

Din sökning på "*" gav 528798 sökträffar

TURNUS: a Design Exploration Framework for Dataflow System Design

While research on the design of heterogeneous concurrent systems has a long and rich history, a unified design methodology and tool support has not emerged so far, and thus the creation of such systems remains a difficult, time-consuming and error-prone process. The absence of principled support for system evaluation and optimization at high abstraction levels makes the quality of the resulting im

Verbsystemet i en västerbottnisk dialekt

Artikeln diskuterar utfrån ett förslag av Eide (2007) hur finithet kodas i verbmofologin i ett västerbottniskt dialketområde (Lycksele lappmark). Eides förslag gäller engelskan, och hon lyfter fram finithet som ett eget särdrag som kan kodas i verbmorfologin. Hon menar att engelskan har slutat koda finithet och att det därför finns sammanfall mellan infinitiv och presens respektive mellan preterit

PBL för 100 studenter. Problem och möjligheter

Abstract in Undetermined Särskilt när en kurs läses av många studenter är en fungerande kommunikation mellan studenter och lärare väsentlig. PBL-metoden är i sig ett sätt att etablera en tvåvägskommunikation genom att låta studenterna komma till tals. Vi diskuterar några av de problem vi mött när en kurs har utvecklats från valfri med relativ få studenter till obligatorisk kurs för ett hundratal,

Experiences with Data Indexing services supported by the NorduGrid middleware

The NorduGrid middleware, ARC, has integrated support for querying and registering to Data Indexing services such as the Globus Replica Catalog and Globus Replica Location Server. This support allows one to use these indexing services for for example brokering during jobsubmission, automatic registration of files and many other things. This integrated support is complemented by a set of command-li

Contextual Analysis – a Multiperspective Inquiry into Emergence of Complex Socio-cultural Systems

This paper explores the concept of organizations as complex human activity systems, through the perspectives of alternative systemic models. The impact of alternative models on perception of individual and organizational emergence is highlighted. Using information systems development as an example of management activity, individual and collective sense-making and learning processes are discussed.

Single electron pumping in InAs nanowire double quantum dots

Closely spaced local gate electrodes are used to electrically define a double quantum dot along an InAs nanowire crystal. By applying a periodic pulse sequence to two plunger gate electrodes controlling the double quantum dot charge configuration, the device is operated as a single electron pump. The authors find that within measurement accuracy, the pumping current equals one electron per cycle f

Measurement-based modeling of vehicle-to-vehicle MIMO channels

Vehicle-to-vehicle (VTV) communications are of interest for applications within traffic safety and congestion avoidance, but the development of suitable communications systems requires accurate models for the VTV propagation channel. This paper presents a new wideband MIMO (multipleinput- multiple-output) channel model for VTV channels based on extensive MIMO channel measurements performed at 5.2

Testing English Collocations : Developing Receptive Tests for Use with Advanced Swedish Learners

Popular Abstract in Swedish Forskningsprojektet som rapporteras i denna avhandling har två övergripande mål. Det första målet är att utveckla testinstrument avsett för avancerade svenska inlärare av engelska, som genererar reliabla och valida testpoäng kopplat till receptiv kunskap avseende engelska kollokationer som en specifik förmåga. Med kollokationer avses konventionaliserade och frekvent förThe research reported in this thesis has two main aims. The first aim is to develop tests capable of yielding reliable and valid scores of receptive knowledge of English collocations as a single construct, for use with advanced L2 learners of English. Collocations are seen as conventionalized, recurring combinations of words, and the targeted types are adjective + NP and verb + NP. The second aim

Praktisk processreglering (3 uppl.)

Boken behandlar de grundläggande delar av reglertekniken som används i processindustrin. Den är skriven på ett sådant sätt att den inte förutsätter några matematikkunskaper utöver grundskolenivå. Boken vänder sig framförallt till praktiskt verksamma operatörer, instrumenttekniker och instrument- och processingenjörer som vill fördjupa sina kunskaper i reglerteknik, men är även lämplig för teoreti

The use of ScCO2 for the extraction of LPS from S. enterica subsp. PCM 2266

The paper describes a novel extraction procedure for lipopolysaccharides (LPS) from Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica (PCM 2266). Process parameters for the extraction of LPS from bacterial mass were optimized by carrying out a two-level fractional design experiment. Four parameters, namely temperature, CO, flow rate, pressure and co-solvent composition were analyzed. The best crude extract yiel

Inner-city Renewal. Revanchist Utopianism and Stadtschmerz

This dissertation seeks to describe, analyse and explain the contemporary poverty urban deprivation research and policies. By looking at the post-war planning policy of two specific urban neighbourhoods, the South Bank in London and the Leopold Quarter in Brussels, it seeks to demonstrate and clarify: 1) the growing political impotence of urban strategies, plans, policies and research projects tha