in various applications. Components of interest in seaweed are for instance sulfated polysaccharides, defined as fucoidan, with antimicrobial activities and polyphenols with antioxidative properties. This study analyses the antimicrobial effect of two extracts from Fucus vesiculosus and test their efficacy on

A User Centered Approach to increase Conversion Rate in the Freemium Business Model

Within the software industry it is now common to use the freemium business model; giving away the core product for free while charging for additional premium features. A risk for companies adopting the freemium business model is that the percentage of paying customers is not high enough to both subsidize all the free users and make profit for the company. This thesis investigates how the design o

Familj, Konjunktur och Region: En studie över vad som ligger bakom kvinnors deltagande i arbetskraften

Efter finanskrisen 2008 syntes en nedgång i kvinnors relativa arbetskraftstal i förhållande till mäns. En företeelse som tidigare inte observerats. Frågan som väcks är hur detta kommer sig och vad som påverkar kvinnors arbetskraftsdeltagande? Studien undersöker närmare det generella sambandet mellan kvinnors arbetskraftsdeltagande, konjunkturläge och geografisk placering i avsikt att skilja trende

Medveten närvaro - en metod för att skapa förutsättningar för lärandet?

Problem / Background: Today more and more people suffer because of different types of stress at work, school and home. We live in a world that places high demands on us and wants us to constantly learn, develop and perform in various areas. Stress and difficult situations can even affect our learning and reduce the opportunities for growth and development. Because of that, we need to find ways and

Risk- och sårbarhetsreducerande åtgärder i kommunala risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser – En studie i Skåne och Örebro län

Åtgärder för att minska risker är en viktig del av de risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser som genomförs av svenska kommuner. Studien visar dock att de åtgärder som tas upp i kommunala risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser inte följs upp i någon större utsträckning. Risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser genomförs av alla svenska kommuner och en viktig del i detta arbete är att identifiera åtgärder för att reducera risker oThe purpose of this study was to investigate how risk and vulnerability reducing measures are described, treated over time and what characterizes implemented measures in municipal risk and vulnerability assessments (RVA). In order to do that, risk and vulnerability reducing measures were categorized, by use of a template for document analysis developed for this study. The document analysis was per

Institutions and Economic Growth in Africa: An Assessment

This paper assesses the extent to which cross country empirical data can be used to explain the impact of institutions on economic growth in Africa. It does so by first establishing a theoretical framework on economic growth, focusing particularly on New Institutional Economics, also assessing several other theories that seek to explain economic growth. Having done so this paper analyzes whether i

Improving the user experience on mobile devices for IKEA co-workers with responsive design

Abstract Responsive web design is the technique lot of companies apply to their website today. The reason is, that with this technique the website’s content adapts nicely on all devices from mobile phones to desktops. IKEA recently followed this trend on some of their platforms and among these is their internal communication platform called IKEA Inside Outside. IKEA is not entirely satisfied in

A mean-variance Portfolio Optimizing Trading Algorithm using regime-switching Economic Parameters

In this master's thesis a model of algorithmic trading is constructed. The model aims to create an optimal investment portfolio consisting of a risk-free asset and a risky asset. The risky asset is in the form of a stock generated using regime-switching parameters with a Markov chain explaining the state of the economy. The optimization of the portfolio is carried out under certain assumptions

Flamspridningsberäkningar i FDS5 – framtagning av indataparametrar samt utvärdering vid olika storleksförhållanden.

The CFD-program Fire Dynamics Simulator 5, FDS5, can model flame spread. This report studies if flame spread modeling can be used for creating a design fire when using performance-based fire safety design of a building. From cone calorimeter data the computer program Gpyro was used to determine input parameters for FDS5 for five different wood materials. The input parameters were then evaluated in

Solar System analogues among exoplanetary systems

Människans intresse för rymden har alltid varit stort. Man har antagit att andra planetsystem, om de existerar, ser ut som vårt: med mindre stenplaneter i banor närmast stjärnan och gas-samt isjättar i de yttre banorna. Idag känner man till drygt 2 000 exoplaneter, d.v.s., planeter som kretsar kring andra stjärnor än solen. Man vet även att vissa av dem saknar motsvarighet i solsystemet, t. ex., hOver the past two decades many discoveries of exoplanets have been made, which have drawn much attention to extrasolar planetary systems. In this work we study the composition of these systems and search for analogues of the Solar System. We considered the planets in the database at exoplanet.eu. The search of solar-like systems required these planets to be classified. The classification was perf

An analysis of fixed water sprinkler systems on ro-ro decks

This report is a cost benefit analysis of a proposal for new sprinkler installation guidelines for ro-ro deck. It is a relative comparison between the present guidelines and a new proposal developed by SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden. The results and conclusions in this report are based on; data gathered from multiple water sprinkler tests, other relevant literature, experts’ judgment an

Money and Motivation - A study about monetary incentives and their effect on motivation and performance

This essay examines how eight identified negative effects influence the perceived motivation and performance of employees as a result of the current efficacious monetary incentive system. Through a multiple case study based on a qualitative research method, eight semi-structured were conducted. Afterwards the interviews were compiled in a database and analyzed. Both an inductive and deductive ap

Validitet i den svenska versionen av New Reynell Developmental Language Scales, med fokus på ordförråd och tillägnandeålder

Syfte: Denna studie undersöker begrepps- och samtidig validitet, med fokus på ordförråd och tillägnandeålder, i den nyligen översatta svenska versionen av det ursprungligen brittiska språkscreeningverktyget New Reynell Developmental Language Scales (NRDLS). Metod: Blivande normeringsdata från 177 svenskspråkiga barn i åldrarna 30 - 48 månader, indelade i tre åldersgrupper, användes. Begreppsvalidi